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Done More Than You

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 05:04:22 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:05/09/2010 7:42 PMCopy HTML

Rob Rocco stands in front of a typical SEF backdrop, wears the same as earlier and has his arms crossed over his chest just looking into the camera with no real expression and says.
Who exactly is it you have faced again Ravyn because the names you mentioned are names of wrestlers from other companies who have accomplished less than I have here in SEF. I know there are other companies out there, but so what?
True, what's it matters, this is SEF, so Rob just continues.
Just because you did something somewhere else doesn't make you somebody here in SEF and that is what I have been telling you this whole time, that you have proven nothing except that you can't handle SEF and that's a fact, deal with it and prove who you are because all anybody knows Ravyn Crow as around here is the guy who talks big and acts like a bitch!
Rob shows a slight smirk now and just says.
I have heard of some of the names you mentioned, but none in any real high regard for they are only a small percentage of others who have competed on MSN. I have faced many greats, just as many as you on MSN because that's where SEF got its start at. This company has had many greats come and go and many so called greats like yourself who weren't willing to prove themselves as truly great by adding to their legacy. Instead those people, you, ya try to rely on something in the past and think no one else has gone through what you have, but you fail to learn and for that you will lose for nobody has done it all, seen it all, or knows it all. When you think you do your only proving your ignorance and that will be your downfall. The problem is your already at the bottom of SEF, so where do you go from here except for out, out of SEF and out of your misery. Those people you mentioned and put over is your opinion of who they for they have never proven what you said about them to be true. The only way you could prove it true is to get them in here and prove it themselves, so get off the trip Ravyn, your just looking more and more pathetic as it goes.
He shows a look of disgust and sneers into the camera saying.
And of course ya have to do the cliché and claim I bore you because your intellect cannot compare to mine, then again no one in SEF can compare intellectually to any of us in The Triad. Were superior to everyone on the roster in every way, so deal with it Ravyn, learn to accept what is and aspire to become better. As for your little, pathetic lie about why you couldn't face Mack, grow up Ravyn. Your trying to make yourself look big and bad, like someone who never ducked a challenge or stepped down, but that is all that happened between you and Mack. There is secret, no bullshit contract, everyone knows the truth, so what I am telling now is common knowledge, you two had a feud, he carried you and you left, plain and simple. If you have to make up lies to try and make yourself believe you didn't fail a few time before this run in SEF, fine by me, I don't really care and I doubt anyone else does either. All I care about is making sure you know who the hell I am and so far that's been playing out perfectly.
He gets a grin now resembling his cousin Rick and unfolds his arms hooking his thumbs in a cocky manner on his belt loops of his jeans. Rob keeps grinning and says.
I never said I couldn't be beaten because of what I know, I simply stated what I can do and that your fist is no match for me. You can throw as many as you like and I'll take you down, wear you out, hold on tight and make you tap out and deny it all you like, claim it can't be down, but your just denying the inevitable. Now granted, I'll be looking for a pin too for I don't feel no obligation to make you tap in order to win as this is a standard match, hell, a do or count out may be cheap, but a win is a win in this match and the best bet is on me. I don't care what the odds may be, I defy odds, I go against the grain instead of playing a game like your supposed to. I play chess, human chess, I wrestle and tomorrow night I will out wrestle you, out perform you, and damn sure out shine you. We all got scars son and if your gonna continue in this business you better be ready for a whole lot more and I'm glad you enjoy bleeding because when The Triad gets down with you just may get taste a lot of your own blood. Me, I could care less if you bleed, if I bleed, doesn't matter, I'll still be wrestling after this for a long time to come because Rob Rocco will be an elite name in SEF, something your far from as well. We all have a past Ravyn, it's a fact, but comparing pasts means shit and despite you claiming we are, that's just a lie. I never compared shit with you, I simply made statements and got you to take notice and know who the hell I am, something you have failed to do every time you have come crawling into SEF, so you end up crawling out. You're a nobody son and Extreme tomorrow night your going to be beaten whether its from a straight up match which I am more than capable of doing to you or from a plain old beat down. Doesn't matter because your nothing, so why don't you follow your own advice and show what you got because that would be a first!
Rob scoffs and unhooks his thumbs, then walks off camera, the view following him as he heads down a hall a little ways, then steps into a room closing the door. So the view just lowers and fades to black.

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