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Cody Ready For This RP # 1

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 02, 2023, 05:10:22 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:23
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:11/11/2008 7:48 AM
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Date Posted:11/09/2010 10:26 PMCopy HTML

Cody still can't believe that he won his first match last week, and this week he is taking on Adam Smith. He is standing in front of the Unbreakables locker room, and looks at the camera as he starts talking.

Cody Jericho

I still can't believe I won my first match here last week, and this week I am taking on Adam Smith. Now I don't know anything about him, but I am give it my best during the match. You see I am ready for anything, and all the doubters will still be proven wrong cause I don't give up that easily. Let's have a great match, and let's just let the best man win. I will give you a fight for your life, and only one of us will walk out as the winner as I know this match can go either way since I can't wait to get in the ring with you.

Cody goes inside the locker room, and shuts the door. He sits down on the couch, and the show fades to black.

TBC: No One

End of role play

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