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The Return of the Psychopathic Bitch(ALL READ)

Started by Midnight, October 02, 2023, 05:11:18 PM

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Date Posted:11/09/2010 10:49 PMCopy HTML

"Chicken Huntin'(Slaughterhouse Remix)" by ICP begins to play as an image of the hatchetman logo appears on the screen. Bethany comes out and makes a chopping motion with her hands as she bounces to the song itself.

Ladies and Gentlemen...from St. Louis Missouri...weighing in at 130 pounds...she is the Psychopathic Bitch...BETHANYYYY SORROWWW!!!
She continues down the ramp, slapping hands and smiling to the fans as she is having a blast. She slides into the ring and then dances around to the music as she gets handed the mic. She smiles real big and then speaks.
"YO....WHA UP??"
The fans cheer loudly.
"Sounds like this party hasn't started yet. But it will..believe me it will."
She pauses and then giggles some before she pulls out some weed and lights it. She smokes on it and then continues talking.
"So I've come back. Last time I was here, my sister Megan quit the biz and left due to too much shit in her life. So I contacted her and told her that to do her thang..and I will pick up where she left off. Now I see Lacey's dumb ass is still here. (rolls eyes and continues to puff on her joint) Doesn't this bitch just go away? Apparently not. Don't worry tho...I am going to take that title and jack it and then I am going to smack her up side the head with it after I win it..very soon. But meanwhile..let's have some fun in the ring. HEY SHAGS..VJ...COME ON OUT BOYS!"
"Chicken Huntin'(Slaughterhouse Remix) by ICP plays again, and this time ICP themselves come out singing their song while dancing around. The fans get up and dance as Bethany gets her dance on. ICP slides in the ring and taunts the fans as they cheer. Suddenly they get interrupted by someone and all three look on.

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