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Infection Thread

Started by Johnny Camaro, October 02, 2023, 05:37:38 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:17/09/2010 2:55 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The following that you are about to witness may leave you brain dead if you cannot handle the violent content that you are about to read. If you cannot handle it, please do go back or hit the "x" button on the right hand corner of the screen. For those that can handle, please go on but if you fail to read the warning or your brain explodes, you can expect people to spit on your corpse before it is buries. Read on and have a nice day. 


Roleplay titlePeople used/mentionedAllies/enemiesNext matchAchievementsOOC
Deadly GamesThe Infection/Ravyn Crow, Pyretta Blaze,
Dangerous Corperation
The Infection/Dangerous Corperationvs.Ravyn Crow &
Pyretta Blaze
Too many to countTime to breakout

Thank You for the Venom hits and The Infection come out. Even though the fans want high fives and hyper action from them, they just keep walking. Cold. Focused. Pissed Off. They slide into the ring and just stand in the middle. The music dies down and the fans cheer.Johnny is the first to raise a microphone.

"So, the GM's decided to join with the Triad. It was those GM's that built this place up from the bottom, those GM's that helpped each and every one of us prosper here. Now, they've decided to fuck everyone and form the Dangerous Corperation. All I want to know is, what the hell is going through their minds?"

Nikky lifts his microphone and starts to talk.

"It's almost a year now. Almost a year that I have been here. I've been fucked over, mocked, betrayed, scorn, blooded, beat down, and injured. Never before have I felt more hate without a purpose. Never before have I wanted to wrap my hands around someone's throat and not let go til their dead. I hate Diamond Dogg and I hate Bobby James, but never did I want them to die. Never did I want to kill them. I hated them because they were assholes backstage, I hated them because they attacked me both verbally and physically. I hated them for a purpose, I was able to step in the ring and silence them myself. I never ran the risk of being arrested or fired. I can't do that with our GM's, if I won they'd just fire me. I hate Rick Reynolds with everything that I've got, I didn't need anymore fuel for the fire. Rick hides behind The Triad and now DC. He claims to be a god in the ring, he claims to be the greatest thing in the world, yet he can't prove it against someone he knows will kick his ass til he's paralysed."

Johnny interupts the rant of Nikky.

"But we have a match against people who we have faught before. Well, person. It seems that like they have the same goal as us. So I need to throw this one out there. DSS, what would happen if we faught? We'd wear each other out, then DC would come out and attack us. We need to fight back so I think that instead we need to join together and just fight Axel, Destruction, Rob Rocco and Thor. why don't we just join together and take out the majority of Dangerous Corperation."

Nikky interupts Johnny this time.

"Fuck it! We've tried to rally people up before and it's never worked, so fuck it. If they want to join with us, good! Let's have an all out war with Dangerous Corperation instead of our match. If not, I don't care! I will fight them then go to the DC locker room with my barbed-wire stringed guitar and a fucking katana and slice those fuckers dead. I'm done trying to overthrow SEF with everyone on our side! I'm done fighting cleanly, they want a fight they will god damn get it from me. If they want to cheat, you better believe I will cheat with them. If they want to use weapons, I'll use a Fucking God-Fucking-DAMN MACHETE! I'll bleed, I'll scream, and I'll be bruised. The one thing I won't do is stay down. I will not go down. I will NOT let the Dangerous Corperation win. So, who ever is in the back that wants to fight with me, join me."

He drops his mic and starts to leave.

"Nik, you know that I would never let you go alone. It's only two people, but it's better than one right?"

Johnny walks over to Nik and extends his hand. Nikky accepts and Thank You for the Venom hits again as they walk to the back slapping the hands of fans. They reach the back and are out of view of the camera. Chances are they are going to or are in their locker room.

Disclaimer: This layout is a freebie made by Blaze Inferno for the use of anyone. If you are found claiming this as your own, your fingers will be cut off and be fed to the dogs. This layout does not sponsor any real life events or people. It is just a mere concidence. 



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Re:Infection Thread
Date Posted:17/09/2010 3:08 PMCopy HTML

As the Infection is in the back, DSS meets up with them and then Ravyn began to speak.
Ravyn: You know fellas...I repsect the hell out of both you all. You two should be getting shots at the gold and such. So tell you what. Let's all of us just band together..my three and you two thats five. In fact if you got any plans Nikky..lets hear it.

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Infection Thread
Date Posted:18/09/2010 2:30 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The following that you are about to witness may leave you brain dead if you cannot handle the violent content that you are about to read. If you cannot handle it, please do go back or hit the "x" button on the right hand corner of the screen. For those that can handle, please go on but if you fail to read the warning or your brain explodes, you can expect people to spit on your corpse before it is buries. Read on and have a nice day. 


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Insert hereInsert hereInsert hereInsert hereInsert hereInsert here

"My ideas involve fucking our match and taking Dangerous Corperation out. Fuck the pre made card, we will take up the whole damn show. Don't even wait for the show to begin, lets just get to the arena,  change into our gear and go after DC." Nikky is still riding high as he says that. "You and I take out fucking Destruction, the rest of the DSS take out Axel and Hal Havoc. Johnny here, Johnny has got the bitch of them all, he's got Rob Rocco."

Ravyn looks at him puzzled. "What about Thor?"

Nikky smirks. "I'm sure Ares won't mind nipping that one in the bud. From my understanding he's got Thor in a match. I'm sure Ares won't mind starting it a little early. So what do you think?"

Disclaimer: This layout is a freebie made by Blaze Inferno for the use of anyone. If you are found claiming this as your own, your fingers will be cut off and be fed to the dogs. This layout does not sponsor any real life events or people. It is just a mere concidence. 


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