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Your All No Match For The Dangerous Corporation

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 05:42:06 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:18/09/2010 3:52 PMCopy HTML

Look at these little, pitiful, ignorant pests fighting to try and unify and take on what they have no hope to takedown. I look in the mirror admiring my blonde locks laying down on my shoulders covered in one of many thousand dollar suits. I look to the SEF Title sitting in my lap and smirk at the look of a real World Champion. The camera behind me is a reminder to give these undeserving pests a statement that nobody else can give. So I turn around on my bar stool, look dead ahead and give a slight sneer before giving everyone a chance to hear real greatness!
So it seems several people have begun to show signs of an alliance in an attempt, though a sad one, it is an attempt to fight the Dangerous Corporation. Ravyn Crow, you have some flamer Pyretta to help you and now Bethany Sorrow, plus the Infected ones Johnny Crabs and Nikky VD. You think you're a match for Destruction boys, you think their two people that a couple nobodies like yourself could go toe to toe with and take them out? You think any two men could take down the monsters of mayhem or any one man could take down the monster that is Axel? The five you can barely match up and would probably still get squashed by those three and then you have Hal, Rob, and Thor who will be ready to stomp all over you if needed, so you're a long ways off from combating my team. Hell, not one person in this company can stand toe to toe with me, but that's why I am the World Champion and why I can sit here untouched. The physical power that the DC possesses is far too much for you five pathetic nobodies to stand a chance against and we also have the vastly superior intellect, plus the General Managers are on the right side. Face facts boys and girls, your days are numbered. Like I said before, the time of fun and games and enjoying yourself were over when I beat Mack and sent his ass packing. I am ruling this company with a true iron fist because why shouldn't I?
A pause to let these peons think about what I just said as they all need the time for their small pea brain to calculate anything more than and or if. So I pick up the glass of whiskey from the bar and take a nip, smooth and then setting it down I look on to the camera with a smirk ending the pause.
Shane Mack is history and so is the opportunity for any of you pieces of dung to get a shot at the World Title. Not one of you ever deserved a title shot and you don't now, so your not getting one ever. Its as simple as that, so keep banding together, try to rise up with a team to take out the DC and in order to do that you better get the entire roster united or your going to stand no chance at all because if you think were as big as we can get, your wrong!
I give them all a slick grin now and finish up.
I have more alliances in this business than any of you can dream of having. If I feel that a group is threading us, I can have reinforcements to strengthen the DC beyond any of your pathetic reaches. Your dealing with a man who was trained by one of the best and became even better than the teacher. Your dealing with a man who can buy and sell over of half you sheep that make up the roster of SEF. Hell, if I could force a takeover I could buy it this company and money aside, I have friendships that stand the test of time, so not one of you worthless, undeserving nobodies will ever overcome the Dangerous Corporation or Rick Reynolds especially!
A sneer comes across my face and then I give a smirk and take another nip of whiskey while laying the title on the bar. My latest flavor of the week comes up next to me, a brunette, nice change and what a body. So I look to the camera make a shooing motion with my hand, then turn my attention back to the young lady next to me and snap my fingers at the bartender. Fade to black.

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