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More Than You Can Handle - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 02, 2023, 05:52:20 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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Date Posted:19/09/2010 6:20 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
More than You Can Handle!vs Maegan FoxChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/Fugly FoxesTV Champion x1, International Champion (current)Sorry it's late ... crappy week combined with crappy Aimoo! .. good luck K ;)


A video montage is shown of Lacey Daniels a la Rocky style where she's shown working out in the gym, training hard in the ring, getting beat down, stretched out and getting back up with fire burning in her eyes, all the while you can hear a man's voice talking to her. Shouting at her, cajoling her, taunting her about the upcoming Hell in a Cell match. She pushes herself even harder, more footage of her working up a sweat, pushing herself to her limits and then a final glimpse of her in the ring where she gets the upper hand on her opponent and drops them. She bends down and holds out her hand to the man and he raises his head to look at her and you can see that it's Bret Hart. He smiles and nods his head as the scene fades to black. It re-opens showing Lacey Daniels sprawled across a sofa, from all appearances she's only wearing a man's shirt .. Chris's?

As she holds a remote in her hand as she watches a TV in the corner. You can hear that it's the promo that Tarnished Legacy did earlier. She shakes her head a few times in disagreement of some of the things that they say and then presses a button to mute the TV before she tosses the remote to the floor. She turns to face the camera with a thoughtful look on her face.

LD: Maegan, Maegan, Maegan ... honey you really should know me better by now. You think the reason I've been quiet is because me and Chris have been getting busy?
Lacey raises an eyebrow.
LD: Really? ... Jeesh I thought that you would have learnt your lesson by now. I'm at my most dangerous when I'm quiet and if you think that I've been wasting my time, refreshing my sex life then you really don't know the first thing about me. What like me and Chris didn't spend any time together whilst he was off? .. Are you nuts?
Lacey laughs as she tucks her hair behind her ears and the glint of diamonds from her ring, which has now moved from her right hand to her left, flashes in the sunlight.
LD: See there has to be a balance between your professional life and your personal life and your problem and Justin's too it seems, is that you both tend to push the two together all the time.  You are constantly blurring that line and stepping way over it at times and that's what gets you into so much trouble. Although I do appreciate Justin speaking the truth for once and acknowledging the fact that I'm no whore, oh and by the way Chris really didn't need it spelling out to him, he already knows that fact. See that's the difference Chris knows class when he sees it and he treats me with the respect I deserve, he doesn't run at the first sign of trouble and he's always got my back 100%. He is the one man I can always rely on which is why his ring is on my finger and no-one else's.
Footsteps can be heard as Lacey turns her head and looks up and smiles brightly as Chris Orton walks into view. He leans down and gives her a lingering kiss before pulling back and smiling at her. He walks to the end of the sofa and pulls out a gym bag which he swings over his shoulder as he walks past the camera and gives Lacey another kiss before he turns to walk out the door. He holds his hand up to his ear mimicking a phone and she nods her head happily. The footsteps are heard and then a door opening and closing as Lacey watches him walk away with a beaming grin. Finally she turns back to the camera and gives a big contented sigh.
LD: Right where was I? Oh yeah ... personal. Maegan you really think that this match is personal to me? .. Wrong! It's nothing more than another match at the end of the day. Yeah it's hell in a cell, yeah it's for my title so it's pretty damn important but I don't take it personally. Not as much as you do anyway. I guess it's because I'm happy and settled now and you ... well you claim that too but then you're still carrying grudges from years ago. You're the one with the personal issues babe, your problem with my closeness with Dusty, my past history with Justin ... you just can't let it be. You have to keep pushing it and bringing it up all the time ... honey I have moved on, maybe after this match when I comprehensively annihilate you and leave you a bleeding, battered wreck in the middle of the ring ... maybe then you will accept the fact that I am now and have always been better than you. Maybe then you can deal with your issues with me, go see a professional and get it all out there honey ... because what this all boils down to is jealousy. Plain and simple ... you want to be me. You want to be the SEF International Champion, you want to be the most dominant female in SEF, you want the admiration of your fellow wrestlers, you want to headline events and hey, I get all that sweetie pie, I really do but unfortunately for you I am already there, already doing it and you just can't get past that fact. I have everything you ever wanted and it just sticks in your throat doesn't it? Maegan Fox, future of the Fighting Foxes, born into wrestling royalty, given the best of everything her whole life and yet she still can't quite get it done. God it must piss you off so much that I have got what you believe you deserve ... difference is Maegan cupcake, is that I worked my ass off to get everything I have. I have given my blood, sweat and tears to get where I am today and you know it. Hell I may not be popular but I'm sure as shit successful and that's what it's all about at the end of the day. Who's holding the gold ... that's what matters. I do whatever it takes ... whatever it takes to get the job done and you ... well you try don't you? You sneak attack me during other matches, trying to distract me from my goals and yeah, occasionally it works but you have never gotten the upper hand with me and you never will, because I am ready for you Maegan. I am ready for everything you've got and more. That's why I've been so quiet, because I've been getting myself ready, preparing for every possibility, covering every angle to ensure that come what may .. this Extreme I will be walking in the SEF International champion and I will be walking out as the SEF International Champion.
Lacey nods her head as you see the determination shining in her eyes.
LD: Ah Maegan ... you try so hard honey. You think you got this match because you've been asking for it so much management just caved in to you? ... Nope! The reason you got this match granted is because I agreed to it. See I wanted to get you in a Hell in a Cell so we could settle this one on one. I am sick and tired of you using the excuse that I can't win a match on my own. You always talk about how Dusty and Knox come out to ensure my wins but yet you choose to ignore the fact that I won my first SEF title, the TV title ... in a cage match, not so dissimilar to a Hell in a Cell,  from Megan Sorrows with no help from anyone and tonight at Extreme history will repeat itself when I systematically take you apart piece by piece and show you exactly why I am always that one step ahead of you and that you will never take my title from me!
Lacey reaches her hand down and strokes the ever-present International title which is lying on the carpet. She raises her eyes.
LD: In fact you almost make me laugh when you talk about me relying on other people when you're the one throwing Bethany Jinx's name around like some kind of warning. What makes you think for a second that I am in any way shape or form intimidated by Bethany Jinx? ... I haven't heard anything great about her and from her last run here I definitely haven't seen anything great from her so until I do, she's just another pretender to my crown. So that threat holds no fear for me. Try again sweet cheeks. Maybe take another week off to come up with something better? ...
Lacey shakes her head and smiles a little.
LD: You said that you asked for all of you to take the week off because you wanted to .. I don't know ... have a mini-vacation to refresh yourselves? Is that how you put it? ... How I'd put it is running scared! Yeah ... that pretty much sums it up. See whilst you ran away like a dog with it's tail between it's legs ... I was here, putting my money where my mouth is, like I do week in, week out. And you have the nerve to question me? ... Maegan I am so looking forward to this match, you have no idea. The thought of you and me locked in a cell together, no escape, no retreat, nowhere to run and nowhere to hide ...
Lacey gets a sadistic smirk on her face as her eyes shine.
LD: God it's gonna feel good to finally get you in one place long enough to really show you what I can do. To give you a little payback for all the times you've stuck your nose into my business and made a mess of my plans. Every time you interfered, every time you meddled ... I am going to make you pay. You are going to remember this match for a very long time if I have my way. Your body is my plaything and I am going to enjoy taking out my frustrations on it .. I guess that's my therapy eh?! I am sick and tired of you running around playing poor little rich bitch, crying about how mean I am. Get over yourself Maegan ... because tonight it's put up or shut up. When it's all said and done I will be the one standing tall and you will be the one the medics are putting on a stretcher ... but hey, look at it this way, it's just another mini-vacation right?
Lacey laughs nastily.
LD: Oh but you are right about one thing poppet ... this match is not the end. Nope, nowhere near. It is just a continuation of the ongoing saga and it will only stop when I decide it does and not before. You think I'm going to give up the opportunity to make you life a living hell every chance I get? ... Hardly! You fuel my fire Maegan, every little stupid-ass word that falls from your lips gives me another reason to beat the shit out of you! Hell you may well be my favourite enemy yet ... and you know what makes it even sweeter ... the fact that you actually have a bit of talent. You can give me a run for my money ... oh we both know that you'll never quite be enough to beat me but still it's fun to push yourself to the limit wondering what if, isn't it? So Maegan baby ... bring everything you've got ... please I'm begging you. Make it worth my while sugar and I'll make sure we have a night to remember!
Lacey smiles as you wonder what nasty evil plan she has in store as the scene fades to black. 

End of rp 1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 


Kristin Fox

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Re:More Than You Can Handle - Extreme rp1
Date Posted:19/09/2010 3:49 PMCopy HTML


inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!


Legacy.jpg The Legacy picture by pegasusfeds10

|| Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy&The Infection/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ Wrote this last night. 

{Maegan yawns as she pours two cups of coffee.  She walks out to the balcony of her's and Ash's hotel room, still in her bathrobe.  He is sitting relaxed on a chaise with sunglasses, boxers, and a smug look on his face.  She takes a sip of her coffee before sitting both cups down on the small table nearest Ash.  He pulls her down to where she sitting facing him.  He plays with the tie of her robe before she points.  He turns his head to see that she has placed a camera facing them.}

Ash:"Twenty minutes and then your mine again."

{Maegan laughs}

Maegan:"You know Lacey, I understand 'needs' and dedication to greatness.  People can have both.  {she looks down at Ash and rubs his muscular tattoed chest and shoulders}  I spent the last week and a half preparing for a match that I have been waiting for a long, long time.  Tonight we will be locked in a brutal hell in a cell for the SEF International Title.  Sure, it was a title that Justin promised my father he would earn and he did.  Now its my turn to take that title back.  It's time to bring the International title back to a family that truly wants to defend it honorably and painstakingly train to make not just ourselves but the match itself to look good.  You've grown complacent, relying on Knox and Dusty to interfere at crucial times for you to retain the title.  You have no respect for the title.  I'm surprised that you have respect for anyone much less yourself.  You train but its just to show that you're not lazy because for all the time you log in a gym you don't show it in the ring anymore.  Now?  The past week, nothing.  Oh sure you've bitched at Samantha for interupting your booty call a time or two but concerning our match?  Lacey, I'd like to think that you are so arrogant that you feel you have nothing to say concerning me.  Being a stuck up bitch who thinks that I'm not worth her time.  I'd like to think that.  However I've been thinking that what you are really doing is planning on hiding behind Chris.  You are so convinced in his abilities that you are planning on sending him out to make good on his promise to end Justin's career because he turned you down flat for an affair.  You are a heartless bitch who wanted to use Justin to make Orton jealous and when Jus wanted no part of it, you'd made all kinds of shit up about how Justin stalked you to rekindle your old relationship when all he did was give you the respect you had earned up until you started being sucked into this whole gang mentality going on.  What are you going to do, Lacey?  Are you going to seduce or pay someone to lock me into a cage with Chris?"

Ash:"No fucking way!"
{Maegan smiles, turns, and kisses him deeply}

Maegan:"You know that to get anywhere in this company that you can't be timid.  You have to accept the challenges that are thrown at you, when they are thrown at you, or opportunity will pass you by.  If Lacey somehow gets Chris locked in the cage with us or makes it where I face him.  I'm not scared.  I studied Chris.  I started studying him, like you did, {she kisses Ash again} when we knew he was back for sure.  The minute he punted Jus in the head we all started studying him.  He has quite the reputation for being dominant.  I think Mack even wanted to face him because of his talent.  That was then and this is now.  If I have to face Orton then I am not afraid.  Hell, I might even request a theme change and use's Eminem's 'I'm Not Afraid.'  {she suddenly turns very serious} "Because I'm not.  I'll face anyone I have too even if I don't get to do it as the SEF International Champion, even though I'm pretty convinced that I will leave Extreme the champion.  In fact, I may even bring my little sister up here just so she can watch me win.  I'm prepared Lacey.  Are you?"

{Ash reaches into the pocket of her robe to pull out a remote}

Ash:"Time's up."

{He holds the remote over his head, kinda facing behind him and turns the camera off}

quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


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