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Gracie rp 3

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 05:56:36 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:19/09/2010 3:54 PMCopy HTML

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inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Legacy.jpg The Legacy picture by pegasusfeds10
|| Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy&The Infection/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ Wrote this last night. Lacey what did I tell you about crawling around in my head?
{Sunday Morning finds Gracie riding horse.  It's a little after the sun has begun to rise.  The sky hasn't turned completely blue yet.  There are some pinks and purples still left.  It's going to be a beautiful morning.  She smiles as she realizes that Rage is filming her slow trot back to her step aunt and uncle's farm in TN.  They had started getting close over the last two weeks and after last night she was full of all kinds of energy, getting up before the sun and going out to ride.  She was just riding, not using the rigid and prim form she had to use for many years of equestrian practice as a child of priviledge growing up in Greenwich CT.  She urges the horse into a gallop before finally slowing the horse in front of Rage.  He puts a hand up to help her down.  He's bare chested in jeans and boots. She pushes the camera aside and kisses him.  He brushes back a stray strand of hair the color of the early morning sun.}
Gracie:"What are you doing up so early?  Didn't you sleep well?"
{She smirks and he lowers the camcorder}
Rage:"I woke up alone.  I thought I dreamed last night."
{Gracie turns red and stammers}
Gracie:"Um, no."
Rage:"Good." {Gracie flushes and even deeper red} "Take a breath.  Calm down.  {he smiles} You said when I woke up you wanted to talk about what happened at TCW last night."
{Gracie looks down, swallows hard, and regains control of herself}
Gracie:"Okay, I'm ready.  {He focuses the camera back on her face, noticing her slight discomfort} "Last night after Maegan left the gym I decided to check up on Dusty.  I wanted to see if she was blowing smoke up all of her butts and lying about the fact that she's been wrestling for other companies when she wasn't scheduled to compete for SEF.  I was surprised to find that for once Dusty wasn't lying.  I did, however give her the scare of her life as my music played interupting her match with Rebecca Lynn.  A legend like Becky had no hesitation about going for a school girl the minute Dusty turned her attention to the fact that I had walked out of someone's office and standing at the guard rail.  Not to mention that her uncle was clearly blocking Knox's way from coming after me.  Huh, Ironic isn't it Dusty?  It's your family, yet you've done nothing but use them.  Then you threw a tempter tantrum in the middle of the ring because you lost your match.  I guess you now know how I feel whenever you, Lacey, and Knox show up to distract me when I'm in a match.  I really wish SEF would allow me to show our little confrontation from last night.  SEF forbids using footage from other companies.  Maybe just a transcript would suffice but then again I don't know.  Maybe I should take the video to Sly so he can make the official call on it.  That would probably be best.  It would cover my ass from being sued by SEF for playing something that they didn't produce.  In fact, lets go."

{A few hours later.  Gracie is seen in a white business suit, her hair piled up in a messy but chic updo, with a red leather briefcase over her shoulder.  SEF cameras follow her as she makes her way to Sly's office.  When she's admitted she walks over to the dvd player and puts in a disk.  The scene opens in what appears to be a hallway somewhere where she and a sweaty pissed off Dusty are face to face.  She pauses it and looks at Sly}

Gracie:"This is the video that I called you about.  It all takes place in this hallway.  She trashes SEF pretty bad but I wasn't sure if I could play it on the air without approval because technically its at another fed after the show so there is no fan noise interferring."

{She then presses play.  Dusty's hair is coming out of her ponytail.  She's sweaty as hell and red faced, catching her yelling mid argument}

Dusty:"Who gives a damn about what SEF thinks or does?  SEF is shit okay?  They wouldn't recognize talent if it jumped up and kicked the allmight Shane Mack in the balls!  He's a degenerate crack head who panders to the fans who just want to use him for free drugs!  As for Whitney Marrett and their other so called ground breaking talent?  Who cares?  So they sucked the right dick or lined the right pockets for a place in the history books!  No one gives a damn about any of them anymore!  The only reason why they kiss her ass now is because she's back riding Mack's jock!  SEF is so fucked up!  Everyone is practically screwing everyone else!  I wonder who all Whit was doing while Mack was working his way through the rookie roster?"
{Gracie also yelling}
Gracie:"You need to watch your mouth!  You're going to have all kinds of people after your ass if the wrong person hears your bullshit!  You are so not worthy of even looking at half the people mentioned in the SEF history books!  All Whit would have to do is to look at your wrong and you'd cower in fear, paranoid that she knew the shit talking you've been doing!  Yeah, I know all about the crap you're clogging up TCW, DZWA, PCWF Global, OSWE, and NOLA Extreme with!  What's going to happen when my order comes in for all of the shows that you've appeared on?  Maybe I should just forward them up to New York so that when Whit comes back from vacation she can see all of your petty bullshit?  Hell, SEF would probably want to see all of the shit your spewing, maybe Rage can cut your promos from the other fed and then hack into the SEF feed so the world can see just how much you think you are better than anyone who's worked for SEF.  You could be the very insignificant piece of trash that pushes Whit into coming back for one night only just to make sure that your words cut your own throat!  You're bordering on Lucas' insanity when he thought he was the shit and could dethrone Mack as champion.  You saw how well that went for him!  He threw a tantrum on live television and ran away like a crybaby!"
Dusty:"SHUT YOUR LYING MOUTH!  Lucas is the only one other than my husband and Lacey who ever gave a damn about me in my family!!  All of the rest of them catered to your little pristine little virginal self!  I know all about girls like you, Gracie!  You're just like Britney Spears before the break down!  You pretend that your little Ms. Perfect but your really backstage taking it up the ass from some back up dancer or little Prep school boyfriend just so if someone threatens you or makes accusations about how slutty you are you can run to the doctor, spread your legs, and cry all about how life is so unfair and people are so mean lying about you!!   That your little ms innocent virgin would the squeaky clean image!"
Gracie:"Keep dreaming, Dusty!  Maybe I should go even further back in history than the past couple months!  Maybe the world would like to know about how everything your throwing at me happened to you!  Oh yeah, I know all about how you got caught with your pants down at a Mat Rats show in Canada.  Maybe that's why Lacey protects you because you very well would have given it up to half the locker room if you hadn't heard that Matt and Justin weren't scheduled as special enforcers for the graduate battle royal!  How many blow jobs did you give that night Dusty?  I bet if your opened your mouth your tongue would fall out with a list of who's who of just how many superstars that you've got on your knees for!"
Dusty:"SHUT UP!  GO Back up to that hole in the wall toilet SEF and leave me alone!  I am a real champion in more feds that you can possibly imagine and SEF won't give me any opportunities because I'm faithful to my husband!  I wonder if that's why Maegan got her title shot at Lacey!  Did she do Sly and Frankie at the same time?  Maybe she visited Mack on vacation and he "suggested" they have a go at her!"
{the camera guy is knocked over causing the view to go fuzzy but the fighting can be heard with calls of bitch, whore, and skank before being broken up by security}
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