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The New TV Champion Is Right Here

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 07:09:18 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:23/09/2010 9:25 PMCopy HTML

We open to find Rob Rocco standing somewhere, an unknown location, the area around him dark and he wears a casual suit , a grin on his face and his hands in his pockets, his stance relaxed and he now says.
Ares, Matlock, you two worthless, pathetic sacks of shit want to keep fighting each to find who is better, now your must team together and face a team you can't beat because neither one of you can stand up to the power of Axel, the only real Predator in SEF today! And even if somehow either of you two could get past him, neither of you can match me in the ring, grappling on the mat, flying circles around you and simply schooling both of you!
He gets real cocky, smirks big and just says.
Ares, you put your hands on the GM's and paid for it, you put your hands on other DC members and paid for it and last week your little band of bitches may have gotten the surprise jump on us, but straight up, face to face, no team in SEF today can touch the Dangerous Corporation. Your title run is coming to an end, your time is over, I will cripple you if I have to because I can and the same goes for you Matlock. Your past in SEF was a joke and you never made past mid carder despite all the support you had. You were given the ball and never even bothered to pick it up, so your entire career here in SEF is one big failure and its all your fault, so suck it up, accept it and get ready to fail even more because that belt is as good as mine!
Rob gets serious now and removes his hands bringing them up. He clasps them together tightly and sneers a little as he says.
You two are no team to worry about and I know, whoever gets the falls wins the belt, but if you expect to not work together and beat two guys who could own either one of you in any singles match on any card, then your very, very delusional. Myself and Axel are going into this match with one goal, to take that TV Title and bring it to the DC and Axel doesn't care if he holds it, he has instructions to make sure it ends up mine, but don't worry, if he gets the chance, he knows to take it because even if I don't get it myself, the DC will and that is an undisputable fact!
He lowers his hands, his expression still stone cold serious and Rob says.
There is nothing the two of you can do to stop us, nothing, so go on and talk out your ass all you want Matlock, go ahead and spew shit about whooping ass Ares, it makes no difference what either of you say, the TV Title is gonna be Dangerous Corporation property after Sunday night and if you don't believe me, just ask my partner!
Rob grins and looks up to his left as the view pans back and widens showing Axel standing there in his long trench coat and mask.

Daddy Mack

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Re:The New TV Champion Is Right Here
Date Posted:24/09/2010 12:50 AMCopy HTML

And so Axel just stares down menacingly to the camera and speaks in the low, gruff voice of his.

As Rob said, the title comes to the DC and with my power combined with Rob's quickness and technical ability you two chumps stand no chance, Matlock and Ares, your about to get preyed upon by the real fucking Predator. The belt belongs to Rob and I will make sure it is his, but like he and Sly and Rick told me, if I have to, I take it as my own because one way or another the TV Champion will be a member of the DC and that's all I need to say because Sunday night I will show you both why your no match for me in a two on one match, so with a partner, your both fucked!

Axel just lowers his head and steps back some showing he is done and fades back into the darkness some watching, ready to have the back of the DC anytime.

Taylor Andrews

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Re:The New TV Champion Is Right Here
Date Posted:25/09/2010 1:00 AMCopy HTML

Rob just smirks and looks back seeing Axel barely visible in the darkness, then looks forward and shrugging he says.

Well, like he said, neither one of you can overcome his raw power or my technical finesse and highflying capabilities. He kept it short and simple because Axel doesn't need to give either one of you a rundown of anything, a verbal lashing and intellectual beat down like I or Rick can do. He owns both of you in that ring easy enough where as we don't have his size, so we beat you two before even stepping into the ring.

Rob grins in a slick fashion pointing in a cocky manner to himself, then says.

Ares, you can drink all night long with your redneck buddies and you better because it's the only enjoyment you will get this weekend. Come Sunday that TV Title is mine, it belongs to the Dangerous Corporation, it will come home to where it belongs and hopefully around my waist. As noted by myself and Axel, if he has to win it himself, so be it, we are a team and considering the opposition before us, its just too easy. Ares and Matlock hate each other yet the differences between the two, well what are they?

Well there are some, but yea, they aren't too different, which means since Ares sorta models after Mack, then that would mean, oh, what? Anyways, Rob is speaking again.

Ares is his ignorant attitude of constantly wanting to defy what he should embrace will be his downfall and Matt's constant laziness and selfish attitude will be his ticket to going the only place he knows where to go, nowhere!

He keeps grinning, his arms loosely folded in front himself and Rob now says.

Boys, your walking into a battle you can't win because you see, we have the superior talent and physical prowess over you, plus we have more friends and if you think we don't know how to utilize them in any match, well your just not very bright are you and obviously you stand no chance against the best!

Rob spreads his arms arrogantly and smirks, then just steps out of view and we see Axel disappeared into the darkness, so fade to black.

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