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You Bitches Are Boring

Started by Jake Voss, October 02, 2023, 07:29:36 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:26/09/2010 7:51 PMCopy HTML

A cool evening in Peoria and in drives the pickup of Ares who swing sit around into an empty space behind the Riverplex Arena and the truck engine is shut off. Ares soon swings his door open and stomps out with a cooler in hand and slams down a beer, then drops the empty to the ground. He reaches in grabbing a bag out and kicks the door shut, heads across the lot swaggering like usual. Wears the usual too, looks pissed off as usual and gets to the back door, the guard knowing full well who it is shoves the door since Ares has his hands full. He walks on in nodding to the guard, then swaggers on in making his way past some people running around getting things ready for Extreme. Ares cracks a slight smirk and just heads into the locker room now and throws down his bag in an empty locker, then sets his cooler on the floor nearby. Ares unzips his bag and stares in it, then looks to his cooler and then grabs out his title and turns sitting on the bench. He grabs a beer from his cooler cracking it and takes a drink, then lays the title on his left knee staring at it and looks up with a sneer to say.
You still don't get it do you Matt, then again its not like Rob or Axel have a fucking clue either. All you and Rob can do is argue over the past, he points out your fuck ups and lies, you give him reason to and meanwhile I'm enjoying myself, I'm the one who wears the fucking title and will walk out of Extreme still wearing it. You can have a hundred shots at me and until you actually give a damn and want to be here and actually want to win this title and represent SEF your not gonna get it, so here's right back at ya which by your standards would mean both you and I are rip offs!
And Ares guzzles some beer as he flips his middle finger up. He empties the can and drops it, then looks up in a sneer again and says.
Ya keep saying what I said over and over and it changes nothing because tonight I whoop your ass, Axel's, and Rob's ass, its that simple, so the need for all the talking you bitches have been doing is pointless. Matt's a liar, Rob's a jobber, and Axel's a big bitch while I'm a redneck ass whooping sumbitch who will stomp each and every one of you into the fucking ground!
He grabs a new beer cracking it and taking a drink, then belches and says.
Ya both need to realize when your wrong and shut the fuck up for once, so maybe, just maybe ya can focus on what really matters, winning the gold. Now I got nothing else to say cause unlike some people I don't need to preach bullshit over and over telling you what I'm gonna do, making up stories and trying to make myself seem better than I am, then again I don't need to either. So why don't ya take that fucking camera outta here and let me relax with my beer and get ready to go whip some ass and by god, if I lose the title, well then, Rick Reynolds, Matlock won't be no worry to you because I'll make sure to get in that ring with you and take that World Title for my own!
Ares slams down some beer and we back off now realizing what he tends to do if we don't listen. He just drains the can and grabs a new one as the view fades to black.

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