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Maegan's first extreme promo

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 07:47:08 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:03/10/2010 7:14 PMCopy HTML

Maegan20Fox20Banner.jpg Maegan Fox picture by pegasusfeds10
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Maegan's 1st promo
Maegan vs Drake Sage/Cody Jericho/Rob Rocco
Multiple time wrestling/martial arts champ. Canadian National Soccer team
I didn't realize that Maegan had a match
..x.{{Maegan's in the gym lifting weights, weight for her brother to finish his meeting.  He finally comes in, throws his jacket off, loosens his tie, and heads to the ring.  He takes off his watch and takes his wallet out and phone and lays everything by the corner ring post.  He wipes his feet before getting in the ring.  He pauses, looks around, and looks up at the sky, remembering why he left the ring in the first place.  He had to drop out of med school, the residents requirements would keep him away to much to care for his younger sister.  He wasn't much at a loss, just a few thousand dollars and a dream.  He was grateful that Harvard business school had a partnership with the medical school.  He'd been able to earn his MBA long before he finished his requirements for a pediatric orthepedic surgeon.  The orthepedic residency alone was six years, not to mention the normal two years and three pediatric residency requirements.  He'd gotten a post graduate certificate in Sports Management.  He was still able to help Sara out on occasion in her office.  Medicine had been his passion, every since he'd hurt his knee wrestling in juniors.  The pain of the torn ACL was so great that he'd thought he'd never walk again.  Then Jennifer had operated and his Uncle Josh had did his rehab.  Suddenly it was like he'd never hurt himself.}}

Maegan:"Earth to Matt."

{Matt looks down at her, refocusing on the task at hand, and not on why he'd become a business man rather than a doctor.}


Maegan:"Are you okay?"

Mathew:"Just thinking about Mom and Dad.  I'm alright though.  Let's...."

{Someone whistles.  Matt and Maegan turn.  Samantha is coming in with a crew.}

Sam:"Maegan, I thought you had forgotten all about us?"

{Maegan frowns}

Maegan:"I just misread the call sheet apparently.  I completely missed that I had a match.  It's an oversight that I hope to reconcile.  Rob Rocco is not a stranger to me.  He's jumped me plenty of times as apart of the DC.  Drake Sage and Cody Jericho, {slight grin} relative newcomers that I'm not entirely familar with.  I know Cody has a better record than his brother, but does he have the same heart?  Shane keeps losing and is determined not to give up, no matter what people say.  Is he really Y2J's brother?  I don't know.  I've never really had much to do with Jericho.  I met him once or twice, mostly PR or guest training appearances at Lance Storm's wrestling school.  Nothing really substantial or nothing any regular person couldn't say.  There is however a brotherhood when you train with someone.  It's why Lacey and Dusty claim a sister like relationship.  It could be that or they are adopted.  It could be anything but I'm not going to call him a liar because I just do not know any of them well enough to say.  I'm not even precisely sure which one of the brothers that I am facing.  Drake Sage?  I really don't know.  I'm sure his agenda is the same as most everyone else; make an impact and win the gold.  I know that he has done a promo and I have not viewed it yet to gauge him based on this match."

Samantha:"He said your a Fox and he hopes to pin you for longer than three seconds if you catch my drift."

{she winks and Matt looks disgusted}

Matthew Fox:"Christ!"

Maegan Fox-Silva:"He's so full of it.  He thinks that is all I am?  {finally Matt chuckles and she smiles} "He obviously didn't see my hell in a cell match with Lacey?  Granted, I lost that one but we sure did beat the hell out each other?  It's not like I haven't fought men before.  I grew up training alongside my twin, {gestures to Matt} brother Matthew and my cousin Justin by my dad.  Later with my grandfather alongside my uncle Drew and aunt Taryn.  I have trained at Lance Storm's Training Academy and with my cousin Gracie's dad, Johnny and his family, and by my Uncle Josh and his friends.  I have trained alongside current enemies like Knox O'Bannon.  I am not afraid to wrestle men.  If I was, I never would have signed with a company like SEF that doesn't believe in segregating the men and the women.  There are no fluff fighters here who breakdown into a hysterial fit because they have broken a nail.  Hell, I don't think there has been a woman in SEF's recent history who has gotten hysterical over a broken bone.  Women don't do there here.  While I accept the fact that I look good, unlike some of my rivals, its not something that I harp on."

{Matt goes to the corner and pulls up the promo.}

Matt:"There is something else that concerns you other than the fact he called you a fox."


Matt:"He's made an application to join up with DC.  So he will be looking to help Rob Rocco in the match."

{Maegan frowns and paces back and forth}

Maegan:"I see.  Camaro has a faction and we have a team."

Matt:"We may have more than that.  I have to do some more investigating and talk to Sara, then we'll sit down with the rest of the family to go about a plan of attack."

Maegan:"So Sam, it looks like my brother is taking over the Legacy.  Since he's not an active part of the roster no egos or desire for the big score to get in the way of the main objective.  When we meet again Sam, we'll have a more formulated plan."     
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