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Justin and Gracie 3

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 07:49:54 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:05/10/2010 12:24 AMCopy HTML


inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
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{It's a little later in the day but the location is still somewhat the same.  Everyone is freshly showered from their afternoon workouts and they are in various stages of dressy casual.  Ash, Maegan, Matt, Sara, and Emma head into the Oak Alley Cafe, leaving Justin and Gracie outside on the freshly mowed almost football spacious lawn of the Oak Alley Plantation.  Justin pauses and waits for Rage to finish setting up the camera.  He's dressed in a button down white shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbows and black slacks.  Gracie's in a cute floral print summer dress with her hair up and sandals, looking a little annoyed at her boyfriend for taking so long.}

Rage:"Okay, go."

Justin:"You're slacking, boy, seriously!  {he turns to Gracie} What the hell you done to the kid?"

{Gracie blushes}


{Justin just waves his hand as if dismissing the topic}

Justin:"Matlock?  Where the hell are you?  I expected a lot of cocky claims about how you were going to kick my ass and take my spot on the roster.  Since you're return all you've done really is make accusations that my family was inbred and my cousin and my sister were both whores.  Neither claim is true and its something that I plan to take out of your ass this week, whether or not Jessica is at ringside with you or not!  Now, I'm not going to go out of my way to kick her ass out of my way if she gets involved.  {shakes his head} Hell no, my parents raised me better.  Now if she comes inside the ring or catches me outside, comes at me like a man, like the kind of female competitor that this company is known for, then expect me to retailiate as if she was as an equal, smaller in stature, but an equal nonetheless.  IF you have a problem with that Matlock, then you should leave her ass in the back!  Then again, I do have a baby sister who is more than capable of keeping girls who overstep their welcome at ringside in check."

{Gracie laughs}

Gracie:"Just be glad that you're opening the show, otherwise I'd be out of the picture.  Dusty and I usually require some attention from the trainers after our matches.  We tend to beat the holy hell out of each other everytime we cross paths."

Justin:"Hey, there is always Maegan."

{a girl comes out of the resturant}

"What about me? I could be a valet?  I can fight girls like Brandi and Jessica."

{Justin and Grace look at each other before Rage turns the camera to face their younger sister, Gabby}

Justin:"I don't know."

Gracie:"If we are on Matt's brand then think of how many people would keep an eye out for her?"

{Justin thinks and then finally nods}

Justin:"A valet, a test, one night only.  You can come with me to ringside and maybe with Maegan.  I don't want you anywhere near Dusty and Lacey or the Dangerous Corporation until you have more training.  They'd eat you alive."

{Gabby gets excited and then hugs them both}

Gabby:"I promise!  You won't be dissapointed!  I promise!  {she turns toward the resturant} "I'm going to ask Matt to start training me in the morning!"

{she starts to run back toward the resturant}

Justin:"Hey! What the fuck?  {he looks confused at Gracie who laughs}  I say she can valet for me and she runs to him to train?  What the fuck am I? Chopped liver?"

Gracie:"You could change your mind if you decided she was not progressing enough."

Justin:"Shit! What have I got myself into now?  GABRIELLA!  {she stops and turns to come back.  she's dressed in bedazzled capris and a sleeveless silk blouse} Stay.  {he points} Wait.  {He runs a hand through his hair and then turns back to the camera}  "Well, {he shakes his head} I was right about a baby sister watching my back, Matlock.  No, you are not seeing a 2007 flashback of my half-sister Dusty.  {Gabby rolls her eyes} This is my sister, Gabriella.  You're training your girl and she's still in training.  She's just out of juniors this year, so as a technicality she has a little more time in wrestling just not the professional experience that Jessica has.  Our match is going to be, interesting to say the least.  I'm interested to see what, if anything you and your girl have to say now."

{Gracie looks at her slightly younger sister}

Gracie:"As much as I know that you want to get your hands on Dusty, Justin is right.  She's dedicated the last several months to daily training, not just with Knox but with Lacey, and now with Orton.  She's also booking out to any and all companies that will hire her to wrestle.  Which, she should have been busting her ass doing all along but now she has a stick up her ass to prove that she is good enough to pal around with Lacey, especially if it means that she's better than Maegan and I combined.  Which is why she doesn't do a lot of promos.  She's just gets in there and if she can't do it by talent then she'll get Knox to come out to help her.  He wouldn't hit you unless you hit him first."

Justin:"Which is what I'm afraid of."  {Gabby sticks her tongue out at him.  He picks her up and throws her over his shoulder} "I'm taking this sassy little bitch in to supper before Matt comes out bitchin like he's everyone's dad."

{Gracie laughs}

Rage:"He acts like it."

{Justin turns toward the camera}

Justin:"No one asked you.  Film Gracie's promo.  No funny stuff, boy.  {he does the Focker I'm watching you hand motion} Remember, you're outnumbered now."

{Gracie rolls her eyes and kicks at him}

Gracie:"Get out of here!  {Justin trots off and Gracie turns to the camera} Yeah, that's right there are more members of our family.  I guess technically, I have almost to many siblings to count on both hands, seeing as both of my parents have been married twice.  Then you add step siblings in and well then you have one hot mess...well like Dusty!  You know there was one movie that you and I agreed on with annoyance.  I think it was called Big Girls Don't Cry, it starred this chick Hilary that ended up studying Judo with Milan...I think...anyway she went out to the Olympics in 2000 or something like that as a member of the U.S. Judo team.  She said in the movie that by the year 2000 that every other person was going to be a member of her family.  We both stared warily at each other and realized that could very well be our fate.  Flash forward to the present.  My mother gave birth to six children.  Your dad spawned all but me of those children and then you and Lucas with your mom and Jagger with Ash's mom.  {smirks] Your dad got around didn't he?  No big, I like Josh.  He's really good to my mom.  We have so much history, Dusty.  There is always something that could spark a serious brawl of nuclear proportions.  From my defence of SEF or your neglect of everything even remotely related to our shared relations.  You really didn't get enough time with my Uncle Chris or your dad did you?  I think that's the one thing that I can say that both of our fathers agree on.  The importance of family life.  True, your dad's life didn't have the bells and whistles attached to the shitty lot he was handed but the similarities with our biological paternal grandfathers originated from the same place.  My grandfather's choice of drink was single malt imported scotch while your grandfather chose whatever cheap bottle he could get a hold of.  My grandfather didnt kill himself although I'm sure my dad and Uncle Max wished that he had.  Luckily Eric and Mary adopted your dad.  My dad, Uncle Max, and godfather Lance bounded due to the beatings that my grandfather dished out.  Some say that's why Uncle Max is crazy and Lance ran away so much that he got put into a military school...which ended up saving his life.  It was the three of them and my dad protected them.  You see a similar bond with your dad and father-in-law.  They grew up on the streets fighting to keep each other and Talon's younger brother, sister, and cousin alive.  So now, I've just come to pity you.  I think you've become a petty spiteful bitch.  Everything that your dad and Knox's dad fought for and you just throw it away!  I can understand wanting to stand out and be recognized for your talents.  I KNOW how hard it is to be Justin Rodgers' kid sister.  Why? Uh, DUH because I am also Justin's sister!  You always like to throw in the half.  There is no half with Justin.  {she pauses} That's it, isn't it?  When our parents got married, they decided that there would be no halves.  I was the only one not adopted because I had two decent parents instead of one.  Not that Ash and Jagger's mom wasn't decent, she just passed away far to early......{she is quick to add}  "You and Lucas had a crappy whore of a mother, I hear.  I'm sorry, I can't do anything about that.  Nor can I help that Josh doesn't put the step in front of my name when he introduces me or when my dad introduces Justin.  Hell, I can't even help that my dad made the joke that we'd almost be Mormon if Ana and my Mom got along!  Sad that Josh and my Dad get along better than my mom and step-mother.  I guess my mom is such a force to be reckoned with that anyone my dad got with after felt inferior.  {She laughs} Dusty, are you sure that you aren't Kayla or Ana's kid?  You certainly are infected with a case of 'feeling inferior.'  You're just going to have to get over it because after this match, I'm done with you." 
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

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