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They got the bitch part right: Fighting Foxes promo

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 08:39:29 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:15/10/2010 11:41 PMCopy HTML

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Maegan20Fox20Banner.jpg Maegan Fox picture by pegasusfeds10
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Got the bitch part right
The Foxes vs The Dynasty Divas
Multiple time wrestling/martial arts champ. Canadian National Soccer team
extreme promo 2/ppv promo1
..x{Maegan and Gracie walk into the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin.  Samantha walks up to them with a smile.  The girls are dressed in black and red Nike Flight suits, black and red Nike Shox, and black raybans.  When the girls realize they are on camera they open the jackets to show up, the yet to be released Fighting Foxes t-shirt.  The girls are almost millitant with how they present a team mentality.  They also have their blond hair French Braided.}
Samantha:"I know that you are probably headed in to do a promo for your upcoming match againist Lacey and Dusty but I was wondering if I could get a response about the comments that the Beautiful Bitches have been making."
{Gracie rolls her eyes.  Maegan looks up at the ceiling and then back at Samantha}

Maegan:"One word comes to mind.  Pathetic.  I could rant and rave about how rookies have a lot of guts but then it would make me look just like them.  A pathetic rookie.  We were raised in this business.  There are only two things that bother me.  The first thing is calling us all stupid and ugly.  {the three girls smile} You know honestly, that's the first time that I've been called ugly.  I've been called a stupid skank but ugly?  People tend to tell us that because we are pretty that means we are weak wrestlers or sluts."

Samantha:"Hey, you know what Garbage says.  Sex isn't the enemy."
{Maegan and Gracie join her in a laugh.}
Gracie:"The other thing that bothers us is that they come in here, acting like they do, and wearing a Whitney Marrett t-shirt.  It's not just a slap in the face to Whit, its a slap in the face to SEF.  You know I look up to Whitney Marrett too and I've talked about it, but to be so,"
{Gracie pauses}
Maegan:"I've been in the ring with Whitney.  I've been in the ring with Lacey Daniels.  Someone else that you called stupid and ugly.  I don't see how three women who used to model professional could be ugly.  Then again, Lacey and I beat the hell out of each other in the Hell in a Cell.  We showed that neither of us are weak.  On that night, Lacey proved to be the better competitor.  I've also been in the ring with Whitney and had my ass kicked by her far worse than anything Lacey has ever dished out.  {she shook her head}  You look up to Whitney Marrett, you want to idolize her, and that's all fine, but just remember, you can't even lace my boots, so I doubt that even if she did lower herself to step in the ring with someone as unworthy as you that you'd not even cause her to break a sweat!  {Maegan sighs}  "You know, Mack and Whitney are SEF.  They are legends who could return to SEF at anytime, step into the ring with any opponent, and come out victorious.  Very few people can say that.  They have earned it.  So as members of the SEF roster I take an affront to them as an affront to the company.  You know some people may find that pathetic and naive, but I am loyal.  It's why I am still working SEF when my twin brother was offered the opportunity to oversee the new brand within SEF, the FFE.  I am working both brands."
Grace:"I think we've proven that we were willing to step up when Mack and Whitney went on their much deserved vacation.  Some people may think that the Legacy failed to pick up the slack, but Mack and Whitney left a void that can not be filled by anyone, no matter who tries to step up.  All we can do is do the best that we can do, put on the best show possible and hope that they come back in whatever capacity that they wish to return too.  SEF will survive even if its not the same without the Icon and the Legendary founder."
Samantha:"That is all true, but remember that Whitney doesn't like people who kiss her ass."
{Maegan and Gracie smile}
Maegan:"She tends to kick the asses of people who kiss her ass.  {she brushes her braid over her shoulder}  "It's ironic.  As much as I now dislike my former high school chum, I am surprised that she has not tore these beautiful bitches a new asshole.  She's not one to take this kind of thing sitting down, being called stupid, weak, and ugly."
Grace:"She probably wrote them off as two nobodies with nothing better to do than run their mouths."
Maegan:"You know what Uncle Josh's dad would say."
{Grace smiles}
Maegan:"When chickens have nothing better to do they scratch and cluck."
{Grace and Maegan shrug}
Grace:"I really don't know what they means.  Chickens just cluck, I guess. I don't know.  I've never really been around them.  {she laughs}  Other than Ole Mac Donald that I
sing to Dante, Katie, and Owen, I don't know."
Maegan:"It doesn't matter, really.  All they are trying to do, is throw us off of our game.  We have to face the Dynasty Divas on Sunday for their Dynasty Diva tag titles.  I
don't know if Viper is sanctioning them as real women's tag titles or not but a win is a win.  IF they have to defend them then I would like to do nothing better than to ruin
their day by taking the titles from them.  If I got the opportunity, then I'll take the International title off of her too."
Grace:"Anything to get under their skin because they are going to work FFE as well.  They are in the Transcontiental title match as well."
Maegan:"Anyone who signed with FFE is in the match.  I think Justin may no longer be in it.  I would love to win the title but if anyone related to the Fox family wins the title then people would claim that Matt fixed it.  That's why its so important that I win titles here in SEF."
Grace:"It's why we all came to SEF.  We are used to being looked at as being 'chosen.'  Like we were always given our victories rather than earned them.  We have earned our victories here and we will continue to do so. Even if it means we are thrown into countless feuds with my step-sister."
{Maegan's cell rings and she pulls the phone out}
Maegan:"Hey babe.  {she listens} "We are cutting a promo.  We are almost done."
Grace:"I guess that's it.  We'll catch up with you later and then we have to tape a promo for FFE."
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