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universal6 star tag team

Cleansing the Company..One Bitch at a Time(ER PPV Rp 1)

Started by Midnight, October 02, 2023, 08:46:07 PM

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Date Posted:16/10/2010 2:40 AMCopy HTML

Fay and Oktober appeared on the screen and waved. Fay began to speak.
Fay: So me and Summers watched the Fighting Foxes promo and we laughed our pretty little asses off. We both find it funny that you claim you know what we've said and know us, when in reality..you don't know shit. So boys and girls..it's like this. Me and Summers are going to be the most dominate tag team ever here in the company..you either accept that..or fuck off.
Oktober: You know Fay, these assholes are jealous because unlike all of them, we are going to be the ones with the titles.
Fay: Exactly. We have the skills, the brains and the talent to surpass all these dickwads. While I possess the brains between us, Summers has the passion and the drive. You come at us in the ring, we come back at you ten times harder and more vicious.
They high five each other and then Fay continues.
Fay: The way I see it, is the fact that the PPV is only the beginning. While I capture the heavyweight title, and believe me I will win that, Summers and I will go on Wildside to win the Tag Turmoil and grab the tag gold as well. We will make an impact, history and be the dominate bitches that we was trained to be. And if you don't like that..then I suggest you...
They turn around and slap their asses and speak in unison.
They giggle and then hug each other as the scene fades to black.

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