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The Dangerous Corporation Will Only Grow Stronger

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 08:53:32 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:16/10/2010 2:03 PMCopy HTML

So on the last Extreme we finally saw what many people are calling the answer to take down the DC, but what many don't realize is the true power this group holds. Its not just two General Managers and the World Heavyweight Champion, but it is a collection of the greatest talent in SEF. Oh, so Nick Torres and Troy Storms are back, oooh, like those two pitiful old men could tangle with the monsters of mayhem or anyone in the DC?! And Mack, the fans still want him back, but they can't chant all they want and will get nothing for Shane Mack is history, Rick Reynolds is to thank for that! Face it, the Dangerous Corporation has no real threat to its existence, not even the so called, big and bad Viper can hold the DC down for he knows better!
And so we open to the luxurious hotel room of the DC and inside we find a couple sofas facing each other, chairs to side of each sofa with a small table in between them all. In one chair is Drake Sage while in another is Rob Rocco. Sitting to his right on a sofa is Hal Havoc and Thor and across them is Rick Reynolds with a blonde chick on either side of him, mini skirts and halter tops, but who cares what they wear. The DC stars are dressed in causal suits, styling as usual and at a bar we see Axel, Thrash, and Slash sitting back in jeans and t-shirts, their backs to us, but given their size and notoriety, you know who they are. Rick just looks to the camera starting this off.
First of all, your chump change ass is lucky to even be in this room with all this greatness, so hold the camera more steady and do a good job before I personally stand up smack the stupid off your face!
Some smirking from everyone and Rick smirking arrogantly, then we hear from the cameraman.
Alright man, so-
Rick cuts him off berating him further.
Shut up you moron, no one wants to hear the garbage from your mouth. Now do your job or maybe instead of a little slap I'll let Destruction have a round with you!?!
A shot of Destruction who don't turn, just drink up and then Rick yells.
And so the view rests back on him and the others sitting around, then Rick says.
I'm just giving ya a hard time kid, grow some steel in your nerves and settle down and listen up, something every, single one of you pitiful excuse for wrestlers in SEF should be doing right now!
Rick slyly grins and whispers in the blondes ear on his left, then she unbuttons his suit jacket revealing the SEF World Title around his waist. She rubs it and the other girl does as well, then Rick says.
Justin Rodgers, Chris Orton, Hardcore Haz, and Jason Price, these are the latest so called, cream of the crop, that SEF is putting against me, a man who ended the career of Shane Mack? Yes folks, Mack is not on vacation, hell, neither is Whitney like many seem to be claiming. She retired years ago because she did enough for SEF and Mack, as I said, I ended his career, I retired Shane Mack and I'll do the same to either one of you who try to take what's mine, the World Heavyweight Championship!
He keeps smirking, his hands rubbing the shoulders of each blonde and he continues.
Now tomorrow night the oh so great Viper decides I need to step in the ring in a tag team match, myself and Hal Havoc get to face the returning Storms and Torres, Da Gangstas, some washed up group that can't even rank in the same league as the DC. Then in the match as well being this is a triple threat tag match is two whiny, prissy jokes claiming fame to the Jericho name and getting pissed when called out on their bullshit. Thing of it is, I don't care who your related too, neither one of you are gonna get a win over the World Champ or my partner because it would be a disgrace just as you both are. Fact is, myself and Havoc, were gonna show you two kids and Gangstas, you two old men, were gonna show you four why the real atlent of SEF does indeed lie in the Dangerous Corporation. Were the best of the best and no washed up stars or green rookies are gonna steal our spotlight! Isn't that right Hal?
Rick smirks and we see Hal is smirking, they all have those arrogant smirks to them, telling you their better and they know it.

Taylor Andrews

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Re:The Dangerous Corporation Will Only Grow Stronger
Date Posted:16/10/2010 3:51 PMCopy HTML

The camera keeps rolling and Rick seems preoccupied with the blondes on either of him, so Hal smirking says.

Troy, Nick, you two want to bring up the nMo days, the days when I dominated this company with you two as my lackeys!?

A big grin now and he strokes his goatee, then says.

Tomorrow night I wrestle with a man equal to me, the World Champ Rick Reynolds and were gonna wipe the mat up with you. As for Shane and Cody, kids, pick a new a profession cause after we get finished with this match the DC will indeed only grow stronger.

Hal looks over to Thor and raises his left fist to him and then to the others getting a return gesture of unification, then Hal lowers his arm and says.

Da Gangstas are no match for our pure dominance, the talent sitting around in this room studying our opponents together, we work together and sooner than later we will all have gold. Viper can only do so much, but he can't keep down the real talent of SEF. Nick and Troy, we got unfinished business and tomorrow night we finish it with me sticking my boot in both your asses. I got the largest arms in the company and I'm use them as well to clobber you into submission while my partner simply makes you submit!

Hal smirks and we see Rick nodding with a smirk and he says.

That's what they all do against me, tap out!

Hal nods to him and says.

The DC will destroy two tag teams and then come Extreme Revolution we will end the false sense of hope that is Da Gangstas and their band of merry bitches!

Hal laughs now and waves a hand to the camera indicating he's done, everyone else still full of confidence with their smirks laugh a little as well.

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