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Knox's ppv

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 09:34:03 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:204
  • Posts:143
  • From:USA 
  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:21/10/2010 6:05 PMCopy HTML


obannons.jpg Knox & Dusty picture by pegasusfeds10

..::Dusty and Knox::..
..::Dusty, Knox, Lacey, Justin etc, etc::..
..::NEXT MATCH::..
..::Dynasty Divas vs Foxes/Knox vs Drake Sage
..::Sorry everyone!::..

{Knox is walking down the hall with Chris Orton going over their matches from Extreme and the worth of the ones on the ppv}

Knox:"I am not even sure why I have to be in this stupid FFE match.  I am only there to show Matt that he is nothing and the only talent he has is there because they either can't hack it in SEF or because they want to make the lives of those who can't hack it in SEF's lives a living hell.  {they chuckle}  Which I think is why our women are there.  They can get a little cardio in, take the gold from some pathetic losers, who couldn't beat a decent competitor in the first place, and to annoy the hell out of the Fox girls.  {shakes his head}  Of course, the Fox girls really can't survive in SEF because no one is kissing their ass like they are used too.  Then again, {he scratches his goatee} I can see why Dusty and Lacey want to go to FFE since Maegan and Grace are running from them.  Cowards.  Then again, I can make Matt's life a living hell by stealing a victory from Justin.  No, {He smiles at Chris} Justin is your victim.  I think I'm going to help Dusty and Lacey dominate FFE.  When Dusty and Lacey decide who wants the Transcontiental title, then I'll systematically dismantle everyone else so they can win.  I'll planning on taking the television title here.  Why let the DC take all of the glory here?  It's not like Rick Reynolds can survive a heavyweight title match with you.  What do you think?"
((This has been an official *Knox and Dusty O'Bannon* Roleplay))

Layout 2003 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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