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Short & Stoned

Started by Daddy Mack, October 02, 2023, 09:39:28 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:21/10/2010 11:36 PMCopy HTML

Whoa, its like Friday, but to those of us involved in the wrestling business its just early Thursday night and the party is rocking loud in the hotel room, well just the music really, Rest In Pieces by Saliva, good song. We see Troy Storms and Nick Torres playing chess at a table while Viper sits on the bed and in runs Shady Smack doing crotch chops and growling. He jumps up on the bed and on to Viper's back who jumps up and runs smashing Shady into a wall. Viper then holds him up and runs throwing Shady on to the bed. Shady jumps up quick and dropkicks Viper bringing him to his knees, then grabs him in the Show Strangla and Viper yells like a drunk redneck just mocking some jobber like half the roster, oops, uh, scratch that out, yea, anyways. Shady hangs upside down and Viper continues to yell and he reaches as if for the ropes, but there are no ropes, what the fuck?! Storms just laughs and says to Torres.
That's fucked up, but its your move!
Torres shrugs and laughs, studies the board and Viper finally throws Shady up on to the bed getting back and reaches into a fridge quickly pulling a can of Sapporo out. Shady's eyes light up and Viper smiles, then hands him the beer and Shady takes it opening the twenty two ounce can and guzzles some down. Viper steps over sitting on the bed and looks back, Shady growling, but sits down drinking up. Viper just shakes his head and looks to Storms and Torres saying.
Thanks for the help guys, little bastard nearly killed me, man, what the fuck they feeding those things these days?
Torres makes a move and says.
Who knows, is a crazy fucker isn't he, where the hell did Mack ever get him?
Viper and Storms both shrug, neither know and then all three turn to Shady who is slurping the beer from the rim of the can, notices the looks and starts growling. Storms and Torres go back to their game as Viper looks away and the three snicker now, then Storms says.
Man, Mack needs to get his back here sooner than later and complete the pack and take care of his goddamn midget!
He laughs and Shady growls, but then takes a drink of beer as we see Julie walk into the room waving to the guys. They look up and nod to her, Julie in leather pants, stilettos, and a Queen baby tee. She steps into the room and looks to sit down, but sees Shady who jumps up excited and runs over leaping into Julie's arms. She catches him stumbling a step and hugs him, then laughing puts him down. Shady is all happy now and tries to hump her leg, but Julie points a finger down at him and Shady turns hopping on the bed hiding behind Viper. Julie just shakes her head and says.
He's as crazy as ever ain't he, so where the hell is Mack anyways, thought he was back?
They all shrug and Shady drinks his beer, then from the door way we hear a woman's voice.
He's on his way up, got sidetracked!
We turn seeing Whitney Marret in tight blue jeans stilettos, and a leather jacket. She steps in smiling and Julie hugs her, then the two sit down as we hear I Wanna Go Back by Kid Rock playing. Shady giving Whitney a hug as Viper moves over, then Storms looks over to the door way saying.
Hey, your finally ya here ya fucker, we got Guinness for ya and Sapporo for the short guy, he missed ya!
And the view pans over, but only sees the foot of who must be Mack and Da Shows Ova!

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