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Maegan's ppv

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 10:34:54 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:24/10/2010 4:35 PMCopy HTML

Maegan20Fox20Banner.jpg Maegan Fox picture by pegasusfeds10
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Maegan's 1st promo
Transcontiental Battle Royal
Multiple time wrestling/martial arts champ. Canadian National Soccer team
Justin's explanation is here too
..x.{{{Everyone except for Maegan and Matt start to leave.  Matt stops Justin as Maegan walks over to the camera}

Matt:"What the hell were you doing?  You looked arrogant as hell ignoring the camera.  I thought you were going to wait until the end of the game before you cut your promo?"
Justin:"Blame Rage's dumb ass for coming in during the third quarter.  I didn't even have my boots laced up.  I knew Rage was there, but I didn't know that the camera was on."
Matt:"Reynolds is going to eat you alive for this shit."

Justin:"Fuck...not much I can do now.  Not like I can go, {he raises an eyebrow and points to Rage who has the camera on them and not Maegan} "You know what Rage?  Your birthday is coming up a few days after mine.  I know what I am getting for your birthday.  Two things, a watch and a subscription to NFL Mobile.  When the Saints and the Cowboys are playing, I can't concentrate."

{Maegan rolls her eyes at them and shoos them out}

Maegan:"I guess you can tell that we still need to get our ducks in a row. {she glances back at the door as it shuts and begins her promo} Even though I originally did not want it, I have been nominated by my family to be the first Transcontiental Champion.  I did not want anyone to say that it is because my twin, pretty much runs things at FFE that I was 'chosen' to be the one who highlights the fed.  Ironically, that would put me on equal footing with you, wouldn't it Lacey?  It would piss the Bytches off to no end if I did win.  Then again, I am not here to beg everyone to like me.  If I earn the respect of the fans and other wrestlers, great, but first I have to earn it.  I'm not going to preen and shake my ass and pretend like I'm God's gift.  I am a contender for more than one title and I am one half of the Dynasty tag champs, titles that I hope to make legit on Wildside when Gracie and I are in the tag team turmoil to crown Wildside tag champs.  Whatever I am given at SEF and FFE is whatever I earn.  Which means that if Matt or Viper needs me for an extra match, then I'm ready."
{Maegan pauses and walks a little out of camera range.  The camera has no trouble following her.  She reaches into a cooler that is black and gold and laughs.  She also adjusts her half of the dynasty tag belts to her opposite shoulder and smiles}

Maegan:"Hopefully the guys have more than alcohol in here!  {she pulls out a kentwood water so cold that a sliver of ice slides down the bottle.  She unscrews the blue cap and takes a sip.} "I know that the Fighting Foxes and the Legacy have taken a stand as a stable to really make it known that we are working and defending both brands as a whole. As for me, I need to make it known that I making it personal.  So Viper made the Dynasty Divas defend these tag belts.  They still have little legitmacy as far as the sanctioned SEF and vacant FFE titles have.  So I have to do my damnedest both tonight and anytime there is any kind of show put on by FFE or SEF.  Any title belt, any brand, any show.  If there is to be a contendership match, I need to be ready to step up and prove that I deserve to be a champion, not just walk around looking stupid with a title that my opponents would claim that my cousin and I couldn't win without Julie's help.  There is plenty of reason why SEF is a groundbreaking organization.  SEF likes to give people oportunities.  People like Julie and Whitney Marrett seized those opportunities and used them to make themselves the legends that they are.  Now it's my turn.  My turn to show everyone, not just my rivals The Beautiful Bytches and Lacey Daniels, absolutely everyone!  That I am more than willing to accept the challenge that SEF asks of its superstars.  Tonight, I get the chance to prove to the world that even though I like to talk about my family alot and where I would like to live up to it.  Tonight, I want to prove that its not just talk.  It's like Justin said.  It's faith.  Tonight on the SEF Extreme Revolution pay per view, I will be walking out a champion!  Not just this, {she touches the tag belt} "but a singles title.  A title that I will have earned for the most part on my own by seizing the golden opportunity that has been given to me."
This Layout was created as a freebie by MajikNinja//ENJOY


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