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Knox and Dusty's Extreme 188

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 11:18:11 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:28/10/2010 3:51 PMCopy HTML


obannons.jpg Knox & Dusty picture by pegasusfeds10

..::Knox and Dusty::..
..::Dusty and Knox::..
..::Dusty, Knox, Lacey, Justin etc, etc::..
..::NEXT MATCH::..
..::Dusty vs Oktober & Knox vs Drake
..::Sorry everyone!::..

{It's the day after a Wildside that left both sides of the Dynasty Divas and Fighting Foxes feud reeling....even allowing for a temporary, most likely one not only alliance in the attempt to recover Dusty and Gracie's abducted little sister, Gabby.  Knox is pacing back and forth but Dusty looks relatively calm as she is whispering secretively to someone on her cell phone.  Even Knox is looking at her funny}

Knox:"Babe! The Crew is here.  {Dusty glances at him and to Greg Boone}  "Listen up, Boone and listen up good, forget Wildside, at least the matches for a moment.  I hate to say it, but I think my wife may actually be having a break down or a twinge of conciousness, since my cousin has abducted her half sister."

{Greg chuckles and Dusty flips him off, before abruptly hanging up the phone}

Dusty:"My sister is none of your, {she jabs Boone in the chest with her finger} business.  What you are here for is the fact that this coming Extreme, I get to kick the ass of one of the skanks who kidnapped my sister.  Oktober, or so she calls herself has to face me in the IC title tournement.  She didn't fare to well last night, especially since she did the one thing that not even our collective family has been able to do my entire life!  You made a big mistake in putting Gracie and I in the same mind set.  You attacked a child, a rookie not even finished with her training.  She was being babied being put in the ring with our sister-in-law, but no, you had to jump her in, like this was a gang war.....{she pauses and looks at Lance} Okay, maybe it is, but the fact that you touched MY little sister that was your fatal mistake.  You teamed up with the ugliest skankiest member of my odd family to snatch my sister up.  You only got a fraction of the pain that you have coming for you, Oktober, and in a few short days, ironically, {she snickers} its Justin's birthday so I'm wouldn't be surprised if his birthday present to himself is to break his precioius rule of hitting women.  See, it was more than a simple mistake.  It was an epic fail, a fatal flaw in your plan.  Go after Journey or any of those other bitches and I could have cared less.  They know better...Gabby is...{she raises an eyebrow} a crucial piece to a very complicated puzzle.  She wants a huge nwo family stable to dominate whatever wrestling fed she happens to sign up with, in this case, she's only FFE but that's only so she can get her feet wet, pay her dues.  {She gives a sick laugh} Now, if you would have nabbed Peyton, {she tosses her hair over her shoulder and looks bored} Oh well, she'd have been Gracie's problem.  She's to much of a Fighting Fox fan girl.  God, I remember her at four years old running around in a to big Vixen shirt featuring the original group...{rolls her eyes} her mother, Maegan's mother, Journey's mom, and Lance's step-mom.  Hell for all I know it could have had Rage's mom on there too.  I don't remember if that mega-whore was even in the group then.  She's always been a mommy's girl and up Maegan's and Gracie's ass ever since Gracie made her debut.  So now Oktober, you have signed your death warrant.  My sister is not going to be another Jessie." {She stalked off as her cell phone plays a snippet of Pour Some Sugar on Me} :"Lacey? Have you heard anything?"

{Knox crosses his arms with a smirk}

Knox:"She's pissed.  Anyone who had to face her in this mood would be in trouble.  Me?  I could have told the world that my cousin was mesed up in the head....either one of them.  Then again, no one knows Jake like I do.  His entire time in the Marines was under my command.  The Chaotic and New bitch problem has been officially been taken over by The Dynasty Divas.  All I have to worry about is some punk named Drake Sage who couldn't hack it on his own in SEF so he jumped into bed with the Dangerous Corporation.  You know DC, I had no problem with you until you signed a man tht I hate more than anyone else in this world.  The man who abused, neglected, and deflowered one of the only two things in this world that I treasure.  You just had to get that bastard Corez to come play with you guys.  Oh, there is no love lost between Justin and myself.  He didn't deserve to be the champion nor did he deserve the shot as much as Chris Orton deserved to regain the SEF title.  Orton is the true and rightful champ.  He was screwed but he'll get his revenge.  He'll plot the perfect plan before executing it and taking the title when you stupid ass fans least expect it."

Greg Boone:"Um, Knox, you're not facing Drake Sage.  Drake Sage and Jason Price have to face Justin and Maegan.."

Knox:"Then who in the fuck am I facing?"

Greg Boone:"Hardcore Haz.."

Knox:"Who?  {he throws his head back and laughs} "Oh, wait, I think I heard Orton mention him.  He's some die hard wannabe follower of The Sandman right?  Didn't he have his ass handed to him not to long ago by Orton?  It will be such an easy win since Chris has softened him up for me."

{He starts to turn away}

Greg Boone:"IS that it?"

{Knox turns, eyebrow raised}

Knox:"Shouldn't it?  He is so far beneath me and not worth my time.  Now, the DC, a bunch of ungrateful bastards, they are worth my time.  Something that my wife and I would love to do a little double date ass kicking with our only real friends we've ever had.  Imagine an eight man tag and on one side you see a bunch of guys who couldn't handle a career on their own so they had to band together like a bunch of cowards and on the other side you see the most devestating force in SEF today, Chris Orton and the SEF International Champion teaming with the only other truely dominant couple in SEF, The O'Bannons.  That would be a pay per view dream match.  Why?  These dumb ass fans do NOT deserve to see such greatness in one match for free.  They should pay every time the four of us step into the ring to wrestle.  Why? We are just that amazing."

((This has been an official *Knox and Dusty O'Bannon* Roleplay))

Layout 2003 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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