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The plan revealed

Started by Kristin Fox, October 03, 2023, 08:12:17 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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Date Posted:31/10/2010 4:43 PMCopy HTML


obannons.jpg Knox & Dusty picture by pegasusfeds10

..::Knox and Dusty::..
..::Dusty and Knox::..
..::Dusty, Knox, Lacey, Justin etc, etc::..
..::NEXT MATCH::..
..::Dusty vs Oktober & Knox vs Drake
..::Sorry everyone!::..

{It's early Thursday morning, October 28.  Only about four or five hours after Wildside went off the air.  We hear someone struggling in a dark room and the only light is from what looks like a mobile style of night light.  It's throwing multi-colored animal shapes son the wall.  A door opens and we hear a choked sob.  Someone moves through the dark and opens another door.  There is the sound of something soft scraping the wall.  There are small sounds and the the sobbing becomes more frequent as something scraps and then gets picked up and taken into the smaller room.  The door shuts and something blocks out the light from the mobile.  There is a sudden blinding light as we see a tiny bathroom become illuminated.  All that is in the room is a bottle of baby shampoo, baby wash, and a bottle of Disney Princess Colgate toothpaste.  Of course a small tub and toilet is in the room.  We see a young woman tied to a chair and a man moving around.  Finally, the man squats down near her, we can tell that they are close to the same age, but both of them have been beaten.  When the man moves we can see that it is Lance Boudreaux.  One side of his face is bruised and his eye is almost swollen.  His lip is busted open and his voice is somewhat slurred}
Lance Boudreaux:"Gabs, you have to trust me.  I'm the only one inside who can help you."  {she tries to fight againist him} "Do you remember when I came to live with my Mom & Dad?  {her eyes are wide with fear, but she finally shakes her head} "My dad found me locked in a closet much smaller than this.  I didn't have a toilet or a bathtub.  There were horrors that I only told my mom about...because she was my therapist first.  I will not allow you or anyone else to suffer the way I suffered.  So if you trust me....{she didn't look like she was going to.  he sighs and pulls out his badge.}  It's why I became a cop.  My dad and his S.W.A.T. team saved me.  I came here to help Matt get his company started, not to torture or brain wash anyone.  Now, I'm the only one awake.  So, I'm sure you probably need to use the bathroom so I'm going to untye you, but you have to be quiet and I'm going to go on the other side of the door so you can have privacy. {he unties her} Look Gabby, I'm going to look out for you.  My aunt Carly is running this thing so it can't be very well thought out.  As soon as she's off on some other tangent I'll bring you a cell phone and you can call Justin.  Neither he nor Jagger, {looks like this really cuts him} will speak to me.  {he pulls a bottle of water from his cargo pants and a cheap toothbrush}  "Here," {he unscrews the cap and wets a wash rag to start cleaning her face and bruises as she takes a sip of water} "Everything is going to be okay. I'm going to help you."
{he cleans her face and then steps out of the room for a few minutes.  He stands on the other side of the door with his head tilted back until she cracks the door open}
Gabby:"Lance?"  {He turns and enters the bathroom}  "What happened to you?"
{Lance frowns. Not sure how to say}
Lance:"I was in the tag turmoil with Justin, Jagger, Rage, and their buddy Camaro.  They weren't so forgiving.  {he  looks down}  "I was told we were going to take you, give Justin a hard time, and leave you in Matt's office so they run around looking like crazy, but they'd find you, at the lastest this morning, when Danika opened the office.  You'd be able to call anyone you wanted, you'd just be locked inside his office.  This is not what I was told.  When I said so to Jake...things only got worse."

{a few scattered shots of Lance sneaking in to let Gabby use the rest room, get water, brush teeth, etc.  A couple of shots have him coming in, bringing her a sandwich.  We open on Lance coming in.  He has some clothes}
Lance:"Carly is preoccupied with someone...uh, physically.  Jake & Jessica are out.  This is bigger than I thought.  I don't know if Knox is involved but in case you haven't put two and two together.  This is Emily's bedroom.  Dusty and Tate were here either.  They packed a bag.  So, I figure you and Tate are about the same size.  {he shrugs} I figure you might want to take a shower and it would be better if you had clean clothes.  Jessica said something about meeting Oktober so I know Jake's going to be busy...probably most of the weekend the way he is."
{Gabby looks up at him.  Sees he is worried}
Gabby:"What is it?"
Lance:"I don't know.  Carly is really smug about this.  She's got something going, maybe something big.  We have to be careful."
{{{Several random shots of Lance sneaking in, bringing more of Tate's clothes so she can shower & change, and feeding her.  Late Saturday night, Lance comes in.  This time Gabby reaches up to kiss him.  He doesn't stop her and he lets her put her arms around his neck.  He rubs her back as he kisses her back.  Eventually, the two are laid back on the floor going at it and eventually Lance pausing to pull something from his back pocket before the two of them are completely naked.  He moves a bit to reach between them and then goes back to her and they are soon very much involved.  There is no struggle or pressure which proves that this is not the first time for either of them.  He kisses her quickly before looking back over his shoulder before following her into the bathroom.  A half an hour or so later, they reemerge, with wet hair.  Lance begins to dress and Gabby lays a hand on his bare shoulder}
Gabby:"You should have told Jagger we were together."
{He frowns.}
Lance:"I don't think he would believe me."
{She looks put out}
Gabby:"If you weren't following Jessica around letting her act like,"  {she frowns, her eyes watering} "you two.."
Lance:"NO!  {he takes a deep breath} No, I didn't sleep with her.  She's tried like crazy but, {he shrugs} "I'm not into being a notch on someone's post.  In case you hadn't noticed, I, {he stops and he brushes her hair back} "I'm going to get you out of here and stop being a coward.  I thought I was going to be able to control this."
Gabby:"Why?  What happened?"
{Lance looked down}
Lance:"I didn't see him clearly, but a blond guy getting into a limo with Carly.  I think it was Rick Reynolds."
{She freaked and he pulled her into his arms.}
Lance:"I've got to get you out of here.  In a couple hours, its going to be Halloween."
Gabby:"Justin's birthday."
Lance:"Yeah, Extreme is tonight.  The Enforcers are in a match againist one of the guys from The Dangerous Corporation.  Grace is in an IC match and from what I saw on her only promo for Extreme, she's really tore up.  She misses you.  I know that your dad and as many of his fellow Texas Rangers as he can get are probably looking all over Louisiana for you."
Gabby:"But, we're in Dallas."
Lance:"I know.  They'll probably be in St. Louis tonight because Oktober is wrestling so Jessica is going to be with her.  I am not going.  Jake may go because he's shacked up with Oktober.  If we are here alone, I can take you home."
Gabby:"I hope so."
{Several hours later, Gabby hears a commotion.  It sounds like a war is going on.  She dares to hope that Lance called her dad and that the Texas Rangers are tearing down the door.  Suddenly the door is thrown open.  The room is flooded with the hot Texas sun, high and bright at 1 pm.  We can see that Dusty is standing there looking at her with disgust}
Dusty:"Lance Boudreaux?  Really?"
{Gabby is wearing Family guy pajama pants and a Stewie t-shirt.  Her eyes blinking rapidly at the light but you can tell by the way she is looking at Dusty that she is relieved to see her.  Until Carly comes in behind her.}
Carly:"You think we wouldn't have some sort of camera on you?  {She picks up a teddy bear and throws it at her}  "There is a special reason we put you in here, stupid!  This is a nanny cam!  I wanted to stop Lance Thursday when I saw him sneaking in here to feed you and let you bathe.  {she shakes her head} We didn't know how involved you were.  {she laughs} "He played you so well."
{Gabby shakes her head in denial}
Dusty:"Disgusting."  {She turns and gestures in the hallway.  Jake and Knox come in and throw Lance on the floor.  He's beaten all to hell}  He was suposed to keep you quiet not rape you.  He was suposed to be a cop!"
{Gabby begins to cry as Tate saunters in.  She comes over and rips her clothes off of Gabby, leaving her in her bra and a few rags covering her lack of underwear.}
Tate:"I can't believe he'd touch you when he had me.  He laughed at you."  {Gabby turns to look at Lance.  He is trying to shake his head.  Tate kneels down beside her and starts whispering in her ear.  Gabby is really crying now.} "See, I told you.  All the lies he told you?  Don't you see why Justin and Jagger beat the hell out of him and now, you see what my brother does to him when he realizes he was playing both of us?  Knox doesn't play or give benefit of the doubt.  He's not bound by this rightous honor bound system that Josh imposed upon his kids."
{Dusty turns and comes in with a small bag.  She tosses the bag on her sister's lap}
Dusty:"I brought you your own clothes.  How could you let that bastard touch you? I thought I taught you better?  Guys like him only want one thing.  {she shakes her head}  "It's disgusting.  At least you took a shower after he touched you.  We're going to give you some privacy.  You don't have much time."
{Jake unties her and pulls a blanket off of Emma's bed and puts it over her}
Gabby:"For what?"
Dusty:"I realized that I was wrong leaving you with those bastards.  Now, I have found you a guy who is more than decent to be your boyfriend.  Only, I'm sure he's going to be really put out that you are no longer a virgin."
Knox:"That pisses me off!"  {he fumes, but grabs Carly by the arm} "I told you, the rules are, Gabby picks who she wants to be with just like you and Jessica get to do, and two, breaking her in doesn't mean making her look like that sorry Cajun bastard on the floor."
{Dusty is the only one left in the room with Lance beaten on the floor and Gabby dressing and crying quietly.}
Dusty:"Don't you see?  He used you.  He wouldn't even tell our brothers or Dad that the two of you were together.  Why wasn't he a man about it?  Knox did.  Rage, as much as I despised him, went to bitchie's father and announced he planned to marry her one day.  Knox and Rage got into fights with Justin over us.  Justin even fought Corez.  If he was any kind of man he would have said something.  He wouldn't have kept it a secret and he sure as hell wouldn't have been sleeping with Tate and really.  {she lowered her voice} Tate is a skank.  She really is.  She only looks normal now because Lacey has been on her day and night.  Do you know that we have to tell her to take a shower?  She doesn't even care about her own personal hygiene so why would Lance, {she shudders} It's so disgusting.  Why would you lower yourself?"
{Gabby is dressed in taupe gauzy summer dress.  She kneels down next to Lance.}
Gabby:"I could understand why you would be afraid of my Dad, maybe even my brothers...but how could you cheat on me?  {he tries to talk but its obvious that his jaw is broken, one eye completely swelled shut.} "How could you?  I loved you!  I believed you!  {She turns to Dusty} If I have to, {she stands up and looks away} Rob and Thor are the only ones not scary looking.  Rick is the best looking but if Carly is really planning this whole thing, you know she's taking the best for herself.  {she sighs}  Thor has nice eyes."
{Lance uses the chair to try to get up.  He reaches for Gabby's arm and tugs it.  He pulls both of her arms and turns her to face her. Gabby won't look at him}
{Knox and Jake come running back into the ring and pulled Gabby away.  Then they began to beat him again as we fade.}
((This has been an official *Knox and Dusty O'Bannon* Roleplay))

Layout 2003 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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