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The Treat is All Mine - Extreme rp 1

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 03, 2023, 08:25:30 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:31/10/2010 5:20 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
The Treat is All Minevs JulieChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/Fugly FoxesTV Champion x1, International Champion (current)just a lil sumptin' for ya .. sorry it's a bit rambling


The scene opens with Lacey Daniels sitting on a hotel bed, she looks like she's just woken up about 10 minutes earlier but still manages to look hot as hell. Her facial expression reflects her mood, as she looks quite serious and thoughtful. She stretches her arms above her head and then tucks them under her legs before she speaks.

LD:  Oh Julie, Julie, Julie ... you wanna know where I am? Where I've been? What I've been up to?.. None of your fucking business babe ... some of us have a life alrighty.

Lacey smiles smugly and pushes her hair back from her face.
LD: So last week at Extreme Revolution I faced 2 surprise opponents as the "men" and I use that word loosely, I was originally booked against didn't even bother to turn up. I guess you could take it as a mark of disrespect for SEF but I know the real reason they didn't show their faces ... it's because they wanted to avoid the humiliation of having their ass kicked by a woman! ... And hey, who could blame them? If I was booked against me I'd think twice about it ... ha! No I wouldn't cos nobody intimidates me!! Certainly not the two replacements ... Maegan Fox whose almost now become my personal whipping bitch and the returning Julie, so-called "Queen of SEF". Although the only thing she's showed me so far is that she's queen of sticking her nose into other peoples business. Yeah I'm still slightly pissed about her costing me and Dusty our Dynasty Diva tag belts!
Lacey frowns slightly as she reaches out of shot and pulls her beautiful custom International championship belt towards her and places in on her lap. She strokes the strap and smiles slightly.
LD: Now I could make all kinds of excuses about my performance at the PPV like the distraction of Gabby's kidnapping, the loss of our tag titles, the change of opponents but I'm not about that. It wasn't up to my usual standard and I know it, I don't really give a shit that Julie or anyone else will say I cheated to keep my title ...
Lacey shrugs.
LD: People can say what they like ... it's all water off a ducks back. Fact is .. this baby is still where it belongs and SEF still has an International champion that is can be proud of. Now Julie sits there and calls me a joke ... someone not worthy of holding this strap and continuing it's legacy. What the fuck are you smoking hun? ...
Lacey holds her hand up and smirks.
LD: .. Wait don't bother answering that, if you're hanging out with Shane Mack I know exactly what it is! ... But let me tell you it ain't helping your judgment any sweetie. See I'm way qualified to hold this beautiful belt and you can say what you like but there's plenty of evidence to back up what I say. Hell you're so fond of looking up the history books maybe you should have taken a look at what's been happening since you left the last time. I won this belt from a man and I've defended it many times against men and women, I have yet to back down from a challenge and am the walking, talking embodiment of a fighting champ, so don't think for a second I'm worried about getting in the ring with you on Extreme cos as far as I'm concerned you're just another obstacle in my path to greatness. An obstacle that will be crushed, demolished and destroyed as I move on to become one of SEF's greatest International champions ever!
Lacey looks deep into the camera with a determined look in her eyes.
LD: You may talk about being one of the biggest names in SEF history and that may well be true, hell I don't doubt you unlike you do to me. See you think that because you've achieved so much here that your match against me is a foregone conclusion. You really think you can just waltz back into this company and help yourself to my title and I'm just gonna lie down like some little scared girl and let you? Are you fucking nuts? ... How dare you write me off like I'm nothing! I'm gonna enjoy making you eat your words bitch. In fact I'm buzzing about the fact that I get to prove my worth against someone of your caliber ... it's quite flattering really. Someone with your reputation, someone with your history has had to be brought back to give me a challenge ... it just shows me that I am more than worthy of holding this title. However, you see to be forgetting one very important thing ... that thing being you were one of the top divas here at SEF ... past tense, not present. Oh you probably still got a lot of go left in the tank but like every other wrestler who walks away and then comes back ... every single time you do, you lose a little something of your legacy. You take a little shine off your reputation because you will never get back to where you were before. You had your time and instead of leaving everyone with the great memories of your prime you have to keep making a comeback and letting yourself and the people who loved you down. It's sad because unfortunately you can't recognize the fact that your time is done and the torch has been passed on and bigger and brighter stars have taken over. I thought you would have learned that lesson last time you made a comeback as Tina and I kicked your ass then but hey, I guess not. So this time I'm going to make sure this is a lesson you never forget. I respect your history but don't be fooled for a second into thinking that it will stop me from beating the living shit out of you! I am going to tattoo my message in foot high letters in your blood, if necessary, all over the Savvis Centre! So hopefully even a dumb-ass whore like you will understand ... I am going to be one of the most dominant divas to ever set foot in SEF, my name will join yours and Whitney's in the roll call of greatest ever SEF women if it kills me and there is nothing you, or anyone else for that matter, can do to stop me!
Lacey's eyes shine with the light of a fanatic, she truly believes every word she says about her future in SEF.
LD: You wanna bitch about me only keeping this belt because of getting other people to help me out ... and you threaten that if Dusty gets involved you've got her covered? With Whitney by any chance? ... What am I supposed to be worried about that? ... Dusty is not my puppet, she's a ballsy woman and has a mind of her own. So I leave it down to her, she knows what she can handle and I trust her judgment. Truth of the matter? Do I use any and every means necessary to keep this baby? ... You damn betcha I do and I have no qualms about it. Whatever it takes to win, whatever it takes and I will use every single solitary strength I possess to get on top and stay there ... to hell with what people think. So all I have to say Julie, is bring it on. I'm planning on stepping up my game to the next level .. I just hope you're ready for it ... oh and in case you were wondering ... that's not a threat, it's a promise!
Lacey blows a kiss at the camera as the scene fades to black
End of rp 1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 


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