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An Upset Shane Shows Up (Extreme)

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 04, 2023, 06:41:32 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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  • Rank:Rookie
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Date Posted:11-18-2010 9:41 PMCopy HTML

When the show comes on the air it shows Shane walking inside of the arena without Brandy, and since he is being overprotective of her that he left her at the hotel that they are staying at. He isn't taking any chances of having her attacked again, and he is facing Knox O'Bannon in the second round in the IC Championship Tournament. He wipes the tears from his eyes, and glares at the camera as he goes off.

Shane Jericho

Last week my fiancee was attacked, and now I am upset. I am taking on Knox O'Bannon in the second round of the IC Championship tournament, and he is in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am upset, and I will rip him apart anyway even if I lose I will destroy him. No one and I do mean no one puts their hands on Brandy, and gets away with it. You might call me being unprotective of her, but I can't risk having her accompany out to the ring to have her attacked again. That is something I just won't allow, and Knox you will be my victim of the night. I am not gonna calm down, and you will face angry Shane that will take you out without even thinking twice. I want to advance in this tournament, and if I have to completely tear you apart I will without any thought about it get ready cause there is a wild torando coming through Extreme.

Shane storms off, and the show cuts to a commercial break.

TBC: Me only

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