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universal6 star tag team

Team FFE

Started by Kristin Fox, October 04, 2023, 08:37:16 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:30/11/2010 6:44 PMCopy HTML

{We open on Justin Rodgers, Matt Fox, and a few new people that had a brief appearance on Wildside.  For the most part the camera is focused on the team that calls themselves the Enforcers}

Justin:"I think I got the message that everyone is trying to give me.  Storms kicking my ass helped wise me up."

Matt:"As you can see, {he points to the guys behind them} is new non-related talent.  What their plans are, I don't really know and for the most part, I don't really care.  What I care about at this particular moment in time is that I have to face my sister in the next round of the SEF IC tournament.  As you can see, my twin isn't here.  She has a minor concussion from getting hit with the club Danielle hit her with in the tag title match on Saturday Night Special.  Hopefully she'll be ready because I plan on going all out in this match because I want no excuses when it comes to this match.  I want to win and I plan too.  Eventually I'll have to face Storms and he'll probably beat some sense into me as he did Justin.  I do have a lot of my plate with the tag title match at the ppv but for now, I am putting my focus on you Troy because win or lose I know that my sister is going to leave before the end of the year.  So her being in this match is pointless.  So you are the man that I will have to beat in order to ascertain whether or not I am SEF championship material.  You'll probably also give me some idea of what I'm facing when it comes to Thrash and Slash at the ppv.  You guys are bigger and tougher than I've ever faced before.  So I'm lucky at least I'll have a week or two to heal if you kick my ass like you did Justin's, {justin shoots him a dirty look} before we have to go into the ppv for the SEF Titles."

Justin:"You are laughing now, but I don't think you should take him as lightly as I did.  He did knock some sense into me and helped me gain perspective on where I stand in this business.  Right now I am focused on the tag titles.  So from here on out, if Boone is willing, then I'd like nothing but members of the Dangerous Corporation until the pay per view.  I want to be prepared for their asses."

{Matt looks confused}

Matt:"I don't think that they are apart of the Dangerous Corporation anymore."

{Justin looks at him}

Justin:"I didn't say that they were."

Matt:"If it wasn't clear to me and I know you better than anyone here then don't you think its going to make you look foolish?"

{Justin raises an eyebrow and then turns back to the camera}

Justin:"Fine, The Dangerous Corporation prides themselves on being the best of the bad asses.  So I would like to face a member of their faction every Extreme until The Enforcers hit the ppv for a shot at the SEF tag titles againist Thrash and Slash."

{the cowboy perks up}

"Tag titles?"

{he nudges another guy with curly black hair in a shirt that says Hockey is life.  The two walk over}

David Michael Taylor:"I guess this is a good time to introduce ourselves to SEF fans.  I am David Michael Taylor and this is Sage Black, {he gestures to the cowboy who tilts his hat} we are the Can Am Connection.  So, whoever the boss is in SEF..."

Matt Fox:"That would be Greg Boone."

Sage Black:"Okay, Mister Boone, you have a third tag team asking for a spot in the tag team tourney at the ppv."

{Grace and Rage walk by at this time}

Grace:"Oh no you guys don't!  Rage is joining SEF and Beautiful Rage is taking the third spot in the tag match at the ppv."

Justin:"Right and those guys will tear you apart."

Rage:"Not likely, you don't realize that Gracie has come along way since she first came to live with you and even more now since she's been in SEF for awhile.  We'll be champs, just wait and see."

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