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Time To Die (Xanthus)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 01:01:56 AM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:08/03/2009 6:19 PMCopy HTML

(Guess were kinda involved now, me and Orton got something going and its gonna end when someone dies, so hopefully that bitch is ready to go cause I've always been ready to face death. Fucking little bastard, he thinks he's hot shit thinks he's some big star, that's one of the greatest in SEF...fuck him. Goddamn it, I busted my ass here for way more years than he has and Mack, Viper, Whitney, they got more years over me, this is bullshit, fuck Orton.)
(I'm a kill that prick, he's a gonna find out what hardcore means tomorrow and he won't like it. Time to finish this cig and shoot on that sack a shit. So I drag down some of the camel, ah yea man, feel that shit in my lungs, c'mon, kill me, anyone, anything, I dare ya!)
"C'mon assholes, stike me dead, I'm ready, are you?!"
(I puff down some more smoke, then flick the rest away. I grab a pint a vodka from my back pocket and down a swallow, then yank out, ah fuck, here's my pills...oh yea here they are in my other pocket, damn jacket has too many. So I yank out the bottle and flip it open downing a couple pills, then close it and pocket the bottle. I down some more vodka and lean back against the wall. Looking up I see the camera and just sneer, fuckers.)
"Yea, fuck ya all! Chris Orton, fuck you especially ya little goddamn faggot whore! two weeks ago we clashed and ya claimed ya had me until Mack and Viper came out, ya fucking liar. Last week we clashed and ya never got the best a me, so fuck you! Tonight we go head to head and I don't care if ya won't believe me, but I tell ya this, it will be one on one, just the two of us and you gonna find out that X to the fucking A is too damn much for you to handle. Its hardcore muthafucka, its my goddamn element, no rules, no remorse, no regrets, no mercy, no nothing, not s goddamn thing can be done to stop this match no matter what I do to you and Orton, what I do is truly gonna change you, its gonna open your eyes, its gonna smack you in the face. I am not the man you want to meet in a hardcore match, me, Mack, or any of us in IX, you don't want to meet in a hardcore match, though, no disrespect to my fellow comrades for I respect them to no end. Myself and Mack are the hardcore masters, hell, I'm not even in Mack's league when it comes down to it, he's the real man of that league, fuck these fake ass posers coming into SEF claiming this and that fuck 'em all!"
(Goddamn cheap trick bastards, I'm a have to go kill them after I kill Orton.)
"Shits about to hit the fan for fucking real around here, ya all don't even know, Chris Orton, you in for the worst of it. Ya think your so great, wait until it happens...the biggest impact of all! Of course ya may be outta action before that happens cause who's to say you gonna make it anywhere after tomorrow night? I'm a rip your ass apart, rip ya a new one, tear off your pimple of a head and piss down yer throat ya little fucker. I don't take kindly to ya coming in here and claiming bullshit, I don't like you Orton, going back to '06 ya fucker, that was fucked up and you about to be! Revenge consumes the soul to no end, one of the worst killers there is because revenge can make you go too far, push the limit to the point of no return, but Orton, that's where it don't matter for me. Ya see, I done gone past that point long ago, I been over the limit for years, living on borrowed time, so revenge, yea, it may kill me, but like I said, I'm ready to die at any given second, hell, maybe even this second...."
(I stare blankly into the camera and then suddenly snap backwards hitting my head on the wall and I slump down to the floor and nothing...
...I leap up on my feet and swing my arms, then flips off the camera.)
"Ya fucking would love that, ya'd love to see me fall over dead now, so ya wouldn't have to face me tomorrow night! Fuck you Orton, ya get no such luck or maybe ya will, maybe tonight I'll die in my sleep, who the fukc knows and to be honest, who the fuck cares? I sure as fuck don't care if I go, my douchebag ma never cared, though I feel mutual about her death, dumb cunt! Ya fucking down Orton, ya hear me, ya get it, ya realize, ya ready to tangle with the man who truly doesn't care, who will kill himself just to get revenge, just for the sake of inflicting pain and punishment on another being? Are ya ready to go Orton? Cause ya see I am, I always am, at the drop of a pin I'll go and that's why you can't prepare for me, you can't be ready for me, no one can prepare for a man who just doesn't give a fuck. Unlike some I don't say that to sound cool, its just a fucking shoot, so fuck you, your dead!"
(I pull out my vodka and slam down a swig as I walk down the hall leaving all you morons to think about it, try to grasp what ya may see, but ya can't. So I keep on walking to the IX room and head on inside, but shut the door and fade to black.)

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