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Your Not Ready (Scorpion)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 06:03:59 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:26/04/2009 7:48 PMCopy HTML

(In a dark room backstage we find Scorpion sitting on a steel chair wearing his ring gear, his World Title around his waist and his eyes peer down below the camera to the floor.)
"I see you've been "busy"...cutting promos left and right, voicing your OPINIONS...spewing your shit, trying to make everyone believe your gonna be the next World Champ. You really believe it and that's good, confidence is a good thing for one to have except when you lose like you will tonight. I've been busier than you care to know Orton. You say your ready to carry SEF on your shoulders, well if SEF had to rely on you to carry it it'd be dead!"

(Scorpion looks up now showing us those cold eyes of his.)
"You couldn't carry my jock let alone this company. Could you be World Champ though? Honestly, I say yes you do have what it takes to be World Champ, but the problem for you is not being worthy of this belt, its being able to get it and you can't get it off me, so as worthy of being World Champ as you may be, its NOT your time, your not ready Orton, but I am!"

(He pauses, no change in expression or his eyes.)
"Your worried about landing a chick who loves for you..."

(He now looks disgusted.)
"You fall all over some two bit tramp, she falls all over you and its love now, love is in the air, heh. You invite her to come to the ring with you and so I say to Taylor Johnson, please do come to the ring and witness the complete destruction of your new squeeze Chris Orton, watch firsthand and see a real champion snuff out his challenger."

(His expression fades from disgust to nothing now.)
"That's right Orton, that's your fate, your destiny tonight, to be defeated by the greatest there is today. Now, hypothetically, lets say you did get the huge...HUGE...upset over me, never will happen, but lets say you did, you still would not be the greatest there is, in SEF...period! I am not the greatest in SEF...period! I have earned a bigger status than you, but not bigger than some and could you actually win you still have to prove yourself as a champion cause remember, getting the title is half the battle. Problem is, that's a battle you won't win, you can't beat me Orton. One on one you stand no chance against me and that's a real shoot!"

(He pauses for a few seconds, no change to his expression.)
"At least Orton...at least when you lose tonight you can go back to your hotel with your new tramp Taylor and let her lick your wounds for you, at least you'll have your love in your life. I too will have my love in my life when the night is over because I'll have this World Title strapped around my gorgeous waist where it truly belongs. This is my one love, its what I desire more than anything. I don't love anyone or anything, but this title, its my life, it defines me right now, but one day I will define the title and one day I will become the greatest there is, greater than anyone else. That is the future though, tonight is the present and tonight is proving my superiority over your rotten carcas. By the way, I'll be alone, I don't need Matt Ward to help me win. He and I joined forces to watch each others backs, to dominate over SEF. The Unstoppable Force was both of ours brainchild despite what he claimed. I've spoken to him about that, it was a slip up on his part. The name was his idea, but the idea to allign with one another was both of ours, we put our heads together one day and said we could take over SEF, so that's that. I am already World Champ and going to remain so for quite some time, at least until I face someone who is actually ready to beat me."

(He smirks finally.)
"That however is a long ways off...a very long way!"

(Scorpion changes his expression to nothing again and then he slowly stands pulling his mic off his vest and drops it, then walks off outta view letting the scene fade out to darkness.)

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