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THC, You Ain't Got Shit On Us!

Started by Liz, April 05, 2023, 09:48:31 PM

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Date Posted:18/07/2009 2:06 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The Roleplay of Jordan Brooks that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

THC, You Ain't Got Shit On Us!
Music Inspiration For The R/P:
"Straight Outta Line" by Godsmack
People Mentioned/Used:
It's Not That Damn Important! Just Read The Fucking Thing And You Will Find Out!
[Last week on Extreme, Jordan and D-Von Dudley battled it out inside the ring to see which of them would advance in the King of SEF tournament. Throughout the entire main event, Jordan and D-Von took it to each other.  At one point, Jordan nailed Protection on D-Von and looked for BAD but D-Von countered. But in the end, Jordan nailed BAD and advanced onto the finals of the King of SEF tournament. Now this week on Extreme, Jordan teams up with his best friend's husband to go against the team of THC, Corez and Xanthus. Will the team of Jordan and Mack topple THC? Or will THC get a win over The Ultimate Protector and The Playa?]

(The scene fades into a view of a office with everything  very important person could ever want. Sitting on the beige colored leather couch is a couple and sitting in the matching colored leather armchair is a man. The couple is The Extreme Dominant Couple, SEF CEO Whitney Marret and her husband Mack, and the man sitting in the beige colored armchair is Jordan Brooks. Whitney is wearing a black pantsuit with a red shirt under the jacket. Mack is in his ring gear as well as Jordan. The three of them are talking and laughing. The camera picks up on what the trio are talking about with Jordan speaking first.)

Jordan Brooks:
I just can't believe that I'm going onto Golden Glory to become King of SEF. But why the hell do I have to face Nick? I guess I'll take what I can get. But that's next Sunday. This Sunday, Mack, me and you have two ungrateful bastards out. Mack, I completely understand that Corez and X are you bros but Look at who they have aligned themselves with. A guy that once wanted to take out Whitney. A guy that aligned himself with Dick. Those two are gonna get their asses handed to them.
(Whitney nods as Mack shrugs and speaks.)

I understand. I agree one hundred percent.
Jordan Brooks:
Sunday, The Ultimate Protector and The Playa will teach those good for nothing punks a lesson. I really don't know much about Corez but Xanthus thinks that he's had a rough life. My father was apart of the "family" and when he went to meet up with some friends of his, I really didn't know if he was coming back. Then I got thyroid cancer.
Whitney Marret:
Yeah, I know that. I was there and with Mack's connection, I got you some relief from puking all the time and to help with all the pain you were going through.
(Jordan turns his head to Whitney and says.)

Jordan Brooks:
Yeah, and during that time, I have no idea on what I would have done without you two. Thanks for being such great friends. And to pay you two back, this Sunday, X and Corez will feel the pain that I went through. If for second they think I will be an easy target, they have another thing coming. I will make them the targets and uncork every ounce of piss and vinegar that I have in me and they will feel either BAD or Protection in the end. They have no idea on what is in store for them. Isn't that right, Mack?
(Whitney and Jordan look to Mack with slight grins on their faces as Mack speaks.)


TBC By Mack
This Layout Was Made For Jordan Brooks By Whitney Marret a.k.a. Liz Decker. If you want a banner or a layout or both, just email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to request one.
Liz     Decker

Daddy Mack

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Re:THC, You Ain't Got Shit On Us!
Date Posted:19/07/2009 9:59 PMCopy HTML

MACK: I suppose so, I mean fuck, their all caught up in themselves right now, thinking they be the best team of all time, thinking
they the most hardcore wrestlers in the world and on top of that I got that punk ass Hank thinking he's some big time hardcore addict, wht is with these jackoffs?!

(He just looks away from the two shaking his head, then looks back and smiles.)

MACK: But ya know, what the hell huh?!

Jordan Brooks: Huh?

MACK: X and Corez wanna redo this tag team wrestling, they wanna jumpstart it, they want to be something great, show the world its not dead and I say to, lets help them with their quest, lets show the world tag team wrestling ain't ded by going out there and stealing the show with a tag team match!

Jordan Brooks: I say hell fucking yea, I'm ready to do it.

MACK: That's good bro, X and Corez, they gonna get something they don't really plan on getting. They ain't fucking slouches though, they damn good wrestlers, hell, X is a former World Champ, Corez has racked up his accolades, they gonna be a tough tandem to tke down, but that's what makes it better. The four of us will revolutionize tag team wrestling, a war like none before!

Jordan Brooks: And we ain't got no problem drawing the first blood in the war, am I right?

MACK: Never have before, my hands are covered in blood so thick nothing can take it off. These boys got trouble if they think they just gonna roll over us and leave us laying...carried out of the arena tonight...

(Mack gets a fire in his eyes.)

MACK: Nah man, if anyone is carried out of here tonight its gonna be all four of us cause the war begins here in Boise Idaho and ain't gonna end for a longtime to come!

(Mack leans back relaxing a bit and takes Whitney's hand in his. She nuzzles on his shoulder and Jordan is just nodding his head.)

Jordan Brooks: I guess that sounds like a plan then, time to kick things up a notch huh?!

MACK: Oh yea brother, Xanthus and Corez gonna get their fight tonight!

(He reaches over the edge of the sofa grabbing three Guinness from a mini fridge, tosses one to Jordan and then pops the top on the other two and hands one to Whitney. Jordan pops his open and the three raise their beers in the air, then toss them back. Mack waves a hand to the camera motioning him out, so the view pns out and soon out of the room, then fades to black.)

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