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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Started by Hank, April 05, 2023, 09:54:24 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:47
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:25/02/2009 11:20 AM
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Date Posted:25/07/2009 2:42 PMCopy HTML

 It's been week and week out Hank and Mack been battling it out. It didn't matter because Golden Glory #3 was right around the corner. Actually It was tomorrow. Tomorrow night where Mack will be take out of SEF. Where the real king of death matches hold both titles. The camera comes in with Hank standing there, it was nothing original. He just going speak his mind, and continue on the path.
"Japanese Death-match SEF International Championship and Intercontinental Championship with Suicide Hank(c) v. MACK(c). Hank will take the win. Mack doesn't got much for his self no more. He done what he can do here in SEF. It's time for the cat to move on. Which in meaning I'm taking over. Taking over is what is the plan. I mean if I can't make Mack leave then I will force him out. I will take his body in and out like it isn't nothing. Mack thinks I am hating on him. Which will be a lie. He wants to come out here and think he's king of hardcore, the god of death matches. I don't think so. So, I am going show him the king of kings. The past weeks we been batting it out and arguing making the challenges This is a hype match. This is better then Domain matches. You got two people who is going be at war in one of the most brutal matches in history. It's something Domain will not be able to hold. Title matches, they are big, but it doesn't compare to this. What else you want me to said. Hank takes Mack out. Hank will make Mack bleed all over the arena. Hank will take over SEF running at Chris when he gets done defeating Mack. Hank lost to Chris last week, it's good I got my mind set on Mack. With that, I'm out...."

Camera fades away.

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