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Bethany & Jordan.. speaks(Jordan Brooks Reply)

Started by Midnight, April 06, 2023, 04:59:46 PM

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Date Posted:23/11/2009 12:19 AMCopy HTML

"Engel" by Rammstein began to play in the entire arena as Nick Miller starts introducing the new International Champion out.

Miller: Making her way to the ring, the NEW International Champion....Bethannyyyy Soooorrrrrooowww!!!

Bethany comes out with her title over her shoulder as the fans boo her. She smirks really big as she gets into the ring. Miller hands her a mic as Miller leaves the ring. Bethany flips her long hair back as she speaks.

BKS: I told you so SVD. I told you that you would not be worthy to win against me, and what happened? You lost.  So SVD...choke on that!

Boos began to get louder. Bethany adjust her title on her shoulder and then continues.

BKS: Now...to this tag match I am in. I done beat SVD for this title belt, and Orton..fuck the Ortons. Every last fucking one of them. They are the lowest form of dirt you can imagine. Randy was a queer,Tyler is a fucking retard and Chris looks like someone raped his ass a little too hard. Those two WILL NOT WIN against me or Brooks.

Just as Bethany was about to continue, Jordan Brook's music plays.



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Re:Bethany & Jordan.. speaks(Jordan Brooks Reply)
Date Posted:24/11/2009 4:31 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The Roleplay of Jordan Brooks that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!


Orton, SVD.......You'll Gonna Be Our Bitch!

Music Inspiration For The R/P:

"Stress" by Godsmack

People Mentioned/Used:

It's Not That Damn Important! Just Read The Fucking Thing And You Will Find Out!

(As Bethany stands in the ring, "Scream" by A7X hits and the crowd boos as a figure is seen at the top of the stage. The figure is of a man and the is none other than the SEF King of SEF, Jordan Brooks. He's dressed in a pair of dark blue baggy blue jeans with a sleeveless black tank top and a black sleeveless hooded sweatshirt also a pair of black boots. He walks down the ramp and then gets down to ringside and just keeps his eyes on Bethany. Jordan then climbs into the ring and gets a mic from Nick. Jordan then raises his mic to speak.)

Jordan Brooks:
Bethany, you and I will be on the same page then. I don't like Chris at all. I was screwed out of the title that he's carrying around. My title! Him and SVD will get theirs.

(The crowd boos as Bethany yells for them to shut up. But that angers the crowd more as Jordan speaks more after ignoring them.)

Jordan Brooks:
Bethany, don't mind what these idiots have to say. They don't know greatness when it's right in front of them. We will win against Orton and Van Dam. It's a synch. After you get Van Dam distracted, I will lay into Orton and what I do to him will make last week look like a cake walk. Chris, you have no idea on what I will do to get my title. Just ask Taylor, if she can speak at all, on what it feels like to have unending pain from what I do. You has best hope that SVD is a good partner to tag with because I've got a good one here. Bethany and I will destroy SVD and your precious Chris Orton. By then end of the night, SVD and Orton will not be able to walk out this ring unscathed. Just think of what you've got yourselves into because once the bell has rang and you look across at Bethany and myself, there's no turning back. No time outs. And no mercy from us.

(Bethany just nods as Jordan grins from ear to ear and says.)

Jordan Brooks:
And to you, Bethany, maybe after our match with the little boys, you and I could get better "acquainted". I surely wouldn't mind. But that's then. With you and I, we are already winners. And Orton and SVD, you had best understand that you guys will get Protection to insure that I will unleash the BAD side of me for the 1.............2..........3! Then it's all over! So boys, get ready....we are for you.

("Scream" hits as Jordan drops the mic and raises Bethany's hand in the air. Jordan twirls Bethany around and whistles. As the scene fades to black, Jordan and Bethany get out of the ring and head to the back to "discuss" their plan of attack.)

This Layout Was Made For Jordan Brooks By Whitney Marret a.k.a. Liz Decker. If you want a banner or a layout or both, just email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to request one.
Liz     Decker

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