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Chris Orton gets attack!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, April 06, 2023, 07:54:49 PM

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Date Posted:16/12/2009 11:05 AMCopy HTML

SEF presents "Extreme" is on the air, Chris Orton is shown walking in the hallway, and a masked man attack him from behind, hitting Orton with some kind of glass, and Orton falls down to the ground. Orton is out cold is bleeding very badly from his head, and lots of people came by him screaming for help, so SEF fans were shown concern about Chris Orton clearly he is in bad shape, and someone started talking.

Someone: I don't think Orton going to wrestle Tonight!

Security: The masked man got away, so how he is?

Other person: Chris Orton is bleeding badly, and we got him to the hostipal right away!

EMT's arrive on the scene checking on Orton head, and SEF fans were chanting Orton name, so Orton is still out cold was place on a stretcher, and the scene went to a quick commercial break.

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