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The F'N Rumble Promo

Started by NBD, April 07, 2023, 09:15:03 PM

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  • Rank:Icon
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:21/10/2008 4:55 PM
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Date Posted:07/02/2010 1:17 AMCopy HTML

"Sure, its basically just a goddamn rip off of the over the top rope battle royal consisting of 30 wrestlers all coming out one by one every 90 fucking seconds, but while the basic outline may be, The F'N Rumble is no rip off of anything you ever saw before unless you watched it in SEF...now the EF'NW!"
It is just as unpredictable, it is every fucking man and woman for themselves, it is a chance to go headline the biggest event of the year...sound familiar so far, but in The F'N Rumble there is no standard, there is no absolute, there is no conformity, there are NO fucking rules!"
"You don't know your number until you come out to the ring, you have no clue who all will be in The F'N Rumble because hey, its once a fucking year, its hot, its on fire, its burning the fuck up and not even thirty men pissing it out can get the job done, so move quick, move as fast as you fucking can, be prepared for total anarchy and most of all..."

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