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Started by The Rocket, April 07, 2023, 09:28:03 PM

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The Rocket

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Date Posted:07/02/2010 9:01 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The following roleplay contains elements known to the state of California that may cause birth defects in some children, including foul language, violence, and even sexual situations. You have been warned...

Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky
That's the setting for the F'n Rumble which is the event that tonight is going to shape the biggest event of this company, Wrestle X. I arrived here at the arena earlier today and to say that the fans of this company are as diehard as the World Wrestling Entertainment or even TNA fans is the biggest understatement of the year. When I pulled up in my 1967 Ford Mustang GT, the car was pretty much maulled by the fans. Did it get to me? were they shouting that I wasn't wanted or wasn't relevent anymore? the answer to both of your questions is Hell NO!
In fact, once inside the parking area I actually walked back up to where those people were and signed a few autographs for not just one but, all of them. To say that they were thrilled is another understatment. These people are why I started wrestling professionally in the first place. That's just the begining of my day though, since i've been here i've had time to chat online and do some warm up exercises before tonight's match. THE BIG match. I am more physically prepared now then I have been for any match i've ever been in. Tonight is what i've worked for my entire seven years of being a professional in this industry. I have only ever once participated in this kind of event and after reading the rules for it on EFn'W.com i've got to say that I truly have never been a rumble like this before.
Upon arriving at the arena today and after signing all of the fans autographs that I could, I finally made my way into the building and found the locker room that was assigned to me. On the door was a note taped on the door, imagine my surprise when I read that it was from the man I 'Ended' and threw out of the ring on Wednesday night as Extreme went off the air, Gabriel was his name. I simply look over the note, scan it for anything I might want to use as ammo but, like on Extreme there wasn't really anything that made me want to target him other then the fact he was the last guy standing inside of the ring. I crumble up the note and turn the knob on the door and enter the room. It's pretty spartan, this is exactly what I was expecting to find. I noticed another note on one of the tables inside the room and I picked it up.
As I skim this note I see that it is from the new owner of this company, Richard E Dangerously. He pretty much wants to wish everyone good luck tonight, everyone that is except for Mack. The note pretty much to me looks like it is something everyone's gotten tonight. I crumble this note up and toss it in the trash just like I did with the other trash that was on my door when I arrived. once this is taken care of I begin undressing and getting into my wrestling attire as well as some black warm up pants and one of my tank tops and begin warming up for one of the biggest matches of my life and career.
The fans have been let inside the building and you can tell they are ready for tonight.
The Rocket is here. My head is in the game, I turn on the closed circuit television that is set up and watch the camera's roam crowd as they get ready to put F'n Rumble live. It's getting to be that time and I make my way to the interview set up and find a female that looks like she's having a blast just being around in the atmosphere that this kind of environment produces. I make my way over and see if she would like to interview EFn'W's newest superstar and potential winner of the F'n Rumble. I walk up and tap her on the shoulder and she turns around and is now facing me, she looks me up and down before speaking.
Mary Jane says - Um can I help you?
Leaving me kind of stunned I respond.
The Rocket says - Don't you get paid to interview the superstar's of this company before, on and during these kinds of events?
She just continues looking me up and down before responding.
Mary Jane says -  Uh dude, who are you?
As I go to answer she stops me and responds before I answer her question.
Mary Jane says - Oh wait a minute! I know who you are. Your that Rocket guy that made his debut on Extreme. 'Dick' wanted me to get an interview with you, is that cool?
This girl just took the words right out of my mouth. I shake my head that it would be alright for her to interview me.
The entire arena is packed with all of the fans of our company. As they are getting impatient a feed is brought onto the tron screen and the lights in the arena go dark as the segment begins. Mary Jane turns around and introduces herself and then me to the live crowd in the arena before finally getting down to business.
Mary Jane says - At the end of Extreme this past week, you knocked out Gabriel with a move that has never before been seen in the SE....I mean the EFn'W can we get some info on the name of that move?
She moves the mic over to me and I respond.
The Rocket says - the move that knocked out Gabriel did you say his name was? is called 'The.End' and it does exactly what it's supposed to do. It end's that person and allows me to pick up a victory. Tonight though I can't say that I would get any use out of it being that the Rumble, which is the reason i'm here tonight, is an over the top battle royal.
She brings the mic back over to her.
Mary Jane says - speaking of the F'n Rumble tonight, you made one hell of an impact on wednesday night by relaying to not only everyone in the back but to the entire crowd that you were going to be the winner of the whole thing. We have signed acouple other new guys since you arrived and I believe that you know two of them. Salman Van Dam and Drew Stevenson.
She moves the mic back to me.
The Rocket says - Salman Van Dam is of no concern of mine. I've sat back and seen his promo's about his crossing of the line. My prediction for him would be that he'll come in early and eliminate acouple people but in the process he will be the one who's line get's crossed.
I pause for a moment before moving on to the biggest elephant in the room.
The Rocket says - now Drew Stevenson, putting the odds I would say that it is 100% possible that it could come down to the two of us in the finale of this whole thing tonight, Drew was in WGEF and he was in EE. It's been a dream of mine to face him in a main event for years now and it looks like tonight i'm going to actually get that chance and nothing thrills me more then the fact that I would be in the ring with 'The Emerald' himself.
She takes the interview back over.
Mary Jane says - while Salman Van Dam is a non-factor to you he could very well be a danger to not only you but to Drew as well. What do you have to say about that?
She moves the mic again back over to me.
The Rocket says - the only danger in the match is myself and Drew Stevenson. I believe tonight that we're going to be dangerous to each other. Now, that isn't without saying that Salman could surprise all of us, I know he surprised me when I was watching EE before it's closure but, tonight the only dangers in this match I believe are myself and Drew Stevenson. The ass kickings would rival that of Austin and The Rock if I could give an example.
Eyes now wide she re-takes the interview.
Mary Jane says - Do you think that with what you did on wednesday night to Gabriel that there is a chance he could be looking for revenge against you tonight?
I turn towards the camera as she moves the mic back over to me.
The Rocket says - Gabriel, tonight if you are planning some kind of revenge tonight, I strongly suggest that you dismiss the thought right the hell now. Any revenge you may want to take on me will only result in your immeadiate elimination from the Rumble and I will not feel pitty for you because you have been warned. Interfere with me tonight and your ass will need to be removed from this arena with a stretcher. Tonight it's all about tossing bodies over the top rope and getting that ticket to Wrestle X secured in my back pocket. That is the only thing on my mind at this point in time. The rumble is mine and I dare anyone to try and take it from me.
Interview ends and the feeds cuts out from the screen.
The show begins.
The winner is...
Made by Phoenix Media Productions. No stealing. kthxbai.

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