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ripping on anyone and everyone - Extreme Promo

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Date Posted:12/02/2010 11:37 PMCopy HTML

A lot has been happening as of late, a lot of impacts, a lot of trash talk, good things for the company, especially when the biggest of all was Shane Mack reclaiming the World Heavyweight Title after fours years of staying away. This past Extreme saw him partner with SVD and also pay off Diamond Dogg to help him out when needed. And interesting tactic by Mack, but not a dumb one for he is the most targeted man in the company without the World Title, so now, he's twice the target. We find him in the back of some arena sitting on a leather sofa in a room, his World Title draped over the arm of the sofa, his legs kicked up on a table in front of him and he wears nothing unusual for Mack, same ol' shit. His demeanor is calm, a smirk on his face and he says.
Alright, well I asked for this time and quite a bit because last week I was not "allowed" to rebuttal when I wanted to, so tonight I got a few things to get off my chest, to set straight, to shoot to a few people, so listen up or go die!
He brings his feet down to the floor, keeps leaned back on the sofa and continues.
First of all, Bobby James, Shane Mack, myself, never claimed to be anything I told others they were not and if you cannot grasp the concept of sarcasm, then son, you got a lot to learn about people. Also, ya got a lot to learn about me for I was never running this company, so get yer facts straight son, it'll pay off in the long run big time. Ya see Bobby, I never claimed anything I wasn't because all I ever said was that I am the only one to make it here today, I made this company. Sure, there have been other wrestlers who made themselves here, but none built it on their back as I have. Do I believe I am holier than thou, which is exactly why I never, seriously, claimed to be a god, hell, I don't believe in gods as I have noted before. Do I hold myself above others? Recently, yes, and if anyone here as a reason to, I do! Denying that shows your ignorance. I never claimed to go into the ring by myself and beat three men either, I didn't state that I didn't need my partners on Extreme because I could win by myself. I made the statement because its true, I do not need them, I don't need anyone to carry a fucking match. I can face the whole damn roster and yea, I may lose, but I will carry my half of the match as good as it could be even with even sides. So what if I lost this title here...
Mack pauses, pulls his title on to his lap and stares down at it, then looks up and says.
So what if I lost it, what, eight times was it? So what if I lost any other title or any other match, we all do Bobby, WE all do, but losing does not make you just as winning does not make you. Its what ya do here, what ya give back, what ya can take, what kind of legacy ya build and Shane Mack has built a legacy on giving back more than anyone in the history of this company. I took shit for eight years to make this company something to watch, something great, to keep it going when times were tough, I stayed and worked my ass to the bone and I don't want anything back because I love it here. I wrestled for eight years before I found this place and well at first it was just another place to wrestle, just another job to do, but not when I got done with it. I don't run it nor have I ever, but I sure as hell am the man of this company and forever will be linked to it as the greatest wrestler this company has ever had and that brother, that is a shoot!
He smirks now and nods his head, pulls his belt up on his shoulder, still relaxed and says.
Now son, as far as the smoke masking my fear, you really have no clue about people, about individuals do you? Smoking for me isn't a mask, it's a crutch if anything, although, not really much of one. I don't have to have it every damn day, I don't need to take it, I don't crave it, I am not addicted and truthfully, it'd be hard to get addicted to it. Your one of those who believes what society tells you, and if I am wrong, prove it, speak on it honestly as I do. Sure, people abuse it, people abuse everything though, so by that philosophy, everything should be outlawed!?
Mack laughs at that one, but its true, there is no good reason for marijuana to be outlawed. Mack speaks again now.
You proved without a shadow of a doubt that you have no clue who Shane Mack is, then ya go on to be what people usually be, a hypocrite. Ya state that The Predators are the best tag team in the world today when hardly anyone has heard of you, not very many know you, so Bobby, boy, how can ya be the best when ya have yet to prove it? And I don't mean capturing the Tag Titles cause with tag team wrestling today, that means shit in the long run to building a legacy. Fact is, The Predators are just another team struggling to make it and I respect that, but your far from the best, but I admit, you and Steve got chemistry, you got potential, so prove you can be the best or just quit now because spewing useless bullshit, spreading lies, just good for a few laughs and not the rip roaring laughs we all want to have, the disgusted laughs. If your so great too, why couldn't you two along with Gabriel beat little ol' me and STD...I mean SVD!
Mack grins big now, gloating, arrogant and continues to speak.
I never denied being arrogant, but around these parts, I have proven I can be arrogant because when I step in that ring, I back every damn bit of it up. Pride however I don't really have. Not to say I ain't happy with what I do, I do love what I do, I am passionate, but I don't believe if I lose a title or a match that I will somehow be less of a man. I just gloat about what I do because like the great H...B...K......I CAN!
He still grins and shows a cheesy, toothy grin, then speaks some more.
Oh no, now I am comparing myself to HBK, just like I did to Flair, oh no, Mack is a rip off, ha ha, hey, I wish I were them and maybe one day, but not today, that I can admit. However, I am closer than you, than Steve, like I said, I am bigger than everyone here, I am closer than you all. Will it always be that way? No, I don't believe it will because we all have the opportunity to prove ourselves and become better, but its not easy, it won't be in the next few months or even couple years, it takes longer because remember, I spent eight years here and I am still going strong, I am still in my prime, hell, I don't even think I was in my prime when this company started. I was still learning the ropes and I am to this day as well, we all are. Thing is, I tell it like it is, not the "pretty truth", THE truth. Not K-Kwik spouts, but the actual truth, like it or not, like a great man said, ya better learn to love it because it is the best thing going today!
Mack almost lets out a wooo, but just smirks and pats his title, then says.
As for "taking the cowards" way out, so what if people like to think that, all I really did was make a statement, make an impact, piss of Gabriel to motivate him more for Wrestle X. I showed him that stepping up isn't easy, its not a walk in the park, it won't be a paved road to glory. The road is rough as hell, the closer ya get, the harder it gets and especially when the World Champ happens to be Shane Mack! Arrogance again, so what, I earned the right to be arrogant years ago as I said, eight years here, eight years prior to here, bleeding pints of blood in Japan, abusing my body all over the world, displaying an artistic match night after night for the past sixteen years and being one of the best among my peers, yea, I earned the right. Gabriel, your in for the biggest match of your life. If ya think cancer was a tough opponent, ya ain't seen shit yet, ya ain't been through shit. People always tell me that holding your kid for the first fucking time cannot be topped as the greatest moment of your life, well I say fuck that! Its what you love that makes moments great in your life and if ya love kids, then it will be, for YOU. For me and others like me, its not always the case. My biggest, best feeling is stepping in the ring any night of the week and displaying something great, something that flows through the arena and makes everyone take notice, whether they love or hate, they notice and cannot turn away and that is what I do. Anyone can say I don't, but no one can prove I don't because I've proven time and time again I do. Gabriel, you got no idea what Shane Mack does at Wrestle X, no idea, no one in this company today does.
Mack shifts his belt a little, then lowers it to his lap and still looks relaxed as he continues to speak.
Steven Weigel, ya think ya already know what its like to win the World Title here because ya won one elsewhere, well truth is you have no clue what winning it here is like cause ya never have. This is not another company, this is not a rip off like it started out as, this is not a standard promotion that goes with the grain. This company became unique years ago and the same goes for other companies that became unique, it's a two way street and I can admit. I haven't been to every fed on the circuits and won every "World" Title, so I don't know what its like in every company to do it. Now as for loving this business, I never questioned that with you Steve, never was an issue, I simply spouted off the truth and you can't handle it and that is why when we have this little match you want, I will win. We all want to be legendary, but that is the hardest battle of all in this business or any for that matter. Large impacts, yea, they help, but for the long run, like ya said about someone like The Rock, he could be, but like Bobby said about Hogan and Flair, still too early to tell with them. The older guys he mentioned, Lewis, Gotch, Thesz, probably could be legends, but ya see, legend is a word that meant so much, mythical...MYTHICAL, meaning its not really in existence, its more imaginary, in ones head, which is why I hate to throw that word around. Its hard to not acknowledge so many greats, hell, my mentor in this business never made it as big as myself, yet to me, he is a legend. To everyone else, he is not and the same goes for you Steven, it goes for me, it goes for Bobby, it goes for everyone in this company, for everyone currently wrestling in this world today because no one active today is regarded by ALL as a legend, they all have their doubters, critics, naysayer's.
Mack looks a bit serious now, shows how much he believes in what he said because its not exactly a lie, but most can't handle it, can Steven, can Bobby, can anyone else? Mack just leans forward now and grabs a bottle of Guinness Stout and pops the top on the edge of the table leans back and takes a slow drink of it savoring the bitter yet creamy dark beer. He lowers the bottle touching the glass to his title on his lap and now smirks as he says.
I make people earn their way all the time Steven, I make people step up, like I did by bashing Gabriel in the back of his head with this title, I make impacts, a true impact player, not some moniker people try to use and fail miserably. The thing is, that is also a two way street, you gotta be willing to and if ya truly say ya are, then you will, but one match, two matches, three, no way! It takes years upon years and many can't even do it. I'll push ya Steven, I will push you like ya never been pushed because its what I have always done and what I will continue to do with everyone. Its why I am a nine time World Champion in this company alone, because I pushed people to their limit and made them and sometimes they beat me, but sometimes I beat them, a two way street. Sure, I could go out to the ring and wrestle a mop and give a five fucking star performance, make the mop a star and it would help me be recognized for my efforts as a great worked in that ring, a great performer, it however would not help attain a higher status, a legendary status if you will or then again, would it?
He ponders that seriously, raises his Guinness taking a drink, then lowers and says.
Honestly, I don't care that much, I am not intent on attaining a legendary status because of how abused that word has become. I simply want to be recognized as one of the best by all, no more labels than that. Labels are used enough as it is, too much really. Now Steven, you used a label that breaks the mystique of wrestling and I ain't being uptight with ya, I'm just flat out telling ya like it is. As a wrestler, no matter how "good" or how "bad" ya are ya still have limits for what ya can say, what context of words can be used. I mean hell Steven, if I was to say that the HEEL of my shoe was getting as worn down as that broad you and Bobby were lusting over, that is fine, but that word and you know what word it is. The context of that word uttered by you killed the mystique of the art we portray and simply exposed you for being just another person sitting there spewing some words that went from meaning something to meaning nothing. I hate limits myself, I can't stand them, but to be one of the best, ya gotta know how to use certain words and not kill the mystique of what we do. Argue it all ya like, but it would only prove you still can't handle the truth.
He brings the bottle back up taking another drink, lowers and says.
Now, getting on to the match of your life that ya want against yours truly, the street fight, a non title match, hey, that is your call, not mine, I care less and respect your choice. The match is on, you challenged, I accepted, but now ya want a special referee and ya say that Bobby James is up for that spot, then ya question if I am too scared to want that added as he is your partner, your friend, my opposition.
Mack smirks and continues.
So do I act like the "coward" or try to be "badass"? Ha ha, truthfully man, I don't care if Bobby James is at ringside, in the ring, hovering above it, jacking off his pud in the corner cause like an ol' hip hop song stated..."real niggas don't flex nuts"...meaning I ain't here to portray some self image as a holier than thou son of a bitch who fights the odds every day and survives, to act like I am some big, bad macho prick, to make people believe I am unstoppable and unbeatable, to make them think I have no flaws. Ya want Bobby in the match, fine man, its YOUR choice, like I said, you make the challenge, I will accept cause I am content with myself, I have no fear of losing, of being "put in place", of being made to look "bad". As long as the match makes an impact whether I get the fucking beat down by a couple of new guys looking to step up and make their name known or whether I "defy" the odds and win, whether I lose straight up or win straight up, whatever brother. As long as the performance keep the bar set high, so it pushed others to raise it higher is my only care, to help others and keep this business going on forever. Its why SVD is hanging off my nuts trying to be somebody here and no, not literally, but unless you're a dumbfuck hick, ya knew that. By the way Steven, ya never know what your walking into because well ya can get a good idea of it, ya never know and that is another fact, so its not up to me or you, its up to us and son, I'm showing up to our match prepared for anything, open to everything, and that is another reason I am bigger than you!
He raises the beer again and takes a drink, then lowers and looks down at his title. Mack stares for a few seconds, then raises the bottle and takes another drink, a big one, finishes the beer and leans forward setting the bottle down. He leans back and pulls his title up to stare at it, then sets it up in front of his stomach showing the face of it, the original svastika logo still spray painted on from Wednesday night and Mack just smirks as he says.
Next week on Tuesday is a special edition of Extreme, it is the official eight year run of this company, the mark it made on the world of wrestling and the card is stacked up good, very good and I hope all these guys on it are one day are the main event of Wrestle X. I can only hope some of them step in there with on that stage, but regardless of that show, they will on other shows. Gabriel has that opportunity, but next week he could win this title without even beating me, pinning me and so could Chris Orton. I was forced to do this match and put my trust in SVD to not let us lose because we are a team next week. If we fail to be a lesser team than Chris Orton and Gabriel Brooks, I lose this title, a very risky match, like a triple threat or a fatal four way, lose when someone else who isn't even the champ loses. SVD needs to step up and earn my trust and I do believe he will, but maybe I don't for I do question it. Chris and Gabriel however have their problem for only one man can still be World Champ and both want it just as bad as the other. Chris wants it back, Gabriel just plain wants it, so which one will do it, will they be able to trust the other, work together, take the title off me and then battle each other one on one?
Mack arches a brow wondering what they will do as we all do, then he speaks.
Could happen, but will it happen is the real question. Where as I must put my trust in SVD, Chris and Gabriel must put aside their personal quests to be champ and simply go with flow and whoever wins, they win. If they can't do it, they will fail to strip me of my gold, of my title, of the World Heavyweight Championship! Of course, they got a hard road to doing that anyways because even if they can somehow work together as a solid team, they still gotta deal with me and SVD who I know will put in effort and I just gotta do what I do every, single night of the week. One televised show a week and six non televised, that is my fucking schedule, plus the other appearances here and there. Like Ric Flair did for the NWA...Shane Mack does for this company...Extreme F'N Wrestling!
A strong statement by Mack, arrogant as well, but really, how far off is it from being true or perhaps it is the bitter truth no one can handle, so no one will admit? Mack just nods, grins, and pats his title, then pulls it up on his shoulder and stands now, the view pulling back as he walks away from the sofa and towards the door not stopping. He walks out of view now and that is that, it fades away to darkness and so what will happen? Will Mack indeed be World Champ after next week? Will he go on and beat Gabriel at Wrestle X? Will he lose on the biggest stage? Will he go on all year and reinvent this company and himself, will he continue to be the man he is or will he not? All questions that are relevant to be asked, but the answers, they are not so easy to give for ya never know in this business, but one thing for sure. As long as Shane Mack is on the card, no one can steal the show and that is a fact no one wants to admit because it is that truth no one can handle!

The Legendary Steve Weigel

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Re:ripping on anyone and everyone - Extreme Promo
Date Posted:13/02/2010 1:06 AMCopy HTML

Steve is seen walking down the hallways of the arena. The walls are all white and you can see locker rooms on each side. Steve comes to Shane Macks room and stops. Steve is wearing his normal stuff. His black slacks and black dress shoes. With his black button up slik shirt and the top two buttons undone. He has black sun glasses on. He goes to knock but stops and looks down at the ground before kicking open the door. Mack is sitting on the couch and looks over at Weigel with a beer in his hand. Weigel walks in and stops a couple of feet from him before talking.

Steve Weigel - I was listen to you talk and I agree with everything you said. I only got piss over one thing and thats when you thought I was thinking winning the world championship here was easy. See I know what you have done for this company. You said you know everything about everybody that comes into this company and I'm the same. I look at everything you have done. And I know what you had to go through to get that championship. You talk like I want that championship if that was the case then I would have ask for a title shot. All I said is one day I'm coming for it. I have to earn that shot and I know I have not yet earn it. See the truth is I respect you thats why I want this match. I want this match because I know you can push me to new hights.

Steve looks around the room shaking his head.

Steve Weigel - Do you really think I need bobby to help me in the street fight? Fuck NO! He is there for one reason only and that reason will be reveal that night and its not to help me. But I can promise you no one will see it coming Shane. I know I'm not a legend ok. Maybe I'm wrong for having a dream but all I ever wanted in life was to be one. But your right it will never happen. But I promise you this before I give up or ever leave here I will die. I will never retire again. And if you dont like what I'm saying then here I am and you can go ahead and hit me, but Shane you may not be a legend but I respect everything about you in and out of the ring and no matter what happens I just wanted to let you know that.

Steve waits for Shane to speak as the camera fades to blackness.


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Re:ripping on anyone and everyone - Extreme Promo
Date Posted:13/02/2010 1:34 PMCopy HTML

Mack leans in the doorway his title over his shoulder and he now claps on a mocking manner causing Steve to turn and look, then looks back at the sofa realizing Mack wasn't there, oh shit. Mack just smirks and steps in a little ways, then says.

I heard ya loud and clear anyways, so forget about that little mistake and listen up, but first...here.

Mack reaches behind himself and pulls a Guinness Stout from his back pocket and hands it to Steve, then says.

Crack her open and listen up son!

Steve just smiles and bends down popping the top on the table, then decides to kick back on the sofa, takes a drink a beer and says.

Well then mister "almighty" speak your mind!

Mack just smirks and he does.

I only speak the truth, but as I have said countless times and many refuse to listen to, it is the truth no one wants to hear, no one can handle, which is why many hate me. Everyone who comes here wants this belt, whether its right away or down the road. An easy time getting it, I don't think that because it never is. Whether ya get a shot in one night in the rumble or bust ass for months or years, the struggle is the same, hard work put in is the same. I do get to know everyone who comes in, I study, I analyze, I break them down and learn from them all, but know it all, no one man can know it all, not even someone like me, a man above any so called false entity known as a god!

Mack smirks, looks all smug and Steve just snickers as he takes a drink of beer. Mack pulls his own out and bends down popping the top, then takes a drink and says.

I don't think ya need anyone else in your match to help ya, I simply laid down possibilities, outcomes, what could be, I speculated if ya wanna say that. As for what will happen, I spoke the truth, I don't know because the future is unpredictable and in this business especially, goddamn is it ever and that is why I love it, the surprise, the shock and awe of not knowing from one day to the next.

He takes a d rink of beer and Steve just nods waiting, then Mack continues.

Having a dream is why were all here. Many of these guys and gals today can run around spouting off they are here not because of a dream to be big, but because its an underworld they belong to, it's the underground side of life and they can't make it in society, but where as that can hold a tiny grain of truth, if it wasn't for the dream of going out in that ring and showcasing your talents as best as you can, drawing a masterpiece on a blank canvas...

He pauses to let that soak and smirks.

Canvas, yea, what we compete on, what he artistically create a match that makes others dream of one day being on that same canvas doing the same thing, creating masterpieces, living OUR dream. And if that is true what you say about staying here, then my respect for you just went way up brother and come the street fight, of course, I never had nothing, but respect for you and anyone who lived their dream. The only way to be lowered in my eyes is to go the route of Emmett Murdock, Zacky Shadows, Angel, Eden St Claire and many may ask...WHO?

He smirks and just continues.

And I would say, exactly. They come in and do nothing, waste space for someone who actually wants to live a dream. I study them all from the moment they enter this company. I know I ain't a legend either, but I too know what ya feel like bro cause I once claimed the same fame a few years back. I claimed to be a legend because a few guys in the back wanted to swing from nuts, kiss my ass, and call me a legend and truth is, they only wanted to get ahead of me, they didn't believe I was a legend. I saw the truth and got over it and maybe that is the main reason I don't give out that label so easy. I believe ya gotta be unanimous in choosing a legend and that is a hard poll to take.

Mack and Steve share a nod in agreement, then Mack steps over lowering his beer to a toast which Steve hesitant at first does toast back. They each take a drink, Steve eyeing Mack who just steps back and says.

To our match brother and if anyone wants to see what this business is all about, they need to tune in and see, but as great as it will be, as much of a jobber you ARE NOT and I refuse to force you to use that label after losing because Steve, this one match I do truly care to win and when I care about it, I don't lose!

A serious aura fills the room, Mack drinks down the rest of his beer, then sets the bottle down and says.

I'll see ya around and kick back all ya like, my room is down the hall, ya know, with the "general population" ha ha, see ya Wiggle!

Mack turns and walks out with a swagger like usual and Steve just laughs a little at the name, then his face goes straight as he thinks about what was said. He takes a drink of the beer and appears to say something almost, but Mack walks back in and Steve says.

Forget something?!

Mack just smirks and heads over behind the sofa to a small fridge, pulls a few Guinness Stouts out and then walks to the sofa sitting next to Steve and plops on down. He sets two beers on the table, pops one open and takes a drink. Mack lays his title on his lap and says.

Fuck it man, what ya got to say?

Mack just relaxes and listens.

The Legendary Steve Weigel

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Re:ripping on anyone and everyone - Extreme Promo
Date Posted:14/02/2010 7:51 AMCopy HTML

Warning: The roleplay of Steve Weigel that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

Steve grabs the beer and pops it open. Slowly takes a drink then smirks.

Steve Weigel - Never thought I would be sitting here having a beer with you. I remember when I first started in this business. I was a cocky mother fucker. Walking around thinking I was the shit. Like I was made of gold. I thought no one could beat me. Until one day I realized I wasn't even good. Shouldn't really say jobber because I'm starting to hate that word. But I sucked, but one man seen something in me. Yeah I know he isn't really a legend but to me he will always be one. Burnout took me under his wing and gave me a chance when on one else would.

Steve puts the beer down but not before taking another drink.

Steve Weigel - Everytime I go to walk out to that ring I feel sick. Even now it happens. But the second that bell rings its like someone takes over. You remind me alot of him. You dont joke like him, but when it comes to mat skills and getting the job done and mic skills you do. I guess thats why I respect you so much and anoher reason why I want to fight you. See I always wanted to fight him but he would never get in the ring with me. I used to think it was because he thought I was a waste of time. Like he was disrespecting me. But now I see why. He knew it would go to my head.

Steve looks at the world championship belt.

Steve Weigel - I remember winning my world title. It was the first time and the last. I held it for a year and then retired with it. That moment I won it was the greatest moment of my life, but then it went to my head. I thought I was better then everyone. I started calling myself.."The Legendary Steve Weigel". My head grew so big I could have float to the sky. I thought I was the shit. Hell no one could beat me because I'm unbeatable. I don't know what the hell I was thinking.

Steve grabs the beer and takes a drink.

Steve Weigel - You know whats funny? Us heels claim that we dont care what the fans think of us. Yet we really do because we want them to hate us. The more they hate us the better heel we become. But the bad thing is I have never been a good heel. The truth is I have always wanted the fans to love me, but I'm not a good person at that too. I know my mic skills suck. All I have going for me is my mat skills. And you are right about one thing Shane. Everyone that comes in here wants a title shot no matter if its now or later. But they need to earn it. I want to prove myself to you first. I will never come to you and ask for a shot. When the time comes it comes. When I show you and management I have earn it then you or them will give it and thats how it should be for everybody. But anyway thanks for the match man and may the best man win.

Steve gets up and starts to walk out but turns around and see if Shane has anything to add as the scene fades to blackness.

This Layout Was Made For Steve Weigel by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker


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Re:ripping on anyone and everyone - Extreme Promo
Date Posted:14/02/2010 11:31 PMCopy HTML

Mack just looks at Steve and shrugs, takes a drink of his Guinness and says.

Burnout to you is like my mentor to me, its like who anyone thinks is the man, the biggest star around this wrestling world, but just like the whole world, it is all from our own point of view. We all perceive what we see as the truth, but as for a whole truth, what the world really is, that can never be seen. Anyways brother, we all get egos, Burnout, myself, and everyone no matter our gig in this business, no matter our "role". However, I don't ask for hate, I just do what I do, I be myself. The fans turn people all the time and yea, I got caught in wanting cheers, so I ended up not being myself which can tend to be an asshole because rarely can people accept the bitter truth. That's why its called bitter, but a good talk man, a good one and if this an indication of the match, then great. See ya in the ring and get ready to lose your first singles!

Mack takes a drink a beer as Steve grins and says.

We'll see about that!

Steve turns and leaves as Mack just smirks, lowers his beer and kicks his feet up on the table looking to stick around, hell, maybe someone else will come in for a chat. He just relaxes back looking staring into space, thinking, waiting for someone perhaps, but relaxing with a good beer.


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Re:ripping on anyone and everyone - Extreme Promo
Date Posted:16/02/2010 1:02 PMCopy HTML

So he just continues sitting there, a few beers later and Mack is still relaxing...chilling in the hood nigga and then suddenly.
What the hell.
Chilling in the hood, ha ha, what the fuck, I'm just relaxing on a sofa with a few good beers and wondering anyone else wants to chat it up, but apparently not everyone in this company wants to be social and learn more.
Your not supposed to hear me, stop breaking that damn code of wrestling you moron. What the hell is Mack thinking...oh, wait, this is it, isn't it? Anyways, he just smirks and says.
So I wonder what everyone is up to, maybe I outta go search them out instead?
He ponders that as he finishes off his beer and then in walks new interviewer Samantha Winters who happens to be a good fuck or just a fucking slut, too soon to tell. She struts in with her tits barely covered from her low cut dress that has a high cut hem barely covering her ass cheeks. She sits on the sofa seductively and grabs Mack's empty bottle sucking the hell out of it, showing off her oral skills. Mack who noticed her, but just like anyone else takes more notice now and grins, then chuckles a little and begins to laugh. Samantha grins now and sets the bottle down, then runs her hand onto Mack's leg and up to his crotch grabbing it. She leans in to kiss his cheek and nibbles on his ear and he just laughs still and says.
Ha ha, are you that new girl who fucked those new bloods?
Samantha keeps her hand in place and stops nibbling, then hangs a leg on Mack's and says.
I'm the new girl in the company, the best interviewer and the best lay and I been waiting to meet my match who I have a feeling just may be you!
Mack can't help, but grin, naturally, but he laughs as well and says.
Ok, so shoot baby, what's on your mind?
Samantha thinks for a second and then says.
Well, you have a match tonight right? So what do you think about it, your opponents, the fact that your title, yes, the World Title, is on the line in a tag match and you don't have to be pinned to lose it?
She smirks and starts to nibble on him again as Mack not really phases says.
I been thinking on it ever since I cut my promo on it a while ago and with nothing new to know about from my opponents, I got nothing more to say!
He turns looking at her and Sam says.
Oh, well how about we just fuck now, I promise the best ya ever had.
Mack shrugs and says.
Yea, I don't really give a fuck, if ya wanna fuck me, then hop yo phat ass up and kick the cameraman out, shut the door and grab me a new beer cause like I said before to Bobby and the same now goes for Stevie, real niggas don't flex nuts. So baby, get up and move your ass or get to stepping or ask me some questions, I don't really give a fuck. If ya stay though, ya better know how to roll cause I'm needing some more smoke!
Sam just arches a brow now, looks down at her hand still on his crotch and Mack looking straight ahead now all relaxed and truly with no care. She just removes her hand finally, Mack still not phased and Sam gets to her feet and her ass is half shown, Mack eyes it and smirks, he laughs, and Sam looks at the camera now and points to the door, what the fuck? She's gonna do this, really, what the hell? What is this all about, Mack, what the fuck, you dick?! So the cameraman moves that way and circles around to show Mack just shake his head and laugh some more. What a bastard and what a slut Samantha truly is, why for Mack who treated you just like a...a...oh, yea, ok, that makes sense now and the door is shut on the camera which stays rolling, sounds ya know, but nothing is heard, aw fuck, this goddamn room is soundproof, son of a bitch, fuck you Mack, FUCK YOU!


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Re:ripping on anyone and everyone - Extreme Promo
Date Posted:16/02/2010 7:47 PMCopy HTML

So several hours later we see the door of the room open up and out walks Samantha in her skimpy excuse for a dress, her hair tussled a bit, lips perspired, and a glaze in her eyes that say she just had the ride of her life, so what the fuck happened, goddamn it Mack, what the hell? She passes Mary Jane now and the two women eye each other, Mary seems a bit awkward and she makes her way into the room now where Mack sits on the sofa looking the same, relaxed, drinking a beer, his World Title lays on the small table in front of him where his feet also lay. Mary Jane walks over and takes a seat next to him, then says.
What was that all about?
Mack just shrugs and says.
Some new girl, real slut, asking questions, hanging off me for a while, women, huh?!
Mary just shrugs and arches a brow, um, Mack, she is a woman too, dumbass, Mary just says.
So what do you think about what Chris and Gabriel had to say concerning the match tonight?
Mack smirks and says.
Well I for one think its about fucking time we heard from them. I was beginning to think they up and walked out of the company.
Mary laughs and says.
Yea, I guess they took their time, but they did have some things to say. Like Chris saying you disrespected the business, the title with that symbol.
Mack still smirks and says.
Chris Orton is a model employee, he is a standardized wrestler, he goes with the flow and does what he should, he thinks in a close minded world like so many more. The symbol he speaks of disrespected nothing or nobody for the symbol is just that, a symbol and it happens to mean exactly what I said it meant, "good to be" cause as I also said, it is good to be Shane Mack and that is a fact that he can't deal with because he can't accept being smaller time than yours truly!
Mary responds to him.
So you don't believe what he said about you not being number one until you beat him, the real number one star?
Mack laughs slightly now at that one and says.
Chris can lie all he likes, but fact is he can't be number one. Ya see, I have beaten him before, I beat him at Crossing The Line, and he never beat me, he has never put Shane Mack down in a straight up contest. Sure, our last match was controversial, but fact is I beat him straight up before, I have beaten them all who walked into this company and Chris, he has not, so number one, fact a the matter is that the number one, numero uno is right here on this sofa ripping you too shreds like I always do, so nut up or shut up bitch!
Mary snickers at that and says.
How about Gabriel, he noted that SVD is the weak link, that he can wait until Wrestle X, that regardless of tonight he has a title shot waiting, think that could see them work together and end your reign or do you have a plan?
Mack just grins and looks at Mary, takes a drink of Guinness and says.
If I have a plan, no one will know until we step in that ring. As for Gabriel and his spewed shit, he has a point about SVD, I know he is the weak one of the four of us, but here is another fact for Gabriel, for Chris, for everyone, Shane Mack is the strongest link of the four. So if SVD can't hang, I can more than hang. I can use SVD, manipulate him, make him do the dirty work and distract long enough to seek out and destroy my opposition, plus, what do I have to prove here tonight. That I can win a tag team match as World Heavyweight Champion? Please, I have nothing to prove to anyone here tonight, I am the only man on the card with nothing to prove tonight, the only one, I am the biggest fucking star in this company, I may as well be a god amongst mortals, but as I said before, that was only in a sarcastic tone, I believe in no god, I believe in no entity that controls my fate. I believe in myself to get the job done, to step up night after night like I have since the mid nineties, only difference now I don't have to prove I can, I just have to do it.
Mary nods and says.
You sound ready, so how about something else now?
Mack grins and says.
Yea, well I like your interview skills better than the last one, so maybe me and you, well maybe you wanna kick that camera out and lock the door?!
Mary looks in his eyes and gets up. She motions the cameraman out and goddamn it, he goes again, Mack, stop this, you bastard. We see him just relaxing and the door is now shut, then the camera stays on the door a while, what the hell/ Whoa, Smokey McWeed is walking along and stops at the door, knocks on it and waits and waits and waits and no answer. He just walks down the hall and we now fade to black.
*30 Minutes Later*
So the view opens back up and Smokey is back at the door knocking on it and scratching his head. Greg Boone walks up as well asking him.
Mack in there?
Smokey says.
I thought so, but no one-
He's cut off when the door opens and we see Mary Jane, she looks straightened up like before, hmmmm. She just eyes both Greg and Smokey, then says.
Hey guys, what's up?
Greg just pushes in and says.
Mack in here, where is he?
Mack looks up and says.
Yea, hey, Greg, come for some token, ha ha?!
Greg just nods and takes a seat on a steel chair near the sofa. Smokey and Mary eye each other, hmmm, and Mary sits on the sofa now as Smokey pulls up another chair and sits down. Mack is reaching behind his ear for a spliff when Samantha Winters comes into the room and says.
Hey Mack, did I leave my....
She trails off when seeing everyone and then says.
Oh hey guys, did you see my earring in here, I think I lost it somewhere?
Greg is arching a brow at Sam who eyes him as well, Smokey looks, but is all awkward. Sam walks over plopping on Greg's laps, then says.
I'll find it some other time, what you all up to?
Mack just laughs and says.
Getting ready to burn some, fuck, good thing ya rolled a few earlier. You camera guy, fuck, what's your name? Ah never mind yer name, take a break brother, we got some serious shit to discuss.
And so here we go again and the view fades to black.
*20 Minutes Later*
We come back to the view of the room all smoke filled now and see Greg and Samantha making out, Sam's dress pulled up by Greg and Smokey is all wide eyed and glazed as Mary Jane nudges him and says.
Ya wanna get out of here, go eat something?
Smokey says.
Hell yea, I got the munchies like a motherfucker!
Mack just laughs at them and Mary says to him.
You wanna come?
Mack nods no, but gets up anyways and says.
I got a match to get ready for and hell, this ain't even my room, remember, I'm in the general pop with the rest of my brothers.
Smokey and Mary walk out now heading down the hall and Mary slips her hand into his, whoa, hmmm. Mack just grins and nods approvingly, then Greg throws Sam on to the sofa and shouts.
Yo Mack, shut that door will ya!
Mack just smiles and lets the camera guy out, again, bastard! He then walks out and shuts it, but then lets it open a crack and moans are now heard from the room. Mack walks our of view and hell yea, the camera view peaks back in and we see Greg on Samantha pumping away into her, just a fucking going to town and she is looking up like a real slut does, moaning like a true pro, their bodies slapping together, sweat forms on Greg's head and Sam screams out, then shouts.
Shoot it on my tits!
Her tits are flopping out anyways and he grunts harder and harder, thrusting harder and harder, then pulls out and spits his "love" all over them big ol' titties. Greg sits up and pulls his pants up, grabs a Guinness and pops it, then gets up and walks out drinking it. Samantha readjusts her dress after cleaning up and grabs a beer as well. She walks out and down the hall, then we see Mack come back in front of the camera, his title on his shoulder and a grin on his face and he says.
As I said boys, real niggas don't need flex nuts cause they know they got them. I ain't gangsta, just real. Gabriel Brooks and Chris Orton, you both have a shot coming to you regardless of losing tonight, Wrestle X for you Gabriel and Chris, whenever you want your rematch. Maybe next week, two weeks, three weeks, a month, name it and ya got it, so step up boys cause SVD ain't who ya need to worry about. Shane Mack is the man, like it or not it is truly the greatest thing going today in the E F'N W, so learn to love it, accept it, and get over it and two words for ya chumps....KISS THIS!
He does a crotch chop, catches his title from falling and walks off laughing now, grinning and this is finally done, over, ended, the view fades to black. What is gonna happen on Extreme, the eight year anniversary of EF'NW, formerly SEF. February the sixteenth of two thousand two marked the formation of what would become a revolution in this business, a true revolution, not just what many claim and can't back up. EF'NW truly did it and continues to do it, so what will happen? Better watch and find out cause its as unpredictable as ever!

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