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The Infection, We are

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 08, 2023, 12:09:33 AM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:19/02/2010 5:28 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
live while the whole world dies.
Roleplay Title:
OOC message:
"It's true Gabriel, The Infection has been cured because we are no longer an infection. No, we've grown into a fucking epidemic. You are looking at the latest Trip Crown Winner, The International, The 'Nited States, and now The Tag Team Titles! Not just that but I am the Rookie of the Fucking Year! So Gay-b, you want to brag I feel like I get to as well. You talk about how you have your #1 contenders shot at WrestleX, big deal, it isn't a garrenteed title victory unlike our win at EXTREME! As for Chris Orton beating on me? Clearly you don't know me, I am the biggest threat to you, not Mack." Nikky is in his usual promo place...The Old DSS locker room before he stole it from them. Anyway he's in his natural environment, the darkness and the silence, many consider him to be a real and modern day Batman. The only differenceis that Batman never expressed as much love for McNuggets as Nikky does, in case you need more depth to his love for them, in a fire the order of importance for him goes: McNuggets, Family(Including those like family, ie. Johnny Camaro), Loved Ones, Civilians, and Midgets. That's right Midgets. He usually takes them last because they have hands that smell like cabbage and they creep him out. Before getting back to the promo I got one last thing to add, Fuck You Midgets Are Fucking Weird!

"As for Extreme, the Infection spreads to those about to take on MACK, and contrary to what I have previously said, the Infection have no cure. Gabe, Orton, we won't just lay down, we'll probably kill you. You won't beat us because you can't, you see beating someone is defeating them both mentally and physically. Much like Orton vs. Undertaker in 2005, we may be able to beat you, but you can't beat me. There's no way you can break me up here" Nikky says tapping his head "You think that you can beat me, it seems that I already have you defeated mentally, one more to go. G. Brooks, The Devils Messenger, bring what you've got. Bring your all because I won't accept anything other than the best. Goodnight."
TBC: Anyone


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