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Iron Man's Quest (Extreme rp)

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 25, 2023, 03:42:23 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:16/03/2010 1:57 PMCopy HTML



Out of Character: o

Tonight Johnny gets to prove why he's a champ, and why he is going to hold yet another title. Chris Orton is a good champ but he has let his passion for the ring slide and wither. So what will happen on Extreme? Well Johnny will win of course! But does he want the title? He has to decide if he can put up with more mocking.

Ever since he and Nikky have entered this company, they have been given opportunities against people who don't give a shit, therefore they've always won titles. But does that give way for people to insult them? Hells no, there just jealous that Johnny and Nikky were given the shots and they weren't. One big problem he's going to have to face, if he wins the title, is Vikky Lynn bitching at him and targeting him. Now Johnny has never turned down a girl chasing him for some of his famous loven, but when they want the loven and then to kill him, that's going a bit too far.

So that raises the question again, does he want the title and all the shit that will have to follow? Hells Yeah! You see, Johnny has always had a saying, Go Big, Or Go Home! And Johnny sure as hell ain't going home. Now if Chris is able to beat him, then that's a different story, it's something that is respectable. So if Orton is able to keep his title cleanly, then he deserves to be champ and Johnny won't give up a fight about it. But what about Vikky Lynn?

It's obvious that see wants the European title, and it doesn't matter who she faces, she will go after them to get it. But I know in her mind, she'd rather beat Chris Orton for the title than anything. So what can I do about it? All hope is lost because she will come in and screw me, right? False. Johnny has sent the idea to management and is awaiting their decision. The idea is to have everyone except the competitors, ref and announcers barred from ringside, and should anyone come in and interfer they shall be suspended until after WrestleX. But still he has to await their decision.

Anyway, Johnny Camaro is sitting in his locker room going over everything in his head, and looking hot. He's wearing his normal casual clothing and his sunglasses. His wrestling gear is in a gym bag beside him and he just sits there thinking.

"Vikky Lynn is going to attach herself to this match, I can feel it. I have enough people going after me, I do not need her too. She thinks that because it's a Eruopean belt, the only person who can hold it is a European. Well lets clearify what that title actually is, it's Diamond Dogg's creation, it's the Iron Man title. The European belt is gone with the wind, and now, the Iron Man will be me. So Vikky if you want to come out and screw either of us, just think about that, there is no European belt anymore." Johnny says looking up, he  knew the cameramen were there before he even looked up. He could sense them...also the sound of the door opening and the sound of a camer hitting the door didn't help.

"As for Chris Orton, I may have just got a monkey of your back with that one, but I wouldn't say your home free yet. You still have to try and hit me with the CKO or whatever you do to keep me down. I'll help you again though Orton, I'll take that title from you so you don't need to worry about shining it, or having it fall into Vikky Lynn's hands. Don't worry.He stands up and takes off his shirt exposing his perfectly sculpted abs.

"Orton you will no longer need to worry about anything anymore, you have been clearly losing your passion for wrestling and it's ok. You can leave if you wish, just give me the Iron Man title before you do. But if you decide to stay, well, you better be at a hundred percent because I expect nothing less from a former World Champion. Peace y'all, I gotta get ready." The Camera fades away.


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