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Taking Care Of Business!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 25, 2023, 04:08:20 PM

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Date Posted:17/03/2010 12:36 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
Taking Care Of Business!
Johnny Camaro
Last roleplay for "Extreme"!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
"You're Going Down" by Sick Puppies blares on the pa system, Chris Orton comes out wearing a brand new t-shirt which has sick skull in cold, turns around back of his shirt has his name on it, turns again making his way down the ramp with European Championship on his shoulder. He walks up the stairs, enters the ring, has a microphone in hand, place European Championship on the floor, started talking into the microphone.

Chris Orton: Johnny Camaro, I know you are listening in the back, so let me tell you something my passion for this business runs through me every single day, because I have a passion to be one hell of a wrestler and champion for everyone watching me can tell their kids that Chris Orton was greatest fighting champion that ever step foot in this ring. My passion is giving these fans the best match I ever peform for them, and everyone watching at home, so if you ever question my passion I will show you that my passion is still inside of me on "Extreme".

A huge "Chris Orton!" chant begins, and Orton walks around continues on speaking into the microphone.

Chris Orton: Everyone knows I defend any title on my own, and retain it against some of the best in this ring dead or alive, because I respect those who show me respect in return, but Johnny Camaro shouldn't question my passion, so I have no respect for him. He got to earn it by beating me in this ring on "Extreme", because this European Championship belongs to a fighting champion, a guy who bring his best to win, so Johnny Camaro bring your best that's all I got to say to you!

Chris Orton waits for Johnny Camaro to come out, and Orton is ready to fight and retain his title, so "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Taking Care Of Business!
Date Posted:17/03/2010 1:10 PMCopy HTML



Out of Character: o

The sound of LIKE THE ANGELS hits the pa. The lights, which have dimmed, begin to light silver and slowly fade out along with the beat, as smoke comes out over the entrance. Once the chorus begins, about 25 seconds into the song, Johnny walks through the curtain, his swagger slow and cocky. He stands within the smoke, loosening himself up, before walking down the ramp and Nick Miller introduces him.

Now making his way to the ring, from Newport Beach California, weighing in at 228 pounds, he is 1half of the EFW Tag Team Champion's.........Johnny Camaro!

He stops about mid-way down the ramp, and spreads his legs apart, and throws his arms in the air, forming a diamond, as pyro flies up behind him. the pyro finishes, he smirks, and walks down the ramp, hops up on the apron and steps into the ring. He runs to the corner and throws his arms to his sides impersonating Chris' brothers taunt. He gets down and asks for a mic. Someone hands him a mic and he steps toward Chris.

"Chris Orton, just 'cause I question your passion doesn't mean I don't respect you. I have seen your matches as of recent and you look a little destracted, like as if you were thinking of someone else. Possibly a lady, who could possibly work for this company as a wrestler. Never the less, you have still looked like you were thinking about something else. Take your match with Mack for example, about half way through I saw something spark inside you. It was that same look of carelessness that you've show in your recent matches." Johnny looks around getting some boo's but still quite alot of cheers.

"It was a look of priorities changing, like you put wrestling as #2 to this girl. Of course I know who it is and pretty much everyone else does too. But still Chris, as I said in my promo, I want you out there at 100%, I want your mind set to just be on this match. I won't accept anything less. And if I see that look, I'll just sit by and let you win, because I don't want you to not care anyless about that match. Now, not to say you need me to help you for you to win, I'm just saying..." Chris cuts him off.

"What the hell you talking about Johnny?" Orton says

"Cut the crap Chris. I can see it in your eyes, that change of priorities during the match. I don't want that. If I can beat you and win the title, then I want you to care about it. I want you to fight back and try to win. So Orton, If you can give me that 100% I want, and if you can beat me fairly. I will show you the respect you wanted, I will show you the respect and I will raise your hand myself. But right now, I want to lay the law down. Me and you, a clean fight, and if either of us see anyone come out to fuck up the match, we stop them dead in their tracks and we restart it in the ring. What do you say?" The crowd is chanting both Johnny's and Chris' names as they shake hands.

"Johnny, you want me 100% focused, and you say you won't have it anyother way. You got it, I will make sure I stay focused, and me and you will have a fight for the ages." Chris Orton says as the fans erupt.

"And if I win Chris, I don't care about winning the title, you can still have it. All I want is to be acknowledged as a 1 time European champ, and for all of those ass fuckers in the back to know that I can win without handicaps. And that I can win a title against a tough opponent. Good luck." Johnny drops the mic as LIKE THE ANGELS hits again and Johnny leaves to the back. He looks back at Chris and says something that the camera couldn't pick up. He turns around and slaps fans hands as he leaves. EFW goes to commercial again fading on Chris standing there 



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