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Dark Shadow Society will defeat you!(EXTREME)

Started by Midnight, September 25, 2023, 05:43:37 PM

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Date Posted:01/04/2010 10:12 PMCopy HTML

Midnight steps out of the shadows of the arena and then smirks. She strokes her fingers on her title before she spoke.
Midnight: Amy, you know how many times I have heard the same broken record that someone was going to kill me and leave me dead? I lost count. Whisper, Spawn, White Trash, Novacaine, and many others in other companies could not and had no way to keep me down. I refuse to allow death to defeat me. I am the living dead myself and like being of the dark. You think sitting in a dark room impresses me? You must be stupid. You could never defeat me. Your weak and I am strong. And to burst your ego Amy, if I was nothing...
Raises her title to the camera.
Midnight: I would have never become your top bitch of the women's division. I am your Women's Championess and you will show me respect or I will rip your tongue from your mouth and shove it up your fucking ass. I do not have a problem in destroying you, and I will on Extreme chica. You have no idea the things I can do to you that will make you wish for death. You are lucky my daughter is dealing with you, not I, because I would cripple your happy ass and leave you for dead. So keep flapping your gum Amy and I might just have to break you in half sooner then later.
Midnight steps back into the shadows and continues.
Midnight: As for Lacey..you already know bitch what I can do to you. I have already proved that your nothing but a fluke and a loser. No one cares for you. Sooner or later, Orton will get rid of you and move on once your used up.
The scene fades to black.

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