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Stayin' Alive ----- Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 26, 2023, 10:10:31 PM

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Date Posted:19/04/2010 1:21 PMCopy HTML

All that is heard is the opening to the song by The Bee Gees titled STAYING ALIVE and then the lyrics kick in.
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk,
I'm a woman's man—no time to talk.
Music loud and women warm, I've been kicked around
Since I was born.
And now it's all right. It's OK.
And you may look the other way.
We can try to understand
The New York Times' effect on man.
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother,
You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin', people,
Stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive.
And now as it keeps playing we see Shane Mack walking down a sidewalk in the city of Calgary wearing the classic disco threads, carrying the SEF Title folded up in his right hand and dancing like John Revolting, er Travolta, from Saturday Night Fever to make a long explanation short, he's dancing like a monkey tweaked out on speed and coke after a week awake, but he's smiling and begins singing along as he dances down the sidewalk, people watching and laughing, enjoying this shit as we all hear.
Well now, I get low and I get high,
And if I can't get either, I really try.
Got the wings of heaven on my shoes;
I'm a dancin' man and I just can't lose.
You know it's all right. It's OK.
I'll live to see another day.
We can try to understand
The New York Times' effect on man.
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother,
You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin', people,
Stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive.
Life's goin' nowhere. Somebody help me.
Somebody help me, yeah.
Life's goin' nowhere. Somebody help me, yeah.
Stayin' alive.
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk,
I'm a woman's man—no time to talk.
Music loud and women warm, I've been kicked around
Since I was born.
And now it's all right. It's OK.
And you may look the other way.
We can try to understand
The New York Times' effect on man.
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother,
You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin', people,
Stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive.
Life's goin' nowhere. Somebody help me.
Somebody help me, yeah.
Life's goin' nowhere. Somebody help me, yeah.
I'm stayin' alive.
Life's goin' nowhere. Somebody help me.
Somebody help me, yeah.
Life's goin' nowhere. Somebody help me, yeah.
I'm stayin' alive.
Life's goin-
And he finally stops when Julie stops as she is filming him and Mack bumps into the camera now. She shoves him back and says.
Watch your going man, song is over, damn!
Mack just grins and looks around noticing they went in one big circle and are back at the hotel their staying in, so he leans against the door, but it turns out the door is open and down he crashes to the floor. The camera shakes from Julie losing composure from laughing and we see Mack quickly hop up and cheekily grin, he shuts the door and leans against the wall near the doorway, his chest hair exposed in the tight tiger stripe polyester shirt, the pants match by the way. He just lifts his title up to his shoulder and looks all slick, runs a hand along his feathered hair and just looks all cocky. Julie finally composes herself and the view steadies, then she says.
So now, what was the point of this again?
Mack just shrugs and says.
What the fuck, what was wrong with just doing it?
A snicker is heard before she responds.
Well it was funny I admit, you're a pretty decent dancer though, of course I already knew that!
Mack just slyly smirks and says.
Of course I am, I can do it all and make it all look good, well, maybe not this fucking polyester, but fuck it, I don't care, I am content with where I am in life, I know what I can do and well maybe not disco dancing is not my day job, I don't even have a day job anyways cause, hell, isn't a job something you have to do to get by, to make it, to be somebody, to achieve a huge status in life, but you need to do it where as I want to do what I do and just so happen to excel at it and be able to make it! I have been talked down to many a times, had so much heat for pointless bullshit, I took so much that most people would not be here today, they would have gave up their dream, possibly gave up on life altogether and ended it! But I took and I took and I fucking took and I continued to give every fucking ounce of talent I have along with every ounce of anger and combined them to put all the rest to shame, to stand out among the pack and shine brighter, bigger, and better and as far as it goes on this circuit or the old one or the one before that I have done just that and I have nothing left to prove to anyone!
He pauses and so Julie asks.
So what's this mean for Wednesday when you and Weigel face off in an Iron Man match for that there title and remember, loser is the winners bitch, dude, that is so funny, no matter who loses its funny!
Mack laughs too and says.
Yea, it is, but we all know who is gonna lose don't we?
Julie says.
I don't know, do we?
Mack rolls his eyes and says.
C'mon, its obvious who is gonna win, I mean who else has the balls big enough to do what I do when I do it? I can walk around anywhere and be whoever the fuck I want to be whether its myself or I play a role to incite a reaction, to make people stand up and notice, then again, isn't that who I am anyways, someone who makes people notice?
He pauses and Julie answers.
Yea, I would say you are just that, no matter what, people notice and you make them respect you because your just too fucking talented!
He gets a big grin now and Julie says.
No, don't even, no, I didn't mean that, you cocky prick!
Mack laughs now and says.
Fine, fine, I won't get all egotistical, but back to the match, yes, the Iron Man, who is just that, an Iron Man? Well, I have proved countless times that I am indeed an Iron Man of this business, hell, I innovated and survived more DOGG Fights than anyone in history, I won more to and have yet to lose in that match. Why it has relevancy here is because a DOGG Fight is based off the Iron Man idea, sixty minutes of intense action, pinfall, submission, get as many as you can, beat you opponent into submission, out last them and gain more falls, but the match I invented, the DOGG Fight, it takes place in a giant chamber, floor level with the ring, looks a lot like an elimination chamber only no smaller chambers inside, just plenty of "weapons", anything you want in there and its brutal, hell, maybe sixty minutes of that would too much for most to handle, but me, I think it could go longer. Fact is, Wednesday night it's a regular ol' Iron Man match, a pure wrestling enthusiasts wet dream come true, Shane Mack wrestling in the ring for one hour straight, so Weigel, you better be on your top performance, you better be ready for the biggest fight of your life, not career, life cause no being will push you as hard as I am about to do, no one will give you more, just ask your buddy Bobby or as Gabriel, ask Chris Orton, hell, if ya can find some of the ol' boys of SEF ask Rapid, Johnny X, Strife, ask them all and they will all tell you that Mack pushes harder than anyone else and if you don't believe it, try me! I didn't get into this business to earn a few bucks, to let out some frustration, to just be creative, to compete one on one or more in some cases, I got into it for all those reasons and because I love it, yes, I said it before and I will always say it, I love what I do, absolutely love it and will always feel like I have to pay back by giving everything I can! I help anyone who desires the help, whether its by partnership or rivalry, Shane Mack has made himself and makes everyone else and that's a fucking shoot!
He pauses and looks around, oh crap, he has an audience of fans and they probably want autographs, hmm, what will he do? Perhaps just continue to cut his promo has he appears to do now.
I do hope you at least try Steve, please give me that, try to do it, try to beat me, c'mon, ya know ya want to, but do you really have it in you to desire to do it, do you have that passion that so many seem to have it buried and never let it completely out? I hope so, I hope I do not have to completely carry this fucking match on my back. I want to be pushed as hard as I push you, so c'mon Steve, or is that why you quickly got rid of the song Step Up because you can't step up? Just because I can push hard doesn't mean I can make just anyone, you have to have that desire to step up on any given night, so what's it gonna be, boy?
Mack swings around facing the hotel door looking like he may walk and pauses, the crowd gathered yells for him, a small chant breaks out of his name and he begins to dance disco style, swivels his hips and whips around screaming.
He then dances his way past Julie who keeps filming as Mack moves into the crowd of fans and begins to sign some of their stuff, magazines, posters, shirts, breasts, faces, arms, whatever. Julie soon walks over lowering the camera and signs some things too, she has fans also ya know, and then the camera is shut off so fade to black!

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