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Let's kick some ass!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 26, 2023, 10:11:57 PM

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Date Posted:20/04/2010 1:03 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
Let's kick some ass!
Lacey Daniels, Megan Sorrow, Julie
Roleplay #1
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
SEF presents "Extreme" is on the air, the scene opens up with Chris Orton sitting on the couch not in a good mood, and Lacey Daniels is heard coming into the room, so she started speaking.

Lacey Daniels: What the matter babe?

Chris Orton: I don't feel like talking about it!

Lacey Daniels: Babe, you know whatever bothering you might throw you off your game.

Chris Orton: I been thinking about this for a long time, so I don't know what to do.

Lacey Daniels sat next to Chris Orton, and she holds his hand started talking to him again.

Lacey Daniels: Babe, tell me what wrong?

Chris Orton: I been thinking maybe there is no point of me to continue on with my career in SEF, because I did everything I was set out to do, so maybe I should quit SEF.

Lacey Daniels is shock to hear her man talk about leaving the company, so she speaks again.

Lacey Daniels: Babe, you can't leave I would miss you so much, and I think you are making wrong decision for yourself.

Chris Orton: I just feel I got nothing else to prove in SEF.

Lacey Daniels: Babe, you still haven't beat Shane Mack, and you haven't won SEF Tag Team Titles until you done those things I think you still got a lot left in you.

Chris Orton: I guess I agree with you on that, so who I'm facing on "Extreme"?

Lacey Daniels: You gonna love this, because you and I are teaming up against Megan Sorrow teaming up with Julie in a tag team match.

Chris Orton gives Lacey Daniels a funny look, and he started laughing, so Orton started talking to Lacey Daniels.

Chris Orton: Let's kick some ass!

Lacey Daniels: Tonight on "Extreme", everyone going to witness the most dangerous couple get their first win, because those two sluts are dead!

Chris Orton: We can celebrate in hot tub with red wine.

Lacey Daniels: I like the sound of that, but let's train each other.

Chris Orton puts his arms around Lacey Daniels, and he started kissing her on the lips, so Lacey kiss Orton back basically made out as "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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