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Just Hanging Out

Started by NBD, September 26, 2023, 10:30:43 PM

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Date Posted:27/04/2010 9:09 AMCopy HTML

Shane Mack, the man of SEF, the World Champ, and he's laid out on the bed in a hotel room snoozing, just a pair of jeans and a red bandana which is pulled down over his eyes, slight snoring heard and then a foot comes into view kicking his foot and Julie backs up with the camera sitting down on a chair and keeps filming. Mack wakes up some and lifts his head and an arm to pull his bandana up some, looks around and spots the camera, then smiles and lays his head back down, so Julie says.
What the fuck, wake up bitch!
Mack keeps his eyes shut, but says.
Why, we got several hours until the house show, last night was rough, well no, it was fun, now I'm relaxing, so roll me a joint and help-
She cuts him off.
Hey, you can't say that, this is being filmed for SEF!
Mack scoots up some and sits up a little, still leans back against the pillows and just rolls his eyes laughing, then says.
Oh yea, yea, oops, not allowed to reference an herb, but fuck it, not like were abusing some opiate, just fucking carefree, fun loving, free spirited individuals, fucking fanatics from hell! SEF baby, Some Extreme Fans, but anyways, what's the purpose of waking me again?
He looks all smug with that smirk on his face and Julie laughs, then says.
I don't know, I was bored and wanted company!
Mack just says.
So go play with your new toy Jade, make sure to film again, so I can watch later!
Julie gets up and kicks him in the leg, then sits back down and steadies the view, Mack pulls his leg up rubbing it and says.
What the fuck, what did I do?
Julie says.
She's not my toy, we just had some fun together, not like what me and your wife do!

And this just makes Mack grin and he says.
Yea, I know, that's fucking awesome, should have another walk in the park, show these novices how its done!
Julie just says.
I think I'm doing ok on my own, but yea, that moment will never be topped. If you weren't married to Whitney I would be or at least try to be!
Mack grins big and says
Hey, were all one big family and were happy, take care of each other, right!
He winks and Julie says.
True, so what do ya wanna do today besides lay around?
Mack shrugs and says.
Ah fuck, we'll do something, what do you wanna do?
A pause and silence fills the air now, then Julie says.
Well, we could go work out, hit the gym for a while, you could pretend to lift weights since I know your so weak!
She laughs and Mack rolls his eyes, then says.
Yea, well ya know, why work out when ya work enough as it is?
He smirks and says.
How about we burn one and think about what to do, that always helps come up with something great or just makes the same ol' shit seem better, but fuck, it don't hurt ya like most shit does.
And so Mack sits up, scoots to the end of the bed and stands up, then suddenly grabs the camera setting it on the table and rips Julie up on to his shoulder spinning her around and tosses her on the bed. She quickly kneels up and grabs a pillow as Mack backs up behind the camera and is heard sitting down at the other end of the table. Julie lowers down on the bed and makes a pouting face, then says.
Aw, ya don't wanna play with me, afraid ya might get hurt?!
Mack says.
I'd like that too much to be afraid!
Julie grins and just winks at him, puts the pillow down and stands up brushing off her shirt which happens to be a baby tee of Mack's newest shirt available through the SEFZONE, the Good To Be Super Shane Mack shirt. She also wears blue jeans and now takes a seat back at the table and says.
Hurry up and roll that will ya, damn your slow!
Mack just laughs and says.
Quality baby, remember dat, not about how quick and sloppy, about how much and how good, which is why they all come back to Mack!
Julie rolls her eyes and says.
Please, they all come back to me, just cause it sounds cooler means your covering up for an insecurity!
Silence now and then Mack says.
Uh, what?
Julie laughs and says.
I don't know, I'm rambling and your rolling too slow, do I have to come over there and hurt you honey?!
And Mack just says quickly.
Julie laughs and grabs the camera bringing the view off the bed and her and on to Mack who is twisting the ends of a fat fucking joint in his mouth, then lays it down and just grins big leaning back in the chair. Julie says.
Oh yea, pose for me baby, show me those greek god postures, those looks, c'mon, take the pants off!
Mack stretches his arms out and looks cocky, then just laughs and says.
Hey, put that thing down and I'll whip them off along with yours.
Julie says.
No thanks, but I'll do your wife again!
Mack shrugs and says.
Fine by me, I woudn't mind another viewing, after all, both your hands would be busy, too busy to operate the camera!
He grins big and says.
So what ya wanna do?
Julie just says.
I don't know, what do you wanna do?
Mack moves his eyebrows and grins slyly and Julie says.
Your such a pervert, damn it, no wonder I went so bad, hanging around you!
Mack laughs and shrugs, then says.
Well I think you got deeper issues than me, I mean hell, what did ya think I was motioning for? I just wanted to smoke this joint and was excited for a little Mary Jane and no, not Smokey's girl, not again!
He chuckles and Julie says.
Oh please, we all know what you meant and well, never say never, but no, now fire it up and figure out what were gonna do before tonight's show!
Mack raises a hand flipping her off and just says.
What, am I deaf now or are did ya swallow to much of my cum and can't talk anymore?!
Mack grins as he picks up the joint and puts it in his mouth, then says.
The latter, you really let it all out, of course I suppose maybe that was my fault for making ya do it!
He keeps grinning and Julie says.
Whatever, you wish baby, you wish, now light up or I'm a be inside of you with my foot in your ass!

Mack shrugs and she tosses him a lighter. He lights up and takes a big toke, then hands it over and blows out the smoke as he says.
It sounds extremely kinky, kinda fun, maybe, depends on what your wearing and what else your doing!
He grins and she hands the joint back to Mack who takes a big drag. We see smoke come from behind the camera into Mack's face and he hands it back to Julie. He blows smoke to her and then Julie sets the camera down in the middle of the table pointed out towards the door. Julie then says.
So seriously, what should we do?
And silence is heard, all you hear is deep drags of smoke being inhaled and then a click of the camera fades the view to black. Hmmm, so I wonder what Mack and Julie are gonna do? Will we get to come along for the ride or will they just kick it in here all night? Who knows? No one, unless they want us to!

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