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What a bunch of losers!

Started by Midnight, September 26, 2023, 10:40:48 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
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Date Posted:28/04/2010 6:14 PMCopy HTML

Megan sits back, clapping slowly. She seems highly relaxed. She sinks back into the couch and looks at the camera. She smiles sweetly.

"So I'm a prostitute because I give the fans the show they came to see? Lacey, if it wasn't for the fans, you and your man wouldn't have jobs. You see, I grew up watching wrestling and I know what it is they want. I'm not here trying to be some pretty little face. I'm here to give the fans what they want and to prove that I'm worth watching. I won that title fair and square. You can try to take it all you want but you aren't getting it. You don't deserve it. You don't even deserve to be in this federation."

Megan closes her eyes and rolls her head side to side. She looks over at another door, smiling a little.

"And as for prosituting myself to Nikky, I'm not getting paid for anything. All I get back for my love and affection is the same for him. I'm not like you. I don't throw myself at the first wrestler I see. If you had learned more about your opponents, you would learn that Nikky and I were huge enemies. It was the death of Bethany, may she rest in peace, that brought us together."

Megan leans foreward, rubbing her face with her hands. Her elbows resting on her knees. She's dressed in a simple white shirt and a pair of shorts.

"And to my partner, I hope that you are as good as you say you are. I don't need some total ditzy in my corner. We can be one of two things: we can be friends or we can be enemies. That choice is your's to make."

Megan gets up and heads for the other door, closing it behind her.

Taylor Andrews

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Re:What a bunch of losers!
Date Posted:28/04/2010 9:33 PMCopy HTML

As Megan steps out the door she comes face to face with her partner tonight, a woman who has helped a lot breaking the women's barrier in SEF, Julie! She wears her black booty shorts and a baby tee of Shane Mack's newest shirt on the SEFZONE, her hair in a ponytail and arms crossed over her chest. Megan just looks at her up and down and asks.

So did you hear what I had to say?

Julie just nods yes and says nothing, so Megan asks.

So what do you think, ready to go kick some ass?

Julie just smirks now and says.

Megan, you better realize who is who around here and understand that I was ready for this match before you were, so you need to get your priorities straight and prove to me you can be my partner because I only took this match because SEF needed me to do so!

Megan looks a bit put in her place and gulps, then says.

Oh, sorry, I had a bad few days, almost didn't make it back here after-

Julie cuts her off and says.

Yea, I heard and I know, so don't worry about it, but don't ever assume you know me, don't you ever label as anything until you know who the hell I am. As is said before to Chris Orton, I was here when he debuted and I kicked his ass then, I was here before SEF was even a year old, and I helped define women in SEF, I made sure any girl who came in here could have a fair shake and not have to be segregated to one division, so get a clue honey and when ya do, meet me in the ring and I'll do exactly as is aid I would do, help you battle Lacey and her beau Chris!

Megan looks to speak, but Julie motions no and lets her arms drop, then says.

I'll see ya out there, but if you wanna see anymore of me maybe after the show, maybe a celebration should we win, maybe just to, get to know me, well then come find me, baby!

Julie leans in and grabs Megan's head planting a kiss on her lips. Megan resists at first, but Julie holds her close and really lays it on her, then Megan seems to warm up a little. Julie suddenly breaks the kiss and pushes Megan against the door, then licks her lips and smirks and says.

See ya in the ring darling!

Julie turns and walks away swaying her ass, the view staying on her ass and once she is done the hall a way Julie stops and turns back saying.

Yo Mack, stop being so slow and get down here!

And now the camera view is being ran down the hall to Julie and Mack says.

Uh, Megan was playing with my ass, sorry!

Julie rolls her eyes and says.

Sure she was, that's why your drooling and still staring at my ass?!

The view goes back up to Julie who steps back and puts an arm around Mack who lowers the camera and fades to black.

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