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Justin Rodgers Extreme RP 1

Started by Kristin Fox, September 26, 2023, 11:12:04 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:03/05/2010 1:21 AMCopy HTML

Justin2020Katana20Rodgers20Banner.jpg Cena & Eve v picture by kristinbenoit97
In The Old School
Everyone I handle apparently
Mack&Julie/ most everyone else
Next victim
Hartman & James
Titles held
Read their bios plz
Next match
Hartman vs Rodgers vs James
Got Mack's back

{Justin shakes his head as the doors open.  He is holding the heavy bag for his wife, Katana as she works it over.  Katana notices his look and stops and turns.  She's in a pair of black and white wind pants and a black baby doll shirt.  He wearing MMA shorts but has on a pair of Nike shox and a Edmonton Oilers hat he's got backwards.}
Justin:"Here comes trouble with a capital T."
{Katana shakes her head}
Katana:"My girls are here.  {she goes and hugs Hayden and Jade} "It's about time. Jus won't let me handle the problem."
Hayden:"Got it covered.  {she hears the doors open again and pinches the bridge of her nose as the crew follows them in} "I think I'm getting a miagraine."
Justin:"Loki's in his office."
{Hayden and Jade head off to the left.  As the crew comes in.}
Justin:"Now what guys?  I said all I had to say."
Interviewer:"We got a call and it said film your promo for Extreme."
Justin:"I thought I just did.  {He frowns raising an eyebrow} "Whatever."
Interviewer:"You have a three way dance againist Bobby James and this new guy Brandon Hartman."
{Justin crosses his arms across his chest before grinning and turns the hat around}
Justin:"Ah Product placement.  I really need to get some SEF merchandise so this, {he smacks Katana on the ass making her jump before smiling indulgantly at him} fine piece of Texas babe can front it like I've seen Julie do for Mack.  Wow, double duty.  Two heels at one time.  {he pretends to be afraid as Katana giggles} Should I be afraid? Oooh!  No! Now why do you think I would be in a non-title triple threat with the International Champ and some chump rookie who after a month in the business thinks he's a by god wrestling immaculate conception love child of Ric Flair and Stone Cold Steve Austin?  See, this guy Brandon Hartman...I did some checking."
{Katana rolls her eyes}
Katana:"Meaning he called my Dad."
{Justin tickles her and pretends to be upset}
Justin:"You weren't suposed to tell my secrets.  It's like againist the law or something.  I think I need to get my mom to sue you."
Katana:"Yeah?  {he nods} "Sue me and you see this fine ass you like so much?  {Justin grin gets bigger} "Well this is Canada, stud and its not as hot here as it is deep in the heart of Texas, and you could be sleeping alone.."
Justin:"Right, never mind.  {he wraps his arm around his wife's neck pulling her close.} "Anyway, yeah, so I called by Father-in-law, {under his breath he says to her, 'you weren't suposed to tell} "who is like Rudy Boy's pride and joy about this kid Hartman.  He's had a couple solid showings in San Antonio.  Hasn't quite made it to RCW but then you gotta get on your knees to Hernandez there or in ACW where, you get paid with poisoned cootch from the worst chick to ever be placed on a Shimmer Roster, {Katana groans} Rachel Summerlyn..."
Katana:"I don't know how pleased Daddy's going to be that you think he and Fat Ass are thick as thieves.  Now as for that whore Rachel, I kicked that bitch's ass at Three Way and that could be why Jadan is so gross now.  She must be the new Darrin and Rachel chew toy so she got infected by Summerlyn's new signature move, the VD Vajayjay...hmm, guess the male owner of Shimmer must have got a hell of a blow job from..."
{Justin looks at her}
Justin:"I thought this was my promo?"  {she laughs} "I know how much you hate that bitch but SEF would never let that slut up here."
Katana:"Thank God!"
Justin:"So none of the top indy feds down San Antonio way have picked up on him yet.  Not surpising, he's still green as hell.  Lucky for him he had enough brains to come to SEF than to mess with Katana's most hated rival."
Katana:"Rival my ass.  If she wasn't so disgusting I'd say Gracie could kick her ass and Gracie kinda hates wrestling."
{Justin frowns}
Justin:"Yeah, for about a year I hated it too, remember?"
{she frowns and rubs his back}
Katana:"I'm sorry, baby.  I'm going to go hang out with the girls.  You go ahead and cut your promo.  Then we'll make up later...at home.."
{Justin nods and drops a kiss on her head}
Justin:"Anyway, {He shoots a look after his wife} no need for depression! Hell, that's why her godmother is a shrink.  We all need counseling now and then in this business. {he rubs his hands} "Sex..{he starts laughing} No, that's not what I meant to say.  {he clears his throat and focuses.} "Anyway, what I meant to say was that this Brandon guy, {shakes his head} He's so little of a challenge that I wouldn't need much warm up to defeat him.  This Halloween should make ten years I've been active in this business but the past is the past and I needed time away.  I have enough experience that a singles match againist Hartman would be cake.  The presence of a third man however in a match is always another matter entirely.  See Bobby What's his Nuts, {he grins} No, seriously, the wife googled his name.  Bobby James, the douche from Boston that's the International Champion.  He's another matter entirely.  He's a cocky little bastard, smart, maybe I should take him a little more seriously.  He does have the title so that is something to be proud of, no matter how he won it.  I doubt he won it fairly, but hey, that's his damage.  I've won a title or four in the past with an any means neccesary attitude myself.  I used to think it was getting the gold that mattered, not the how.  Then in Japan, I learned it was a matter of honor, a symbol of pride to be a champion.  Wrestling in Japan and Mexico isn't what it is in North America.  It's a religion, almost as the Long Fist Kung Fu that I still to this day practice....{grin} religiously.  Yes, I hold titles for other companies.  My families companies.  I can't say that without a shadow of a doubt that the people that come through there are giving me an honest fight, maybe they don't have the balls to take it to me as the son or nephew of the owner to prove that they can go.  I don't know.  What I know is that in SEF, my contract was sent by courier to my mother's sports agency.  I know that I am the same level for the most part of any other bastard who is offered a contract to the company, maybe smarter, {he grins} Love throwing that out there...even if I am a bit of a smart ass, I like to throw people off.  You never know what to expect from me.  Granted this Brandon kid my surprise the hell out of both of us, Bobby.  He may actually know how to lace his boots up and step in the ring with people who have been around the block.  I worry about that Brandon kid as if I had to wrestle Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.  Granted the kid isn't an ankle biting twin pain in the butt like my baby brothers, but the impact I wanna make, {he grins} is knocking this new kid out and then hitting Bobby up with the Fox Fire.  It will be an important step in taking the International Title.  You know, I might even stick a Maple Leaf sticker on it like Storm did in WCW just to piss you off Bobby.  You never know man, you could be preening with your paid escorts and you'll come back and the belt with be screaming, "Oh Canada."  Then you'll know, that I got you.  You just don't know what direction it'll come from, but know this.  When I get in the ring on Extreme, the joke will be over or on you.  Everytime the powers that be make me get in the ring with you, will be another step of putting the International Title on someone truly international.  Hell, my genetics are international.  Damn, I'm half white Canadian, 1/4 Commanche Indian, and 1/4 Mexican who spent almost three friggin' years training in Japan!"
{Justin rolls his eyes}
Justin:"What the hell! Is my whole family going to fly up just to see me wrestle on Extreme."
{the camera swivels to see Dusty in jeans and blue parka.  She motions for him to come forward.  The camera zooming but physically keeping the distance away.}
Dusty:"Did you watch all of Extreme?"
Justin:"I watched most of it, why?"
{She looks down}
Dusty:"He isn't dead, Bubby.  I don't know what happened but he's not dead."
Justin:"You're kidding me! {he then makes her look at him} "You're not thinking of taking him back are you."
Dusty:"Hell no, but I want some answers."
Justin:"I'm going to want some answers too. Damn, I wonder if Mack knows.  He wasn't cool at me taking a shot at him when I returned....." {he thinks for a minute} "Katana, Hayden, and the Real Deal are in Luke's office.  I gotta finish my promo and then we'll start making plans."  {Dusty walks off looking sad and Justin nails a thundering spinning backfist on the heavy bag, clearly pissed, and turns back to the camera} "You guys must have thought I caught the resurrection of Corez.  The fact is I was getting a little phone love from Katana and missed it.  He and I have issues but I can't let his surprise return from the dead throw me off my game.  I got a game plan that includes the International title but I'll roll with this suprise and get some answers from him afterwards.  Like why his relationship with my sister ended with a Corez Effect when she stayed for him despite our family tragedy?  I could do the big brother thing if he'd just broken her heart but I can't stand when a man hits a woman just cause.  Outside of the ring, if a man hit a woman in my presence, I think I'd lose it and tear him apart with my hands.  I don't play that game.  I was raised better than that, hell my mom's first boyfriend would have beat the hell out of her if they hadn't been at a party at my dad's place.  {snickers} That was a beat down and a half when my Uncle caught him bumming around Europe.  The Down Boyz, the anti-version of my Dad's Crew the Stallions.  It's the accountants/computer programmers on steroids vs United States Marine Corps.  {He shakes his head with a grin} "The Down Boys sure came out of quasi retirement when my mom and dad hooked up.  It was almost World War 3!  {He motioned for the camera to zoom in} The point I'm trying to make is this: bad things happen for no reason.  It takes a man to stand up and deal with them.  I am the bad thing that is going to happen to you boys on Extreme.  Are you going to be man enough to stand up and deal with it?"

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