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What Can I Do Next---Nikky Venom

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 27, 2023, 08:16:53 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:12/05/2010 4:38 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The following that you are about to witness may leave you brain dead if you cannot handle the violent content that you are about to read. If you cannot handle it, please do go back or hit the "x" button on the right hand corner of the screen. For those that can handle, please go on but if you fail to read the warning or your brain explodes, you can expect people to spit on your corpse before it is buries. Read on and have a nice day. 

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Roleplay titlePeople used/mentionedAllies/enemiesNext matchAchievementsOOC
What can I do NextXanthus, Corez, Mack, Nikky Venom, Johnny Camaro, Bobby JamesJohnny Camaro, Megan Sorrowvs. MackEFW Tag Champ
EFW US Champ
SEf International Champ

Nik is in the ring and looks pissed

"Hey Mack, your starting to sound a little heelish there. As for the challange you want me to bring, what's the point? Whether I win or lose I'm losing fans, whether I decide to fight you or not I'm the one losing support. I'm the one that will be degraded! I will be the one that is set as the bad guy! You want a challange and I want fans, I want people to enjoy watching me. Recently that hasn't been able to happen. I've had to face Xanthus and Corez, and eventhough those assholes started the whole thing by mocking me the same as every other asshole in the back has-and even decent people like you- and by setting a bad example for those watching. They judged me by my friends and by my look. Ya, Johnny might b off on his whole pissed off phase here. But he has good reason to. Look back to everyone he's faced, they have degraded them again and again, even after he beat them.

Anyway, I will be labeled a bad guy with whatever I do. What's the point of fighting you? I will be hated for everything I do, and that isn't fair. I've done nothing but entertain these people and I've cut years off my career to do it. But it will all be in vain. Lets face it, I'll be a slightly bigger draw then fucking Bobby James after this match. And why? Because you and Xanthus and Corez are the uber stars that no one can touch without getting boos. All I did last week was stand up for myself, and I tried to shut them up about what they've said about me. But no, they had to be bigger assholes and continue to mock me. And who is the bad guy, the person standing up for himself! Once I used to think that me or Johnny will be the guys to keep SEF alive after you finally retired, now I'll be lucky have one fan. SEF was good for me, but now it's fucking me in the asshole and it's not pleasent!"

Nik is pretty pissed and still has fuel to burn.

"Mack, you may havewon gold quickly here and that's great. But do I care...NO! You were given chances just like me, but the thing is you were given more chances. I wasn't so you have nothing to brag about.I may not beat you, but atleast I have something you don't respect for everyone in this company. The only time I've lost respect is when assholes like you do dickish moves like you've done in your promo. So maybeyou should put te joint down, put the bottle down. Get some help and clear your head. I may sound like a dick but you Mack are the real dick! I've said nothing bad about you to set you off. I've even worn a Mack shirt once or twice in the back because I respect what you've done. What did I do to you to set you off? Maybe you just needed to vent you anger towards the company and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, I don't know you, but I do know that I don't deserve your critisism. Mack you said it yourself, you've been drained before, though while you were being drained I bet no one was there to degrade you, to verbally assault you until you start to believe that you shouldn't be here. No one was there to tell you that you are an emo bitch. You think you've been in my shoes but you're wrong! I have been critisize since the day I entered this company. I over came the odds, I shut down the manufactures of the haterade that was poure on me. But now, everyone thinks the same thing about me. You think you'v been in my shoes but you can't realize that I am struggeling to hold all this burden they've caused on my shoulders. Ya, I've lost my passion, but the locker room has lost its way. Do you expect a goalie for Montreal to stay hypeness while he continually gets booed? No, soon he will think he isn't that good and will start playing badly. Well right now, no one here is willing to give me my chance and that is showing in my work proformance. I can't be god damn super man! I'm not a god. Mack you may be, but I'm not! So don't go off on me, when it's people like you that is my problem here."

Everyone is silent, no one cheers or boos. Nikky may have gained their respect. But they might hate him now, Nik doesn't care though, he still puts on a good show even if they don't like him. For once he isn't releying on the fans cheers, he would still appriciate the cheers but he now just wants to fight for those that still do like him.

"Now about our match tonight..." He has now cooled off a bit. "I will bring everything I've got, I have to win. If I beat you, I know I've still got the skill to once again suceed in this company. If I lose, well, as long as I get close that's what matters. I just need to bring you to your limit and past where you've been. If that happens I've won that match, I may not have pinned you 1,2,3, but I still won. And if you all here want to see two men go at it in a great match, then only positive feedback is allowed. Peace brah."

Kick Start My Heart starts up and he walks to the back, slapping the hands of some as he goes.

Disclaimer: This layout is a freebie made by Blaze Inferno for the use of anyone. If you are found claiming this as your own, your fingers will be cut off and be fed to the dogs. This layout does not sponsor any real life events or people. It is just a mere concidence. 



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Re:What Can I Do Next---Nikky Venom
Date Posted:12/05/2010 9:04 PMCopy HTML

The fans boo Nikky, but suddenly everyone in the fucking arena explodes out of love and respect for the sound of Slave To The Grind blasting over the pa and out walks Shane Mack in his ring gear wearing his title around his waist. He makes a beeline for Nikky and just points to get his ass back in the ring cause this ain't over, so Nikky hops back in and Mack swaggers on down getting pats on the back. He soon hops to the apron and steps in, takes Nikky's mic from him and lets loose a hard slap to his face causing the fans to go let out a loud.


And they cheer loud and start chanting.


Nikky holds his cheek and looks in shock, Mack dead serious now and the music cuts as he lifts up the mic and says.

Number one pal, don't you ever come out here talking about something you know nothing about...respect!

A huge pop for that truthful statement and Mack says.

You don't know dick about me, you haven't walked a mile in my shoes and with your mindset you probably couldn't. I pointed out how quick I won gold here because of what you were bragging up about the few titles you won here, the difference is Nikky, I held on to gold and went higher instead of sunk low like you. You were given just as many chances as anyone, as myself, Rapid, Strife, any of these guys over the years, just as much as any girl like Whitney, Cassie, Lacey, any of them, so shut the fuck you and get a clue!

Huge cheers for Mack who continues on.

I earned a status here long before you ever came to SEF, I gave everything to make this company what it is, I never showed one bit of disrespect, just the opposite actually and I get it back ten fold from these fans and everyone in the back and that's a fact, so again, get a clue! Xanthus and Corez, those guys earned a status above you man, they got fucking screwed, shafted big time last year. Do you know what it feels like to be wrote off as dead, to be stripped of titles you earned, to be fired for no fucking reason at all except that you were in the way of one goal, killing this company. That is what happened when Ric fired all those people last year, he did it because they were in his way of destroying SEF. I would have been one of those had I not had a better contract, that's as simple as it is. Ric couldn't touch me, but he could touch all those others and he did, so when they came back, they made a statement and what exactly is it you had been doing in SEF when they came back?

The crowd shouts out now and begins chanting.


Mack just looks around and smirks, then says.

I guess they answered it, all these thousands of diehard fans just did a shoot on you and let ya know why your in the position you are, because you have done nothing lately. The first sign of life you showed was only after those guys jumped you and Johnny. If you want fans Nikky, if you want to be cheered into the fucking rafters, if you want these muthafuckas in here to rock as loud as they can for you, then ya wanna know what you do? Shut the fuck up and do something, make them notice you and cheer louder than ever. After winning a couple titles you got an ego and decided you were oh so great, nothing wrong with it, ya kept in check somewhat, but then ya failed to back it up, ya did nothing. You think you have carried weight in SEF, you think you have a fucking burden around here, you have done shit, you have carried nothing or nobody. All I ever did was call it like it is with you. I never bashed you man, I simply stated facts, something you wish you could do, but never seem to do. Get off your high horse and step down and earn yourself a status here, earn your place because you have earned nothing, yet.

Loud cheers and Nikky is breathing heavy, the truth sinking into his head maybe, who knows. Mack just says.

When I lost my smile, ya know what I did Nikky, I took a fucking break, I walked away instead of letting myself continue to get booked and wasting air time that someone else could be using to try and get over because you pal did waste that titme, you have never gotten over here and if you continue this role you never will. Either come at me full force and don't give a fuck about these fans or come at me full force and do give a fuck. They will cheer you eventually if you prove yourself, if you give yourself to them. It don't matter if ya face me or not. Sure, you may not get the cheers I do, but deal with it pal, I earned it, you haven't!

Loud cheers for Mack again as he continues to shoot the truth unlike Nikky's bullshit lies.

I expect you to do what anyone would do, what I would do, bust your ass to make it cause it's the only way your gonna do it here. The locker room hasn't lost shit, so get off ytour pity party and stop feeling sorry for yourself because YOU can't handle not measuring up to me. These fans are real about this shit, they don't give pity cheers, so suck it up bitch, grow up and stop the fucking lies!

He looks disgusted at Nikky now as the fans cheer loud and Mack says.

Here bitch, tell these people something more about me that just ain't true cause your good at that, you excel at lying, so here son, spew your nonsense all you like, I'll see ya tomorrow for the ass kicking of your life and that's a shoot!

Mack tosses the mic at Nikky's chest who just lets it drop. Mack then backs up to the ropes and tseps out dropping to the aisle and struts to the back, the fans going crazy for him as Slave To The Grind now plays and they reach out touching him, patting him on the back, Mack gives a high five to a few before turning and smirks at Nikky who is fuming, then Mack turns disappearing through the curtain leaving the view on Nikky. The fans wanting more of Mack begin to boo Nikky who is left out there staring up the aisle.

Johnny Camaro

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Re:What Can I Do Next---Nikky Venom
Date Posted:13/05/2010 10:52 AMCopy HTML

Warning: The following that you are about to witness may leave you brain dead if you cannot handle the violent content that you are about to read. If you cannot handle it, please do go back or hit the "x" button on the right hand corner of the screen. For those that can handle, please go on but if you fail to read the warning or your brain explodes, you can expect people to spit on your corpse before it is buries. Read on and have a nice day. 


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Nikky is in the middle of the ring and picks up the mic. He is fuming after what Mack dared to say. He is as fake as Nikky was. Mack was doing the same thing Nikky was and yet denies he did it. He would attack Nikky daily just a month ago when Mack was with The Predators. Then there was no reason for him to do it. But any way...

"Mack don't you dare pull that shit with me! You haven't walked a step in my shoes. You haven't walked a step in my shoes, you haven't been walking down the street and see people stare at you look at you as if you are about to kill them. You have never walked around and had mothers shield their children's eyes because I look different. You haven't walked into church and been kicked out because I don't look the same as everyone else. Everyone always thinks the same thing about me, that I'm some emo bastard. I've walked into many indy companies and the same thing happens. You don't have any idea how much that has hurt me. Well now I'm finally standing up for myself, I was with Xanthus and Corez, and I am with you. I've done nothing to warrant an attack from you and yet you still mock me. Ya I say that I've had a title, that's because the same people say I've done nothing. I once again have to prove it. Now when I have done nothing to you, you still mock me. Well like I said, I'm standing up for myself; I'm not sitting by and letting assholes push me down. I started with THC and I got booed! Now I do it with you and I get booed. Let me remind you all that they started the whole war. They slandered me, they mocked me, and they degraded me. I did nothing to them and I was booed! Where's the logic there Mack?"


The fans boos start to lighten as they realize what they have done.


"Mack I don't have any ego, I'm just disproving what everyone else has said about me. They, Including you Mack, have said that I have done nothing here. Well that's when I tell them what I've done. That is when I tell them that I brought the International championship to the Main Event. That is when I say that I had been Main Eventing week after week. Not out of the blue like you Mack. I wasn't slandering anybody unless they gave me reason to slander them. You did it out of the blue. Who is the real bad guy here Mack? I sit the guy who's teaching these people it's alright to stand up for yourself, or the guy who is teaching the fans to randomly attack people? Who is the real bad the man that is trying to show that it's okay to be different, or the man that proves that normal is the best?"


Nikky is starting to get cheers from some of the fans. He really is a degraded but great role-model.


"You say a may get cheers if I prove myself. Mack you know that's bullshit. No one can get cheers when they face you, I will only get booed for no reason. Mack you know it's true, if I fight you, I'm losing either way. I don't care if I get the cheers you have, I just want the cheers and...


The fans start cheering him now, mostly as a joke but still.


...and if I face you that won't happen. You think you know everything but you don't. For once you are the one that is lying, not me. You don't understand what is happening so don't act like you do. That Mack is a god-damn-mother-fucking shoot! So Mack, go back to your ladies and keep up with the slander because I know all you're doing is lying to them. Peace!"


Leaving the ring he walks to the back as Kick Start My Heart hits again, he slaps a couple of fans hands but very few. Mack has now push Nik past his limit and he is just holding it in. Unhealthy, probably, but smart, very. If he said what he was thinking, he would get nothing but boos. So holding it back is smart. He walks behind the curtain and disappears. This match will be one hell of a fight, and one of the best all year.

Disclaimer: This layout is a freebie made by Blaze Inferno for the use of anyone. If you are found claiming this as your own, your fingers will be cut off and be fed to the dogs. This layout does not sponsor any real life events or people. It is just a mere coincidence. 


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Re:What Can I Do Next---Nikky Venom
Date Posted:13/05/2010 12:15 PMCopy HTML

Actually, not a single fan gave Nikky a cheer who walks backstage furious and muttering incoherently the same lies he just spewed, again when he rounds a corner into the hall and BAM...Da Shows Ova knocks him down and out and standing over him is Shane Mack smirking, insanely loud cheers heard coming from the arena and Mack now steps back looking down at Nikky. He kneels down and slaps him in the face now, wakes him up some and says.

Look chump, don't you ever judge me without knowing me, don't be a hypocrite. As far as acting normal, what the fuck is normal?

Mack shakes his head in disgust and says.

You think you're the only one whoever walked around getting ridiculed, being looked down on and talked down to by others, then think again. I know far more what that is like than you have a fucking clue about. In this business I made myself into a top notch performer, I made myself one of the best there is and people respect me for that, so earn their respect like I did! The reason you get degraded is because you show nothing for yourself around here, when are ya gonna get that through your thick skull? You haven't earned what I have or even what Xanthus and Corez have earned, your still paying your dues son and after slacking off for over a month ya got a lot more to pay before you ever reach my level. So suck it up and bust your ass, whether ya gotta continue to lie about me and about everything around here or whether ya actually tell the truth is irrelevant. Ya still gotta bust your ass and ya know, your little lie ya tried to say was a fucking shoot, please, your as bad as Shane Douglas, trying to pass off your own opinion that is proved to be a lie, so save it, just fucking save it and shove it up your ass!

Mack stands up and kicks Nikky in the ribs now, then says.

You have not been main eventing week after week and where do you get that I just started to out of the blue? Have you been living under a rock, smoking crack, are ya really that dumb? I have been headlining for years and you have not and that is a real shoot, something you can't do apparently! I've always shown people that ya gotta stand up and take what ya want, so stop lying Nikky, if ya expect to get cheered, stop lying and suck it up, earn respect because until you do you'll never get it!

Mack looks down disgusted at Nikky who is mad and kind of afraid as well, then Mack just says.

I never uttered a lie to you son and everyone knows it, they know the truth and how much of a bitch your acting like. You think you're the only one to ever go through anything hard in life, but you fail to realize more than you can understand and relate, you don't like that I understand more than you do, so get over it and get a clue ya fucking liar!

Mack kicks him in the ribs again and Nikky winces in pain as Mack says.

And that is a real shoot, don't ever claim your lie is a shoot again or you'll never another match because I'll fucking make sure you don't wrestle again after I break you in half and if you don't think I can, think again!

Mack walks off now leaving Nikky laying in pain, the crowd cheering for him getting put in his place and exposed as the liar he is. He tries to get up, but just sits up in pain and slowly pulls himself up, Mack out of sight.

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