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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

Carrying It All As We Always Do

Started by NBD, September 27, 2023, 10:42:32 PM

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Date Posted:18/05/2010 6:52 PMCopy HTML

The show must continue with or without anyone else, so here we go to what the show around here is all about, the locker room of Impact X and inside the smoky room is Shane Mack laid back on a sofa stoned, World Title lays on the table that his feet are also on and he wears the black shit, bandana, and blue jeans with sneakers. Xanthus is next to him in the same except a red bandana, dark glasses, and a leather jacket over a THC shirt. Corez and Jade sit across from them on another sofa stoned as well. Corez wears blue jeans and an Impact X code shirt while Jade sports leather pants and an Impact X "X Marks The Impact" baby tee. The Tag Titles lay on the table and Kid Rock's "You Never Met A Muthafucka Quite Like Me" is playing when in walks Steve Weigel wheeling a dolly with five cases of beer, from top to bottom is Red Stripe, Heineken, Becks Dark, Grolsh, and Guinness Stout. He wheels on around the other side of the sofa near Mack who smirks and says.
Hell yea brother, just like I ordered, take a seat, here, have mine!
Mack hops up grabbing his title and plops down on a third sofa perpendicular to the other and against the wall on the side from the door. He sits up and grabs a Red Stripe from Steve who passes on to Xanthus, Corez, and Jade, then grabs one himself and sits. They raise the beer to each other, then take a drink. Mack lays his title on the arm of the sofa now and sets his beer on the table, then says.
So Stevie, ya got a match tonight against Chris Orton and he wants your ass for breakfast, lunch, and dinner all because he thinks he would of ended my career with his little half a kick when compared to Da Shows Ova!
He smirks and chuckles, then says.
Whatcha gonna do when Chris "Macho Man" Orton runs wild all over your machismo, BROTHER!!!
Everyone starts laughing now and Mack too, probably the hardest. Corez now says.
Your fucking nuts bro, where the fuck did that come from?
Mack just shrugs and takes a drink of beer, then says.
Mocking is fun man, mocking, macking, its all good for Da Original Pimp of Extreme, Excellence, or Entertainment or-
Xanthus cuts him off shouting.
They all crack up again and Mack says.
We all eat shit don't we? I mean what we eat doesn't matter as it all ends up the same way, its all shit we shovel into our mouths to fuel out bodies, so yea, ya all wanna smoke another or maybe do a line, or two?!?
Xanthus shoots up to his feet and shouts.
Corez just shrugs and nods yea, looks to Jade who kinda shrugs like maybe. Steve looks at Mack who just motions its your choice bro, then says to the cameraman.
Yo brother, if ya want some, shut her down and get over here?!
Mack is seen pulling a small square mirror, antique frame, about a foot by a foot and sitting on it is a razor blade and straw, hmmm. Mack reaches to his shirt pocket as the camera is set down and fade to black.

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