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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Date Posted:06-25-2010 7:13 PMCopy HTML

CHALLENGE...what exactly Mack has not had in a while and appears to not be having anytime soon for all Lacey can do is try to attempt to shoot and fail miserably, she holds back because she doesn't want to disrespect Mack...LAME!
So we go to Mack who is kicked back in a locker room, just a small room with a leather sofa and a small table in front of it. Mack lays back shirtless with a bandana and blue jeans, bare feet and his World Title lays on the arm of the sofa. His eyes appear to not be glazed tonight...what the fuck? He just kicks back with a Guinness Stout in his left hand and says.
So Lacey is still trying to claim to be the dominant diva, but Lacey, your still wrong on that account for in order to be dominant in SEF you need to go full force and truly dominate all. I mean c'mon, Megan and then speaking of kissing ass, the only who do is those girls ya hang out with, refuse to fight ya because of friendship, how lame. Why even be here if ya have no desire to compete?
He shrugs and takes a drink of beer, then says.
I admit there are people here who kiss my ass, fucking faggots need to stop swinging off my nuts cause all it does is make me lose respect for them. However Lacey, your told another lie, Strife, he never kissed my ass, as a matter of fact he claimed to be the best on the roster, a lie uttered from his mouth as he and I have never stepped into the ring one on one and truthfully with anyone else here. He ain't no newbie though, so maybe you outta do your research on SEF history, go check out some of it, get your agent to unless ya fired the fuck up for telling ya the wrong match on Extreme cause SEF never fucked up in telling us what kind of match it was. Strife needs to go to the back of your mind though, Lacey, you need to erase him completely for the only way he may come out in our match is if I get jumped by numbers or by some big red asshole because he and I are what you call true friends. No matter what we got each others back. No stable, no alliance to break when we finally step into the ring, just respect, something you and everyone else has yet to get in SEF and not just gain, but understand. You say you didn't want to disrespect me because I am the man and well I appreciate that, but I don't appreciate you holding back and I sure don't appreciate you trying to copy me and act like your just shooting when your lying.
Mack shrugs and smirks, takes a drink of beer and says.
Obviously when I said that before it went over your head, ya didn't get what I meant even though it was pretty well clear, but then again, ignorance is bliss, to the one ignorant person who chooses to be that way. The problem with ignorance is that it will lead nowhere near this title!
Mack reaches over with his right hand patting the World Title and says.
Now enough shooting, real shooting unlike what you try to do. Personally Lacey, as I've stated, you have what it takes to one day be able to truthfully call yourself a dominant diva and honestly, I'd rather you were in the three way dance next week at the pay per view because despite your lack of effort, your lack of concentration, I still have less to carry in this match than I will in that one! As far as Lucas goes, well, what more can I say about him that I haven't said already?
Mack shrugs and takes a drink of beer, then says.
Lacey, ya act as if ya need his help, you even said it'd be best for you two to work together, but Lucas has displayed you as the weak link, ironic when its more like the opposite!
He grins and says.
Maybe your conspiring off camera and really will work together though, personally, I don't give a shit as I through the paranoid gig out the window years ago, then again, when your name is Shane Mack you don't need to stress over trivial bullshit. The match doesn't really matter to me either, but Lucas is who it may matter to as his plan was to target you and win my title, but now that would make it one on one between he and I. of course, as I said before, it could be down to you and I, hell, who really knows, maybe you two could double team me and knock me out first and go one on one to determine a new World Champ!
He shrugs and gets a cheesy grin, then laughs and finishes his beer. Mack sets the bottle on the table and leans back, grabs his title slapping it up on his shoulder and says.
The only for sure thing this week like next week and like the past weeks since I came to SEF back in May of '02 is that Shane Mack will carry the show and make sure no one steals it from me and that is a fucking shoot!
Mack nods yea and smirks now, then pulls a joint from the table and lays the title on the back of the sofa. He lights a match and the camera moves down and soon fades to black.

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