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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Eyes on us (PPV rp)

Started by Strife, September 30, 2023, 01:02:22 AM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:11
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:06-10-2010 12:20 PM
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Date Posted:07-04-2010 8:56 PMCopy HTML


Tonights the night. 

Gold and Glory, sure enough, both are available to be taken and defended.  Tonight, the card may be short, but the fights will be long, arduous, painful, and intense.  Men and Women will leave their very spirits in the ring.  Anyone who doesn't, obviously doesn't care enough. 


A chance for a TV title Shot.  First major North American championship shot in years.  There is no turning back now, Strife needs to win this, and then he'll get Lacey again...that time for the prize itself. 


A return to American Pay Per View.  How much more important could it get.  It might as well be the biggest show of the year for him, given the severity of the situation.  Indeed there is Glory to be had. 

And at who's expense, the one Lacey Daniels.  She was sharp,witty, and tough. 

Strife loved it.  He loved every second of her tenacity, her growl, her never say die attitude.  Her commitment to winning, and her confidence.  It takes one warrior, to know another. 

Strife sat in his locker room.  Water dripping down from his black hair, an empty Dasani bottle next to him.  His hands folded on his knees in front of him, and his face obscured by his wet mane.  He was already in his wrestling attire, his blue and red trunks covered by his entrance waist cloth.  He was silent.  Even his breathing was as quiet as ever.  He.  Was.  Focused.

He looked around himself, surveying his locker room.  It had felt like an eternity since he left SEF.  7 years hes been gone.  The landscape changed so much, and people he knew had come and gone. 

Gone were the Cassie Michaels' and the Andrew Velzians.  No more was Viper and Rapid.  Only two remained from a generation of greatness.  Strife and Shane Mack. 

Reflecting on the past was an usual idea.  He tried not to think about it.  Especially when parts of it were so bright.

But he was here, now.  In the present.  His mind couldn't help but absorb the sounds of the fans as they piled into the arena.  He could hear the early chants of the people.  He could hear the masses calling out to their heroes.  He could hear them, and he felt like a Gladiator. 

Strife stood up, and began taping his hands.  The black athletic tapes subtle sounds suddenly drowned out the sea of people waiting for him.  He was becoming more focused.  As he finished, he tightened his fists to measure for comfort, and finally looked up, whipping his hair out of his face.  All the emotions he waited for were starting to brew, the excitment, the intensity, the readines for combat, he missed them so, and now they returned in a flurry.  His blood was flowing like raging streams, his heart pumping like a cannon firing off, and hands shaking in anxiety.  It was glorious. 

The moment of pure ecstasy before the match.  It was perfect.

But like all moments, they end.  Strife's zen like state was interupted by a knock at the door.  He dropped his tape into his bag and zipped it up.  Walking towards the door, he cracked his neck and took a breath. 

Opening it he was greeted by a microphone and an obnoxious backstage interviewer.  Strife was so put off by the persons manners he intentionally skipped missing their greeting. 

".......God I havn't even stepped out the damn door yet!"

The interviewer became apologetic.

"Im sorry...I...Anyway.  Strife...It has been YEARS since you stepped into-"

Strife grabs the mic and shoos the person away.

"Yea Yea, Sure Sure, I got this from here, Courage!"

Strife gently kicks the interviewer in the behind and hurries them off.  He holds the microphone up and smiles..

"HAHA...I have always wanted to do that.  Anyway.....WOW......Gold and Glory Ladies and Gentlemen....Pay Per FUCKIN View!  Are you excited, I am, Im pumped!  God I could flip a car with the adrenaline Ive got goin right now, but I won't cause thats an epic waste of time....NOW...Now...thats an important word tonight.  Now.  Here and Now.  Here tonight.  Tonight, people of the SEF...Im back.  Im back to the main stream, Im back to the big leagues.  I am back..and I couldnt be happier.  In fact, I'm so happy I could dance..But I won't...cause Im an awful dancer.  And ya wanna know why I'm happy.  Well Ill put it honestly.  Lacey Daniels has Girl Balls the size of Mars!  Now..before anyone gets the wrong idea I do NOT have a Tranny fetish.  What I mean is that Lacey is ready.  Lacey wants to fucking fight, and I couldn't be happier.  Lacey Daniels...You madam are a bad ass chick."

Strife lowers the mic points, grins at the camera and clicks his teeth.

"Not only that but you addressed me in your underwear and you ask ME if this is truly professional?  HeHe...I kid Lacey.  What can I say you have put me in a good mood, youve boosted my spirits.  Cause now when I look across that ring tonight and peer into your eyes, I'm lookin at someone who wants to beat my ass and let me tell you thats the best feeling in the world for me!  I thrive for the moment, I live for the fight Lacey.  See, now not only am I getting a shot to be the next title challenger to your TV title, now you've given me another thing to fight for.  And thats pure, unadulterated rush of a clash.  Lacey Daniels, please, PLEASE, don't be blowing smoke out your ass...cause in the end If I walk in and out and havn't felt like I fought for my life I'll be very, very let down.  But...I get a very strong feeling...You wont.."

Strife grins again, and gives the camera a look of almost insane levels of excitment.

"See Lacey....I pride myself on being called a Warrior, a modern day Samurai.  But every once in a while I stumble across another current day reincarnation of a great fighter tribe.  And tonight...It will be the Samurai, Strife....against the Amazon, Lacey Daniels.  Can you feel it Lacey..Can you feel that rush I'm feeling.  That lust for war, that urge for conflict?  I know you can.  Tonight you and I will know eachother very well by the end of the match.  By the end, we might as well have known eachother a whole lifetime.  We will give eachother everything we have...and then some.  All eyes will be on US Lacey.  While Mack will have the main event, and there is of course the battle royal...they will each have their place tonight...and their own moments.  But, in the end, people will walk away and remember what we did...."

Strife removes his grin.

"But all that being said, Lacey..and after all the respect I will give, and the honor I'll show you.  Even though by the end of it I might as well extend my hand to a true opponent, I still am going to walk into the ring tonight with one goal.  And thats to beat you.  I'm assuming you expect no less from me, as I do from you.  Lacey I am walking in a man in his 2nd match since his return, but I am walking out a challenger to your TV title.  And I'm almost sorry to say it, but theres nothing you can do to stop me.  You say you'll use whatever weapons at your disposal.  Please do.  Do whatever it is, you feel the need to do.  In the end it won't matter, I won't say die.  I don't know the meaning of the word quit.  I will show you my fire.  And when it's all over, I want you to look into my eyes and realize something.  I wan you to realize, that once I have beaten you tonight...one week from now...I get to do it again.  And on that night..I will beat you the second time, and I'll take that title from you.  And like you Lacey...I don't ever make threats.  I make plans and promises.  And my plan is to beat you both time...and my promise...is you wont be TV Champion for too much longer.  Get ready Lacey....I think you and I..are in for the ride of our lives..I just hope you have the stomach for it."

Strife tosses the mic off screen, stares into the camera and turns away. 

The cameraman leaves as Strife heads back into his room.  He sits back in his chair, waiting. 

However, this time he reaches into his bag and pulls out a small crumpled photo.  He stares at the photo.  Its of himself, a few years younger and a familiar red head.  A former SEF diva.  The Queen of Xtreme.  Strife smiled a bit and chuckled.  He put the photo away and exhaled. 

So maybe a few moments from his past were good to dwell on.  Some moments, make you feel alive.  Sometimes, its good to remember.




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