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Real Shooting

Started by NBD, October 01, 2023, 08:20:04 PM

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Date Posted:30/07/2010 2:40 PMCopy HTML

So here we are out in the woods somewhere when a loud BOOM is heard and the camera whips around looking, but nothing. Then another BOOM and we see Shane Mack come walking out of the woods carrying a 44 Mag in his right hand and a Guinness in his left hand. Behind him is Ares carrying a 357 Mag in his right hand and a Guinness as well. They approach a black pick up and Mack lays his pistol on the hood, then swallows down his beer and sets the bottle on the hood. Ares chugs down his beer and drops the empty in the back of the truck, then reaches into a cooler grabbing two fresh beers. He heads over to Mack handing him one and sets the gun on the hood. He and Mack pops their beers and toast before each takes a drink. Mack then looks out way and says.
Ya wanna beer bro?
The cameraman says.
Sure Mack!
Mack just says.
Then grab one, what the fuck!?
The view moves over near the truck and lowers to the ground while the cameraman grabs a beer and we hear Ares say.
Hey Mack, let me give that 44 a try!?
The cameraman gets the camera back up now and we see Mack shrugging as Ares grabs the 44 and whips it over top of the view letting off a round echoing a loud BOOM through the woods. The camera is fumbled a little as the cameraman jumps back, then regains composure and says.
Damn man, my ears!
Ares and Mack are both laughing and Mack says.
Suck it up, just a fucking little pistol!
Ares lays it down and Mack grabs the 357 and pulls back the hammer bringing the gun pointed straight up. He looks at the camera and walks over backing it up some, then just asks.
Where ya off to man?
The cameraman says.
Nowhere, just a little unsettling is all, not used to real guys like you with real guns.
Mack grins and laughs as Ares laughs. Mack tosses back a drink of beer, then brings the gun down pointing to the ground ten feet away and fires it. A loud BOOM and a bunch of dirt flies up hitting his shoes. The camera moves back some more and Mack brings the gun up pointed at the camera now and says.
This isn't some poppy ass place in Texas where a bunch of anal pricks get together and try to show off something they don't have. This isn't some place where a bunch of posers come together to try and lay claim to something they don't have. Ya know what, fuck them and fuck it all, fuck these guns!
Mack raises the gun high and cocks it back, then BOOM and he cocks it again and fires...BOOM! He cocks it again and another BOOM, then one more time and another BOOM and now he empties the casings and tosses the gun into the cab of the truck. He takes a swig of beer and says.
Every one of these so called wrestlers in this battle royal to speak up so far have done everything I hoped they wouldn't do, lie. They all think they know how it is around SEF, but not one of them has a fucking clue as to the way shit works. Its all mundane and boring, the shit they spill out of their mouths, just proves how big a jokes they really are.
Ares now speaks up saying.
I never doubted what ya said about these amateurs in SEF, but I gotta say Mack, these clowns are worse than I thought they were. I personally don't see why you continue stay here and lower yourself to their level. I'm glad ya are here, you're a great friend and as I told ya off camera, anytime ya wanna kick ass together lets do it!
Mack looks back nodding to him, then back to the camera and says.
I got one thing to clear up right now, Julie, she ain't been in SEF except for one night this year, so any of you idiots wanna include her name ya better get facts right and not that I care as much for Tina, but I do care, ya need to get your facts right about her as well. Ashlee Madden needs to get a lot of facts straight about myself though, she needs a lesson taught to her and should she make it past everyone in the battle royal, the lesson taught will come from no better teacher in SEF than myself. Hey boy toy Sterling isn't even half the man I am and that is something Ashlle nor Sterling can utter, the truth!
He takes a swig of beer, then says.
She's like him, likes to act like she calls it like it is, shoots straight and down the middle, but comes off as a liar because that's exactly what she has done regarding myself. You ask anyone who Mack is like and they will tell you-
Ares cuts him off now and says.
Shane Mack is like no one else in this industry and the idea to compare him to a self serving egomaniacal asshole like Hogan is the biggest lie anyone can spew and Ashlee, your lucky I ain't in the battle royal or your ass would get tossed quicker than when ya get tossed around in the nightly gang bangs ya dirty douche bag whore!
He swallows down his beer and sets the empty on the hood now, then picks up the 44 and fires off all five rounds into the air, the loud booms echoing through the woods and Mack just grinning says.
Ares knows and gets it and if it were he and I possibly going head to head Sunday night that would be better than anything any of my possible challengers can throw at me. All I get are lies and ass kissing, that's it. No one has the balls to truly tell it like it is except for me. There was nothing wrong with what happened to Sterling last week either. He disrespected everyone on the roster and that's the truth. Haz and Joe looking to make an impact did so at his expense and where is Sterling now, where he is he? Off on a break that he never earned. He asked for it and got it because SEF doesn't force anyone to work, this company is ran on the principle of defying the big, mainstream business of pro wrestling. In order to make it here ya have to work your ass off, but if you want a break, you get it, just the thing is, if ya don't deserve it, ya don't get respect. Lacey Daniels never earned a break either and never even asked for one, but slacked off big time for a while. She's working to overcome that and Ares here, he's making sure she does, although, the gold hungry eyes of his is what drives him, but so what?! Point is, I earned a break and I didn't even take it because its who I am, I give back to the company that helped make me who I am. Granted I made SEF, but I never said it was a one way street, just the opposite is all I ever said cause I know and I get it. The difference between myself and the huge star that is Hogan is that I give back, I help people get over, and I have never once pulled any political favor, never once have I tries to use some "influence" to get ahead and there is no real basis for why anyone would claim I have. All it is, is jealousy on the part of people like Sterling and Ashlee who know they can't beat me. Being booked multiple times does not show you will go through anything harder than anyone else, its simply an opportunity to succeed and you either utilize it or waste it. I am carrying the show yet again and this time its back to wrestling a match, carrying the main event slot on my name alone. The battle royal is not selling the show, no other match is, so get a clue folks, get a fucking a clue and get it!
Mack takes a swig of beer emptying it and tosses it to the back of the truck, then says.
This new girl Kat seems to think she'll be going through more than I have to as well, but she's only proving she don't know me like all the rest. Like I said, opportunity is knock on everyone's door, so shut the fuck up, step the fuck up, and use it cause not a single one of you have stepped to my level yet and that is a shoot, so fuck you! I put more into one of these goddamn promos or one match than any of you do in a whole year or at least the whole time ya have been here in SEF!
He pauses and grabs a beer from the cooler, tosses it to Ares and grabs himself one, then says.
Now we got Knox O'Bannon trying to replace Lucas and come after me, he thinks his little martial arts is all he needs to stand out and give me something I haven't seen yet, but he has yet to do just that. No one cares Knox, no one fucking cares if you can throw a kick or apply a hold, no one gives a fuck that you were in a war either. Many of use have been through war, no one's experience is any harder, so grow up kid, you got a lot to learn about this business, you and your whole family, your wife's family and all those clans running around here. Its as I have been saying since ya got here and now finally a few others are seeing it as well and calling your asses out like I have been. Of course, when you're a leader as I am, a true revolutionary renegade, people follow you, people try to be you and I got my share of those in SEF. I mean fuck, everyone tries to tell it like it is in SEF, but none of have them have uttered anything true, certainly not hundred percent true like many have claimed to do. Then ya got Johnny Camaro who takes it even further trying to copy my exact style, claim to be a great performer and pu ton half the show I deliver. It all boring and cheap, but at least we got a roster on Sacrifice that gets it and maybe that is where I should go, get away from these fucking morons!
He pops his beer and takes a drink, then turns walking back by the hood of the truck next to Ares who drinks up and says.
Brother, just go whip some ass and own them all until someone finally decides to step up.
Mack shrugs and says.
And then what, take time off, hope someone has what it takes? I have been trying all year to get someone, anyone to take this title off me. Fuck man, I won it back in early February and was hoping to hold it past Wrestle X, but then Chris Orton became my next hope, but damn the injury he had to sustain. I tried to get Johnny Camaro to work, but he just doesn't want to, no real desire to be great, to be somebody, something this whole roster lacks, desire and passion! We got posers and liars, no real action from these people, nothing really known, just a bunch of bullshit they can't back up. I have worked with everyone who came in here and tried to help him them all, every, single wrestler who enters SEF has talked to me and many I have gotten to know, some I know really well. I put myself out there to greet and meet them all, to get to know and help, pick their brains and let them pick mine. Just seems like I'm the only who wants to learn anything and because of it I have no competition, so what ya think bro?
Mack takes a drink of beer and glances at Ares who just says.
I think I'm gonna go whip Lacey's and win my own gold. As for you Mack, its up to you and I hope ya stick around, but I don't blame ya if ya go and I know no one else would, you earned so much that I doubt you could ever be repaid. You sacrifice a lot for SEF, so whatever you do is cool by all, especially by me and you know the rest of us boys on Sacrifice got your back any day of the week. Haz and Joe fucked up Sterling for ya and you didn't even want that to happen, but they hold a lot of respect for you. I hold a lo for you, but I'd love to have that match against you for that World strap cause you know I wouldn't act like all these kiss ass liars on Extreme, I'd bring ya a real fight!
Mack nods and says.
Yea, I know ya bro and I appreciate it a lot. Hopefully that's a match that we can have and that's the beauty of SEF, they watch and make matches happen that not only the fans want, but that we wrestlers want. SEF is a great place to work for, excellent place to learn and it's a place I ain't leaving anytime soon unless like I said, I lose the belt. No rematch for me, don't care what SEF says I get, when I lose that title is when I go and from the looks of things, that could be a while!
Mack takes a drink of beer, then Ares says.
Well in the meantime I say we whip some ass together, whip each others ass, and go on an ass whooping spree, what do ya say to that!
Mack just smirks and says.
I say to do it, show these cocksuckers what stepping up looks like cause I done it already many times. As for me man, SEF is the only group I want to belong to, the only group I want to lead. Impact X was fun to bring back for my friends, the Rebellion days were a revolution, but I'm a solo son of a bitch. Just got my ol' lady and my good friends, so lets go do some more real shooting, have a few more beers, meet up with the rest of Sacrifice crew and enjoy ourselves and come Sunday I'll do what I do and hopefully somebody will give something original and who knows, maybe somebody will finally get it enough to speak what they all wish they could do, the truth!
Mack slams down his beer and grabs the 44 emptying the casings, then walks around to the passengers door swinging it open. He tosses his empty bottle in the back and grabs a box of shells reloading the 44. He then turns to the camera and leans on the bed of the truck. Mack pulls a roll of hundreds from his pants pocket and tosses it to the cameraman, then grins and says.
For the damages to your car and some extra!
And now he aims across the bed of the truck at a silver Fusion sitting in the clearing firing off a round and blows out the drivers side front tire. He fires again shattering the windshield and then one more time blowing off the passengers mirror and again blowing off the drivers mirror. Mack turns to the camera and asks.
Oh shit, you got a spare right?
The cameraman says.
Well yea, a donut, but it's a rental, how am I gonna explain this shit?
Mack just smirks and fires off the last two rounds at the car putting a couple holes in the drivers door, then empties the casings out and tosses it in the cab of the truck. He looks at the camera and says.
Tell them that Shane Mack took it for a spin and give them this!
He tosses another roll hundreds over and says.
Keep the first roll for yourself and get to changing that tire kid, looks like it went flat on your ass!
Mack laughs as does Ares, then Mack grabs a four beers from the cooler and climbs in the passengers side popping one and taking a drink. He lays the other three in the middle and nods to Ares who slams down his beer and tosses the empty in the back he climbs in the drivers side and says.
How come you don't drive?
Mack just flashes a smirk and says.
C'mon bro, I bought the fucking beer, I brought the guns and ammo, plus I think I may need both my hands, one for the beer and one for the gun, who knows what or who we may see heading outta here!?!
Ares grins and grabs a beer popping it open while Mack loads up both guns and looks out at the camera saying.
See ya around kids, its time to go hunting!
And he slams the door shut, then pulls out a blunt firing it up as Ares starts the truck. After taking a deep drag he and sit to Ares who hits it and revs up the truck, then peels out spraying dirt into the camera view which moves all over due to the cameraman getting out of the way. We see the truck rip up a small hill and tear over it off through woods for some real off road action as there is not even a two track. The camera turns to film the car and soon the camera is lowered and we hear the cameraman say.
Damn, looks like its gonna be a little bit before I get back to the arena.
And then he turns off the camera bring the view to black.

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