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Knox and Dusty on Extreme

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 08:59:28 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:04/08/2010 2:30 PMCopy HTML

Knox20OBannon20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
.//Roleplay Title\\. .//People Mentioned/Used\\. //.Record\\. .//Stalk Me\\. .//Out Of Character\\. 
Knox and Dusty on Extremeread itFormer SEF Hardcore champ/Staff Sgt Marine ReconBlank having internet trouble

"The Lethal Weapon"

{Knox paces back and forth.  SEF had just played the Legacy's promo.  Dusty was in the weight room.  As soon as he saw the crew}

Knox:"Dusty. They're here now."

{Dusty drops the weight with a clank, sweat shining on her forehead.  She comes over and fawns over her husband}

Dusty:"In case you didn't notice, you are looking at the winner of the battle royal for a shot at the world heavyweight title.  IF that bastard hadn't screwed him over, you'd be looking at the heavyweight champion now.  {her eyes narrow and she crosses her arms}  Now, that pisses me off.  Even if I am thrilled that Taryn is no longer here and she got taken out.  I still have to once again risked being groped by a disgusting lesbo freak this week in my match.  {she groans} I have to accept the fact that I am one of the two hottest and most talented women in SEF that guys and girls can't keep their hands to themselves.  I don't know how Lacey can handle being the best of the best with all of these skeebie men and skanky women trying to crawl all over them in the ring and crushing againist her when she's trying to do a photo shoot or a red carpet premiere.  I guess I'll have to get used to it.  I mean I have to if I'm going to fully destroy this Jenna bitch this week.  I'll have to do it and destroy her quickly so that I can back Knox up in his quest to payback that bastard for cheating him out of his world title and to make sure that asshole doesn't jump Lacey from behind again.  In two weeks you'll be looking at, {she rubs Knox's chest suggestively} the NEW SEF heavyweight champion and Lacey will be the television champion.  I am just wondering if Lacey will take the International title off of Justin and give me the television title or if she'll give these stupid fans what they don't deserve: a match showing why the future revolves around the two true power couples in SEF: Lacey Daniels & Chris Orton and Knox & Dusty O'Bannon.  With Lack & Whitless gone, its time to show the fans what true exceptionally superior looks like.  You'll see it within the four of us."

{Knox laughs and wraps an arm around Dusty's waist and pulls her in tight againist him}

Knox:"What you're looking at is not a couple driven insane by an unrequited lust for power.  You see a couple who is more than willing to go head to head in the ring with our team leaders just to show the fans just how much they lack what it takes to be really great.  If we were to wrestle Chris & Lacey, it would be a stunning show of excellence that I really think the SEF fans do not deserve to see.  So you'll have to settle for getting your hearts broken as we continue to dominate SEF.  We may even shuffle the titles around a bit but that would be something we would decide amongst ourselves.  We already boast having the television champion and two stunningly beautiful women who hold the tag team champions."

Dusty:"It makes me wonder why no one challenges us in tag team battles except the bitches that I am unfortunately related too.  I think they are only interested to piss us off.  The others are simply to afraid to step up to the greatness that Lacey and I present as a team.  Why fear us?  I mean we are the best team to step in the ring, but even though I despise all of these creepy and disgusting men and women who fantasize about getting the two of us at the same time, you'd think they would at the very least suck it up and experience three seconds of humilation just to say that we covered them or touched them long enough to put them in a submission.  Then again, you people are so disgusting that getting beat up is your fetish.  Then, come one and come all, we enjoy dishing out humiliating defeats and if that's what causes you to cream your jeans then here's your chance."

{Knox gives her a lust filled look}

Knox:"You know your confidence is a major turn on for me.  {She laughs} The bedroom is going to be really fun once I am the World champion and you are one half of the tag team champions.  {he tightens his grip on her and then turns his dark eyes on the camera} You are about to see a revolution here in SEF.  Orton and Lacey are discussing his return.  If I have not taken the SEF title which is rightfully mine after last week, then be prepared to see our stable littered with broken bodies and gold.  Orton will return and take his rightful place as the HW champ, I will destroy Justin and take the International Title. Lacey will continue to show dominance as the television champion and half of the tag champs while my sexy wife will continue to team with Lacey to destroy any and all tag teams who step to their tag title dominance.  SEF is about to experience a change and its not with these dogs who are crawling out from beneath rocks to try to control SEF.  Justin, you are wrong. I care about SEF....I care about the champioships that SEF has to offer.  I haven't worked so hard to become apart of the upper echelon here to just let some dicks walk in here and take it over.  If they want a war, then they've come to the wrong place. I've seen real war and if they want one then I'm more than prepared to give them all the hell that I've ever seen."
The Lethal Weapon

chrisdaniels.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Name  "The Lethal Weapon" Knox O'Bannon
Weight 240
Height 6'2
Finishing Move OBannon Lockdown
Trademark O'Bannon Buster
Managing/Dating  Dusty Rodgers-O'Bannon


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