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Barely Listening (Extreme Promo)

Started by Johnny Camaro, October 01, 2023, 09:24:18 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:06/08/2010 2:53 PMCopy HTML

"I know your barely listening,
Now I know your...
Standing here in a doorway,
With a candel and a gun.
Lights you through open windows,
For now the day has won." - Pilot Speed (aka Pilate)

Johnny is standing in his basement recording a song with his friends. They've jammed for years and now that Johnny is making a bitch load in his wrestling career,he transformed his basement into a personal recording studio. They finish the song and Johnny steps out to cut a promo.

"Hello SEF. You just got a taste of the Quintessential Star's singing, that was Barely Listening by Pilot Speed."

See what I did there? I openned with a quote that was associated to the promo. Very smart, High Five!

"That song is really related to SEF, more importantly, the management of SEF. Last week, I said that I wasn't going to fight for the World title, I wasn't going to fight Mack. Even though this Rick fellow is now champion, I still don't want a match. You may be asking yourself, 'why? Why Johnny? Why don't you want to main event and win a title? Why don't you want to be the spotlight of a company who just lost their ass-seat-putter-inner?' The answer is very simple, I want to go slow this time. In my last run here I tried to get to the top without earning my worth and it bit me in the asshole. You may be finding yourself asking, 'But you have won a world title before, you have a lot of titles to your name including multiple logest reigning awards! How haven't you earned your worth?' Again the answer is simple, I haven't proven I can do that in SEF. I haven't proven I can be a contender in SEF."

Johnny looks over his shoulder, there, in a glass case, is the SOW World Championship.

"That right there...That is what happens when you prove yourself...That's what happens after you fight hard and beat everyone else, when you win every other title. I deserved that title, I deserved the right to be called the longest reigning champion in SOW history. I started at the bottom and fought my way up. I took a break for 2 years. When I came to SEF I thought I should have started where I ended, but SOW closed when I left and all that was forgotten. 2 years is a long time in the wrestling business. People forgot about me. I decided to rejoin the wrestling business in hopes to achieve that I could become a World champion else where. I was alittle rusty, I needed to start from the bottom, instead I started from the top and fell hard. Once again, I lost everything. When I came back, I didn't realize I was starting at the top again and almost lost everything again. But I have denouned Shane Mack as my competitor, and I have denounced the World title, or so I tried. As terrible as it sounds, it was the best thing for my career. right now I feel perfect. I feel like I don't need to live up to any expectations. I can go out and lose and it won't matter. At Extreme, I will fight my hardest, I will once again push past Knox and fight Justin with everything I have. I will fight him, and we will steal the show. When it's all said and done, the ladies will know that I bring on the heartbreak like no one else can. " 

He looks back at the camera and puts on a smile that would make ladies melt.

"This week, I have the chance to get a title shot. I could get a title shot for the title I have denounced. I already said I'd be fighting, but when I get that shot or if I get that shot, I have a chance to take my frustrations to his cousin on him. I got assaulted by Rob Rocco, and I am obviously pissed. Who wouldn't be? This assface thinks he can do whatever he wants because he has a history here. From what I learned here, in SEF you prove yourself. You don't do whatever you want, you fight and prove yourself. Rob, you may have a history here, but I don't care right now. What I care about is trying to make my name remembered here. I don't need the MCW roster attacking me match after match. Whatever, I will fight through this and I will fight my hardest. Johnny Camaro, the man who will rise to the top of SEF. First, I need the fans to help me."

Johnny looks in at his band.

"Peace guys. I've got to get back to my band."
Made by Phoenix Media Productions. No stealing. kthxbai.


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