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Disgusted By The Worthless Wannabe Challengers

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 01, 2023, 09:27:34 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:08/08/2010 4:52 PMCopy HTML

Sitting at a table with the World Title in front of him propped up for all to see it and wearing a casual suit, his long, blonde hair tied back is Rick Reynolds. He slouches back somewhat, casual and relaxed, a disgusted look of annoyance on his face and around him is too dark to make out where he is. Rick just looks into the camera turning his expression to almost a smirk and says.
Johnny Camaro sounds like the biggest whiner and douche bag in the world and let me tell you, I have seen a number of his kind before and he just may take the cake for being the worst. I mean what the hell has he been smoking, snorting, shooting, drinking, what exactly Johnny cause you have bigger delusions than the entire population of the sixties decade combined. Mainstreaming and show stealing, well it is a clever catchphrase, it is only that as you Johnny have never once mainstreamed shit or stolen any show around here. You're a poser and its already been exposed, you're a hack, a never was nobody who hangs on to some pathetic piece of tin they won somewhere that no one around here gives a shit about! Ya see this Johnny, right here.
He moves his right hand on to the table motioning the SEF Title and says.
You ain't held shit unless you have held this belt and well I admit in saying what I am about to say means I lost it twice, it doesn't matter, I am a three time SEF Champion. Oooh, so I got beat twice and I slipped down the mountain, I got knocked down the ladder, I dropped the ball, but I picked it right back up, climbed those rungs and went right back to the top of the mountain where I belong. Nobody stays on top forever, but a few of us elite individuals keep on shooting for the top and making it back proving ourselves over and over again, creating a legacy that will become a legend!
Rick smiles arrogantly and spreads his arms out as if to motion he is already there, then sits up a little more straight now resting his arms on the table. He peers into the camera dead serious now and says.
Johnny, you got a lot of growing up to do before you even think of opening your mouth again cause al you have proven to everyone in SEF is that you're a child, that you have yet to attain adulthood and evolve past the mind of an inexperienced kid. You talk as if you know how it works in SEF, that you know things, but everything you say makes less sense than that two bit, second rate circus act in Universal Studios down in Florida. If your trying to throw us all off by speaking nonsense your failing big time and that is the only big time you'll ever get to do cause you can't even handle SEF, then again, this company has high standards, but with me as the lead representation, what else do you expect?!
He grins big now and says.
Knox O'Bannon, Justin Rodgers, or Johnny Camaro may possibly be challenging me at DOGG DAZE or perhaps from what I gather, it could be one of three different people next week who face the winner of tonight's triple threat in two weeks. Well a different way to get a contender, where exactly is SEF going to find a challenge that can actually challenge me? No one in SEF has what it takes. Hell, Lacey Daniels from what I gathered initially looked to be the best challenge and now she can't even handle some backwoods moron, that dumb redneck Ares, the so called defiant god, please. The only true god in SEF is sitting right here because I am the only one who deserves to be World Champion, after all, no one eve n looks as good as I do, let alone can wrestle anywhere near my league. I admit that looking the part means shit, but at least my unsurpassed skill and talent is reflected by my drop dead, gorgeous, greek god looks and my superb, up to date fashion. I look better than anyone and can make it all look good while utterly destroy your pathetic, miserable excuse for a wrestling career. None of you deserve to face me at DOGG DAZE, not a single one of you are ready to meet the challenge of facing me for the World Title, so its as I said, I shouldn't even have to defend this title so soon. Hell, I already defended it the night after I won it, I deserve to have a bye for at least a month, sp whichever one of you pathetic peons it is that finds yourself in line for a shot at me come DOGG DAZE.
He pauses and gets a sinister grin on his face and says.
Mark my words, if you somehow find it in yourself to crawl into DOGG DAZE because trust me, we will make sure you can't walk in. If you somehow make it there despite what we do to you, then inside that DOGG Fight I will rip you apart, tear you to shreds, tie you up in hold after hold breaking your body into pieces, pick you apart and not just defeat you or get the win, but I will beat you into submission. You will tap out to me and scream for mercy, beg me to let go, cry for the pain to end and I will not end it, no, I'll make you wish you were dead!
His eyes grow with insane intensity now, his expression dead serious and silence now. Rick looks down to his title, then stands up and picks the belt up slapping it to his left shoulder, raises his head showing that slick smirk of his and sneers now, chuckles and smirks again before turning to his right and walking off camera. The view just stays on the empty chair and soon fades to black.

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