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Cody Jericho Talks About The Match

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 02, 2023, 12:36:29 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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Date Posted:11/08/2010 1:41 AMCopy HTML

Cody didn't let the loss effect him at all, and he don't feel good right now since he got a little cold. He coughs, and takes some cough medicine. He is facing Matt Matlock, and he really wasn't sure who in the world he is not like he is gonna take the time to find out. He looks at the camera, and starts talking.

Cody Jericho

Well I am facing Matt Matlock in my first singles match, and it really don't matter what he says anyway cause it isn't gonna matter since I am not about to let anyone stand in my way. I know I can make it here just like I know Shane will as well, and all these haters will be proven wrong when the time is right. We know who we are related to, and there is nothing is gonna change it no matter what anyone says. We are still new to the wrestling business, and we will show that we are gonna be great as we will work our way up. We know you can't win everytime, and everyone loses every once and awhile. You see we are doing this for the fans that come to see the matches, and Matt I hope your ready for this match cause I know I am. I just can't wait to get in the ring, and show everyone what I am made of.

Cody starts packing his stuff to go to the arena, and when the scene comes back on that is when Cody will talk about the match more as the scene fades to black.

TBC: Me only

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