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A Time For Fear and Pain (Extreme RP#2)

Started by The Sandman, October 02, 2023, 12:55:26 PM

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The Sandman

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:6
  • Posts:6
  • From:USA 
  • Register:13/08/2010 1:50 AM
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Date Posted:19/08/2010 4:56 AMCopy HTML

A camera opens up to reveal a shot of Diamond Dogg. Dogg looks happy. Dogg looks into the camera and begins to speak...

So, the little pig speaks up does he? Well Ares, I got news for you pig boy, this coming Extreme, it's you who'll get his ass whipped. It is you who will lose. And it is you who will submit. Yes, I jumped you, but this coming Extreme, I'll show you that I'm quite capable when my opponent is aware of me and is fighting back. Truth is, I like it when my bitches fight back. It turns me on and makes me want to hurt them all the more. Make no mistake Ares, you will regret having to face me on Extreme. You will definitely regret that the match between us is a Hardcore match. The Dogg is back in SEF. And the Dogg is hungry for blood and gold.

You say you'll never tap? Ha! We'll see about that boy. We sure will. I promise to make you tap. Nobody escapes the Beast Choker. Nobody! I promise to make you submit to me. I'll make you tap. Don't go spouting off with your bullshit that nobody can make you tap. I'll show you how small you really are. How weak and fragile you really are. I WILL SHOW YOU!

Diamond Dogg pauses to collect his thoughts...

Before I forget, allow me to say this about my last promo. When I made my return promo, I was drunk. So I wasn't able to accurately recall the past regarding my title history. But now I'm sober. So allow me to rectify my previous mistake. I wasn't just the GWO Xtreme Champion or the SEF Iron Man Champion. I was also the SEF International and European Champion as well. Why do I bring this up? Because you said the titles I held meant nothing. Titles are everything! Winning a title is a mark of ones excellence. They are a mark of one's achievement. Soon, I'll add you Television Championship to my list of held titles. And then, I'll add the World Heavyweight Championship to my list!

On my road to World Championship gold, I like Rob Van Dam did with the ECW World Television Championship, intend to elevate the SEF Television Championship to the same status as the SEF World Championship! I will give meaning to the TV title. A prestige that you Ares have failed to bring the title. You are pathetic and completly unworthy of being a champion. And yet you dare to mock me and say that I'm the one who belongs at the bottom of the roster? Give me a fucking break!

You say you'll knock me out? You say that you'll show me that I really belong at the bottom of the roster? I can't wait to see you try. You say that I'm the bitch?! I'll show you who the bitch is!

Diamond Dogg pauses...

Diamond Dogg bends down to pick up a bag. He opens the bag and pulls out an object. The object is reveal to be a cheese grater. Diamond Dogg holds the cheese grater high up to his face. Then Dogg begins to roughly rake the cheese grater against his forehead. As the cheese grater tears flesh from Diamond Dogg's forehead, blood begins to pour down Dogg's face. However Dogg appears to show no pain as he viciously hurts himself. After being satisfied about the loss of blood, Dogg drops his hand with the cheese grater to his side. A close up of Dogg's forehead reveals the extent of the damage. Blood continues to flow from Dogg's face and down onto his chest. All Diamond Dogg can do however is look into the camera, lick the blood from his lips and smile as the blood runs down his face.

This coming Extreme Ares, I will make you hurt. I will make you hurt like you never imagined possible. Both in and out of the ring. I will show you a new definition of pain. I will show you what it means to fear someone. You will come to fear me. Pain for me is an aphrodisiac. Both in giving and receiving it. I know you'll do your best to hurt me on Extreme. And I look forward to it. The pain you give me will make the experience of hurting you and and breaking you, all the sweeter.

Diamond Dogg pauses to lick more of the blood from his lips.

You seem proud Ares, but pigs like yourself have no need for pride. I will beat you. I will hurt you. I will make you cry out my name in both pain and pleasure as I fuck you up your shit chute. I will offer no lube for you either. And it is through the pain and humiliation that I will strip you of your pride. And then, when I am done with you... I will toss you aside like garbage. Because you are garbage.

Haha... see you soon.

As the camera fades to black, the camera stays on the crimson mask that is Diamond Dogg's face...

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